
Is the stump suitable for everyone?

author:Easy tendon to wash the marrow and clear the source

The day before yesterday, Yu was invited to give a standing pile class for a Taijiquan training class. There are more than 30 trainees, all of whom are middle-aged and elderly friends, and all of them have a training foundation. Before the class, I did a survey: Is there any practice of standing piles? Is it systematically taught? What did you learn? As a result, more than 80% of the students are practicing standing piles. About 50% of the courses are self-taught; Half of them are online or offline, taught by teachers.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

About 30% of these boxers who have practiced standing piles do not feel the benefits of standing piles to their bodies or boxing skills; About 50% of patients have knee pain and low back pain. Only 20% of the students really felt the benefits of standing on the stump for their physical and mental health and boxing skills. The common characteristics of these boxers are: high cultural literacy and good physical conditions.

In fact, the popularity of standing piles has only been in the past 3-5 years. On the Internet, the master who taught the stake suddenly came like a spring breeze overnight, and men and women, old and young, masters gathered. Wuji pile, Taiji pile, mixed element pile, health pile, technical impact pile、、、 and so on.

In the past, the so-called standing piles were only passed on by word of mouth among traditional martial arts enthusiasts. For example: Shaolin martial arts' four-level horse step pile, Xingyiquan's three-body pose, Taijiquan's Wujiji, etc. It aims to open up the meridians, smooth the qi and blood, strengthen the body, prevent the elimination of old diseases, and cultivate supernatural energy.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

In the era of cold weapons, martial arts was a vocational skill, and practitioners were nothing more than military and dart practitioners. Because these professions require fighting for their lives, martial artists need to start practicing basic skills from an early age. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, etc., were born one after another. Its characteristic is to use the Taoist Neidan technique as the introduction to boxing arts, and after reaching the realm of refining qi and transforming gods, he will further cultivate the so-called "internal strength", that is, super bioelectricity, and cultivate one-hit killing, supernatural martial arts.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

In the old days, most of these boxing practitioners were teenagers, and from the perspective of physiological mechanism, although the eight veins of the Qi Jing of healthy teenagers have been abandoned, they have not reached the state of being used in and out of use. After 100 days of foundation building, you can open up the two veins of Rendu, which is commonly referred to as "Xiao Zhoutian", and after about 10 months of cultivation, the eight veins of the Qi Jing will all be connected, that is, "Da Zhoutian". After the Great Zhou Tian is penetrated, you can cultivate the "Mixed Yuan Jin", that is, supernatural strong bioelectricity.

When the person is in the mother's body, there is no mouth and nose to breathe, and the circulation depends on the second pulse of Rendu. As soon as the baby is separated from the mother, mouth and nose breathing is initiated. The second pulse of Ren Du is used with the increase of biological age. In adulthood, the eight veins of the Qi Jing are blocked one after another. In the meridians of the human body, the eight meridians of the Qi meridians, especially the two meridians of Rendu, are like reservoirs, which assume the physiological function of regulating the profit and loss of true qi and the function of discharging pollution. When people reach the age of 30 or so, these functions are gradually lost with the abandonment of the eight veins of the Qi Jing. Then 12 symptoms appeared, and the meridians also produced blockages one after another.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

12 Orthodoxy is the channel of true qi, which connects the five internal organs and six internal organs, and connects the limbs and hundreds of remains; True Qi is the means of transporting blood and fluid, and once the 12 meridians are blocked, the function of the internal organs will decrease or lead to lesions. This is the root cause of disease, aging, death.

"Neijing" cloud: When a person reaches the age of 40 and reaches the age of 40, the five internal organs and the twelve meridians begin to decline, the skin begins to loosen, the complexion gradually declines, the hair is white, and the posture begins to change. Liver qi began to decline, liver lobes began to thin, bile began to decrease, and the eyes began to be unknown. Liver Qi begins to decay, liver lobes become weaker, bile decreases, vision becomes weaker, and vision is blurred.

50-60 years old, the heart begins to decline, if sad, the blood is lazy, so it is good to lie down. The heart qi begins to decay, there is worry and sadness, the production and operation of blood qi are weakened, the spleen qi is deficient, and the skin is dry; The spleen and stomach are weak, the amount of food is reduced, the qi and blood are not abundant, and the skin is dry.

60-70 years old, lung failure, recklessness, so young and mistaking. The lung qi begins to weaken, the lungs hide the ambition, the ambition cannot be kept, the speech will be wrong, and the preface does not match the afterword.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

70-80 years old, kidney qi scorched, four internal organs and meridians empty. The kidney qi began to fail, and the viscera meridians became empty. After 80, all the internal organs are empty, the spirit is gone, and the body lives alone and dies. 100-year-old is also known as Tiannian and birthday star. The five internal organs and blood qi are weak, the spirit is separated from the body, the body lives alone, and the life of the person ends in his life

With the increase of age, people continue to inhale dust throughout their lives, the lungs gradually turn gray, the lung tissue shrinks, the alveoli expand, the vesicle wall becomes thinner, the elasticity decreases, and the ventilator group shrinks, the thoracic activity is restricted, and the lung capacity is significantly reduced, resulting in systemic diseases.

Around the age of 45, the lens of the eyeball gradually loses its elasticity, and it is not clear to see near objects and small words on books, which is presbyopia or farsightedness. The liver is the main tendon, and the liver deficiency in the elderly will cause the nails to become brittle, light, thickened, and even tremors of the hands and feet.

After the age of 50, the weight of the liver decreases, the number of hepatocytes decreases, connective tissue increases, liver function decreases, and the ability to synthesize proteins decreases. After the age of 60, the liver detoxification function of the elderly decreases, and drug-induced liver damage is prone to occur.

