
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo


Among the cross-border e-commerce platforms mainly applicable to consumers around the world, four cross-border e-commerce platforms from China have risen rapidly, and they are known as the "Four Little Dragons" of China's e-commerce based on their repeated innovations in scale and gameplay.


TikTok Shop



It is difficult for cross-border sellers to sell goods overseas

• High threshold: apply for store qualifications

•Difficulty in product selection + promotion + operation and sales: Hire employees who are familiar with overseas store operations to carry out store decoration, product listing, investment and purchase, user operation and other operational work

• Difficult to fulfill: Deliver goods to overseas customers through different logistics measures

• Multiple policies and high risk: Amazon finds an excuse to fine, or even closes the store for no reason

The competition for users of cross-border e-commerce platforms is challenging

• Multi: Fight supply chain and category richness

• Fast: Spell logistics speed

• Good: Volume operation capability + product quality

• Provincial: spell price + discount subsidy

Full report: 48 pages

The report reads in part:

2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo
2024 Global Cross-border E-commerce Platform In-depth Analysis Report: New Pattern under the New Model-Feishu Shennuo

Official account: "BR Xingyan Society"