
66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

author:kl article sharing

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students to repay local debts; It suddenly became a hot spot for everyone's attention. Many people are asking, isn't it said that "no matter how hard you are, you can't be bitter for your child"? These people are a little too bold!

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

As soon as the news came out, the comment area fell all at once; They are asking why they dare to embezzle the children's food money, where did our supervisors go, even the students dare to use the food money, and what money dare not be touched?

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

Xiong Bingqi, an education scholar, said that "the most fundamental reason for the misappropriation and misappropriation of funds for nutritious meals is the lack of supervision, and the current supervision is post-event supervision."

His implication is that such supervision is very ineffective. There is also the Audit Office that only explains the problem, and they have no authority over how to deal with it later; Those who embezzle funds are not afraid of your announcement.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

Nutritional meal subsidies for rural students began in 2011; The funds are paid by the central government, and a subsidy of 3 yuan per person per day is provided for children in poor areas, and 1 yuan is increased for children from extremely poor families; to improve the dining conditions of rural students. By 2014, the standard was raised to 4 yuan per student per day.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

It is normal to say that this fund is a special fund and should be directly supplemented by the school or the student himself; However, the reality is very bad, and many counties have misappropriated the special funds for "rural students' nutritious meal supplements" to repay local debts or use them for other purposes.

Many people will ask, what do students eat when the special funds for nutritious meal subsidies are misappropriated? This is a nutrition improvement plan, and students are not hungry, but only eat well.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

Due to the level of economic development in poor areas, the nutrition of some students is indeed not good, so the state uses special funds to subsidize canteens to let students eat better, so as to increase their nutrition and let them grow up healthily.

I didn't expect that such a good caring policy would be out of shape in the implementation; The students just received the funds on top of the head, and actually made wedding dresses for others.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

As a rural person, I didn't know that there was a nutritious meal subsidy program for rural students, and maybe my place was not eligible; However, some eligible students did not receive subsidies to eat better meals; That money was misappropriated and gone; Who is responsible?

Under normal circumstances, schools have canteens, and some primary schools also arrange lunches; Nutritious meal subsidies are sent to schools, and schools subsidize canteens, and under the supervision of schools, improve the canteen environment and strengthen students' meals; Without the money subsidy, there is no way to improve the food.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

Do parents know that there is a nutritious meal program? I guess a lot of people don't know about it like I do; Not to mention the above is a confused account. Now the canteens are contracted, or the catering company distributes meals, the school says how much is how much, parents have no right to ask, it is useless to ask, who cares about you?

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

Summary at the end of the article

How to deal with the misappropriation of funds for the student nutrition meal subsidy program? One is to strengthen the process supervision in the implementation of things, so that parents can participate in it; It is clear that the money subsidy is in place. secondly, it is necessary to severely punish those who misappropriate funds and strengthen supervision; Only in this way can we prevent similar things from happening; Publication of an audit result is not very effective; It is still difficult for students to eat subsidized nutritious meals; There are too many hands in the middle, and parents and students can't do anything about it!

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of nutritious meals for rural students, and the comment area was sober, saying that supervision failed

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