When people reach the age of 60, the heart qi begins to decline, and the main blood vessels of the heart, with age, arteriosclerosis gradually worsens, elasticity decreases, and systemic vascular resistance increases, resulting in increased blood pressure, heart hypertrophy, coronary atherosclerosis and other circulatory diseases. The heart is dominated by gods, and if the heart qi fails, deafness occurs. After the age of 40-50, the weight of the human brain gradually decreases by about 160-200 grams, and cerebral arteriosclerosis and cerebral atrophy lead to mental changes in the elderly and memory gradually declines.

After the age of 35, the function of the spleen and stomach begins to fail, the absorption of collagen and vitamin E becomes poor, the supply gradually becomes abnormal, the growth and development, life activities are affected, and diseases are gradually induced.

After birth, brain nerve cells stop dividing, and the brain matures around the age of 25, after which the number of brain cells decreases by 0.8% per year, by 20-25% at the age of 60, and only about 60% at the age of 75. After the age of 50, the brain weight of the person is progressively reduced, the brain function gradually deteriorates, the cerebral artery appears progressive sclerosis and the lumen narrows with the increase of age, and half of the elderly over 65 years old will have different degrees of ischemic lesions in the brain, showing slow thinking, memory loss, poor response and adaptability, resulting in emotional and personality changes, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases.

After the age of 50 in men, the testicle volume gradually decreases, testosterone secretion decreases, the number of receptors decreases, and sensitivity decreases. In women at the age of 35~40, estrogen decreases significantly, the ovaries stop ovulating at the age of 45~55, and estrogen begins to drop to the lowest level after the age of 60. Sexual function decays with age. After menopause, estrogen decreases, calcium loss accelerates, and older women are more likely to develop osteoporosis.

Pancreatic function declines with age, anti-insulin hormones increase, the body's glucose utilization level gradually decreases, glucose tolerance decreases, and the risk of diabetes increases with age.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

With age, oral glands begin to shrink, saliva production decreases and thins; Atrophy of esophageal muscles and weakened swallowing function; Degeneration of the gastrointestinal mucosa with atrophy of glandular cells and decreased secretion of digestive juices. This leads to a decrease in digestion and absorption, resulting in nutrient-deficient diseases such as iron deficiency anemia. Constipation often occurs in the elderly due to slowed gastric emptying, decreased gastrointestinal blood flow, a 60% decrease by the age of 80, insufficient gastrointestinal smooth muscle tone, and weakened peristalsis.

After middle age, the human intestinal flora changes, and the number of beneficial bacteria decreases significantly, which makes the intestinal aging and defense function weakened, and it is easy to develop intestinal flora imbalance and related diseases, such as habitual constipation.

As we age, the body's catabolism gradually replaces anabolism. If you do not pay attention to exercise and nutritional diet, you are prone to metabolic disorders, malnutrition and emaciation. At the same time, the body's need for calories gradually decreases, while the eating habits of most people do not change much, and if there is a lack of exercise, it will produce excess calories, gain weight, and cause obesity.

Due to the long-term compression of the vertebrae, the height of the elderly will become shorter, ranging from 4 cm to more than 10 cm. The curvature of the spine and the ability to support are decreasing year by year. With age, the calcium in the bones decreases, the fragility increases, the strength, elasticity and toughness of the bones decrease, osteoporosis develops, and the probability of fracture increases.

The elasticity of bone and joint cartilage in the elderly is decreasing, and the synovial fluid in the joint cavity is reduced, resulting in a decrease in physical strength and flexibility. The knee and iliac joints of the lower limbs are the most obvious, causing the elderly to be more sluggish.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

After the age of 30, a person's muscle mass, endurance and elasticity decline year by year. Skeletal muscle strength decreases by 1%-2% per year, with a total body muscle loss of 2.3 kg and an increase of 4.5 kg of fat per 10 years. The grip strength of a 75-year-old is only 55% of that of a 30-year-old.

To sum up, middle-aged and elderly people who begin to practice Tai Chi are not suitable for standing piles. The so-called "standing for a long time hurts bones". The author has a good understanding of Taijiquan enthusiasts, including many veteran boxers, on the basis of unsystematic Neidan practice, standing on piles for many years, inducing cervical spondylosis and knee joint disease, stimulating and compressing adjacent nerve roots, spinal cord, vertebral arteries and cervical sympathetic nerves and other tissues, causing a series of symptoms and signs. Traditional Chinese medicine belongs to "paralysis", which is caused by the loss of liver and kidneys, weakness of muscles and bones, and forced standing. Therefore, standing piles are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

Middle-aged and elderly friends, practicing Tai Chi, must follow the principle of step-by-step. The cultivation of the inner pill of the system is indispensable. The art of Neidan is a Chinese Taoist system that comprehensively uses philosophy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, health care and other comprehensive knowledge to study the limits of human life science, that is, the technology and method system of immortality. Furnace with the human body or human body parts; Powered by breath and thoughts; With the spirit and spirit as the subject matter; For the purpose of prolonging life and longevity; Take static work as a technical means. Starting from refining oneself and building a foundation, after refining and refining gas, refining gas and transforming gods, it is possible to refine the gods and return them to the void. Void, that is, immortality.

Martial artists, using the Nei Dan technique as a functional cultivation method. After refining and refining qi, refining qi and transforming gods, and then cultivating super bioelectricity, the so-called "jin", it is manifested as extremely strong endurance and great lethality.

Is the stump suitable for everyone?

It's a pity that these cultivation methods have been almost lost. Most of the so-called teachers who are flooded with so-called stake courses on the Internet and have no understanding of them. Reluctantly, harm others and yourself.