
After the first debate of the U.S. election, Biden did not perform well and faced being "persuaded to quit"?

author:Hu Naijun said

Today, let's talk about where Biden goes from now after the first debate.

Biden is now 81 years old, and the first debate of the 2024 presidential election with 78-year-old former President Trump in Atlanta, USA, there is nothing to say about this, everyone has also watched the video, and also watched some analysis and reports, without any personal feelings and preferences, we have to admit that Biden may not perform well in comparison. Why? The reason is related to the person's physiology. The media in the United States have said that Biden is hoarse, disorganized, and sometimes incoherent in defense of his policies and records.

Do you say Trump is doing well? It's not much better. Trump is basically lying about economic issues, NATO issues, and some social policies, such as anti-abortion and other issues. But Trump's problem is that you can't expose him. That's why Trump is aggressive and at ease. Of course, this is all and lying. But people say that Trump's ability to lie is far better than Biden's, and people don't care much about the specifics anymore about his ability to expose and attack him, and it doesn't matter who says it right or not. The important thing is to show this physical state, mental state, what kind of ethics, what kind of logic, these questions.

After the first debate of the U.S. election, Biden did not perform well and faced being "persuaded to quit"?

So you see that in the process, people will be worried, can such an old man be president for another four years? Others say that Biden's performance today is the worst day of the entire campaign. So what does Biden himself think? By Biden's own admission, Biden attended a public reception after this first debate and had to say something to the outside world. He said that I don't walk as easily as I used to, I don't speak as fluently, and I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know how to tell the truth. What he means is that Trump is really a lie, I know right and wrong, and I know how to do this job well.

So you see, it was because of the first debate that Biden knew that he was not doing well, so he didn't stop after the debate, and immediately after the debate he went around to attend fundraising events to eliminate the crisis of confidence that this debate brought to him. So you see that Trump is really not doing much well now, but you see that at least on the surface, he is not bad. So in this process, Biden is facing tremendous pressure and crisis. Many people persuaded him, saying that he should quit, do you want to run again? Many donors, strategists, and even Democratic Party insiders want Biden to abandon the election so that the Democrats can launch a younger replacement.

After the first debate of the U.S. election, Biden did not perform well and faced being "persuaded to quit"?

But what do we say Biden himself thinks? Biden made it clear in public that he would not give up. He said he didn't do well in the first debate, but I was confident of winning re-election. If I didn't believe I could win, I wouldn't run. And it's very interesting for us to see at this time, how many people in politics say the truth is not easy to say, even if you are campaigning, Biden and Trump are not fighting alone, they both have their own parties and interest groups behind them. So at this time, it's not simply a person I decide. It's not like telling everyone to go out and play, today I can go if I want to, I don't want to go, I don't go, there is a force behind him, a force pushing you, you have to. So in this case, you have to be strong first, and others will help you if you are strong, and you yourself have no confidence, then others will definitely fall into the well and will not help you. That's how cruel politics is.

So you see, on this occasion, Biden he will definitely be influenced by the people around him. Everyone has watched some American dramas, such as "House of Cards", and there is a famous saying that there are no real friends in Washington, and if you want to find a real friend, then get a dog. So you see what the Democratic bigwigs are going to do in this situation? First of all, many senior officials of the Democratic Party, because Biden is now the president after all, you can't just say anything about him right now, just step on it, it's impossible. So senior Democratic Party officials have said that they will never turn their backs on President Biden, and we will support you 1,000%, and they will say so in public. Because in public Biden himself said that I would not give up, I knew that I could be re-elected, and I would continue to persevere.

After the first debate of the U.S. election, Biden did not perform well and faced being "persuaded to quit"?

But behind the scenes, I don't know how to say that. There have been media reports that the top party leaders are already discussing how to persuade senators to have frank talks with the president about withdrawing from the race. The gossip spirit and ability of the American media have begun to analyze, if Biden withdraws from the election, who will the Democratic Party push? Including Vice President Harris, including California Governor Newsom, are potential candidates. And what's interesting now? All these people who are named, you see it's embarrassing. That means Biden can't do it, he comes down and I go up. But I can't openly say that I want to, they are all actively defending Biden in public. This is the basic quality of a politician, you can't talk about me, I may replace Biden, okay then I'll be on it. That's bad, you're not a mature politician, a mature politician you have to defend Biden now.

But some media said that in the process of defending Biden, Harris Newsom expressed fluently, what does this make Biden think? You say you don't replace me, but you speak so well and with so much energy, in stark contrast to the stumbling and confused eyes I have in public debates. Aren't you telling the world that I have this ability, and that I can replace him? But in terms of language, I want to speak for Biden, I want to defend actively, I want to be loyal to the president, I want to support him 100%. So it's all in a political show. As a result, a lot of conspiracy theories and palace fighting theories began to appear. It's someone who said that Biden is a shadow, and there will be a stronger candidate at the right time, and Biden is standing in the front of the show.

After the first debate of the U.S. election, Biden did not perform well and faced being "persuaded to quit"?

But we said that I personally think that in the short term, Biden will not be replaced at will, and Biden himself will not withdraw. This is because if you replace this candidate in such a short period of time, it will cause conflicts and contradictions within the party. The most important thing is that Biden is still the current president, and the current president announced that he will not be re-elected, which will cause chaos and internal strife in history. So while Biden's debate was disappointing in the first session. But you see the U.S. presidential election is a long time, and this debate is a split second at best. So many would say that in the next few weeks, the meaning of this debate may be lost, time will go by, and voter attention will be shifted. So the final impact of this debate may not be that great.

But as you can see from this debate, you say that Trump is doing better, but in fact, when you analyze the essence of what Trump said, he is often lying, nonsense, and unrealistic. It's just that he's more energetic. There are many times when Biden has just said that he is defending and attacking and exposing the other side, but he has no strength, lacks logic, and does not have a very clear expression of physical and physiological reasons.

So we say that more people are worried now, saying that neither of these two people are very good, but unfortunately there is almost no third choice in the United States, and we have to choose one of these two people who are not very good to be president.

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