
31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

author:Interesting and wonderful world

In our daily life, there are many hidden interesting facts and wonderful phenomena. From the unique behavior of animals to the fun design of technological products to the magnificent landscapes of the natural world, every detail is full of surprises.

Next, let's step into these interesting and peculiar facts together and feel the diversity and wonder of the world.

1. Horses are similar to humans in that they also grow beards, but interestingly, this trait is not limited to males, as mares also grow beards.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

2. The soccer balls used in the World Cup have an offside sensor, so they need to be charged in addition to being inflated.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

3. When hens are deficient in calcium, they sometimes lay eggs with incomplete eggshells. An easy solution is to add recycled eggshells to their feed.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

4. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the toilets of a castle somewhere in Belgium were said to have served as a gathering point for citizens who would watch the prince's morning bowel movements from under the walls. If the size of the manure is particularly large, it is seen as an auspicious sign for the prosperity of the kingdom.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

5. In the face of an increase in knife attacks, the German SWAT has once again used chain mail. Although it may seem absurd, it has shown its effectiveness in practical applications.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

6. In order to defend against snake attacks, some weavers deliberately leave a "false door" when building their nests. Snakes can smell birds, but they have difficulty finding their entrances.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

7. The positioning devices used on spacecraft in the former Soviet Union relied almost entirely on mechanical calculations, using globes to display the position of the spacecraft in real time.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

8. The dew on the trampoline gathers into a square shape due to the surface tension of the water and the way the trampoline is weaved.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

9. The vine actually climbed the wind chime and accidentally "muted" it. It was as if the vines were complaining about the once noisy neighbor.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

10. In physics class, the professor used a spherical blackboard to explain the curvature theory in general relativity.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

11. Peel back the outer layer of your home's gigabit fiber to reveal the thin wires inside. It is important to note that fiber optics are very sharp and dangerous.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

12. Is this shape you see a tree trunk? Actually, it's a half-shaved cat.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

13. Japanese one-dollar coins are made of aluminum, which is so light that it can't even break the surface tension of water and can float on the water.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

14. The winter sun outlines the tree on the earth with its warmth.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

15. This design style is quite similar to Skynet in The Hunger Games.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

16. The pencil was eaten by termites, but the lead was left intact.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

17. This clock, which cycles weeks rather than days, is often used by people who are retired or who don't need to follow a strict work schedule.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

18. The three ceiling fans in the room turned out to be driven by the same motor. This design was common in the past, and even ceiling fans in different rooms could be driven by the same motor via a belt.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

19. The refraction of light by spectacle lenses with different degrees on the left and right is essentially a two-dimensional projection of the lens prescription.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

20. Due to genetic reasons, all of this netizen's fingers are missing a joint, making people wonder if he can use his hands to complete some daily tasks.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

21. Backhand grabbing things, it's amazing, you can't find ten in the whole country!

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

22. The concrete pillar was partially damaged due to long-term corrosion by dog urine.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

23. The snake and the eagle are engaged in a fierce fight, the eagle tries to swallow the snake, and the snake tightly strangles the eagle's neck.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

24. This cat has a peculiar paw mark pattern on its back that looks as if it has been photoshopped, which is amazing.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

25. You may be surprised to see this picture, why do grasshoppers grow plants on their bodies? In fact, it is the grasshopper that is infected with a predominantly parasitic fungus.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

26. This house from more than 1,000 years ago is still inhabited today, and its unique shape is impressive.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

27. A comparison between the interior of passenger airliners 100 years ago and today's airplanes shows the rapid development of the times.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

28. Waterfalls in winter abroad look like volcanoes, only the color changes from red to white.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

29. This little girl is both beautiful and unique because she has both heterochromia and albinism, both of which have a very small chance of occurring at the same time.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

30. When a sunfish is born, it weighs only a few grams, which is smaller than a human fingernail, but when it grows up, it is equivalent to a small car, weighing 2~3 tons.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

31. The spine of a transparent shark fetus presents a cyberpunk-style aesthetic.

31 photos of strange things, it's been a long time...

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