
Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

author:Boss Qian is in the countryside



Xiaomei is indeed married high and has achieved a class leap!

Follow Xiao Wang to always eat well, dress well, and live even better now!

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

The luxury villa that Xiao Wang bought for her was designed by Xiao Fei herself, and the decoration style of the home was based on Xiao Mei's favorite tone, and the furniture and household appliances were all big names. There is a private swimming pool, which is very high-end luxury!

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Xiaomei is indeed a wealthy wife now, beautiful and rich

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and the conditions of Big S this year were even more demanding!

Hello, dear friends, today we have to talk about the warm challenge of "looking at each other across the sea" in the entertainment industry, which is more energetic than chasing dramas!

Speaking of the pair of Wang Xiaofei and Da S, it is simply a realistic version of the "love and hate" series, which makes us melon-eating people feel distressed and funny. Aunt Zhang Lan wants to hug her little baby grandson, this wish is more difficult than Tang Seng learning scriptures! It's not, what is it to cross the ocean, it's just the rhythm of five levels and six generals! ️

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

The conditions proposed by Big S this year, wow, it is simply an upgraded version of "challenging the impossible", which makes people shout: "And this operation?!" Aunt Zhang Lan wants to share the joy of family with her grandson under the sunshine of Beijing, is this too much to ask? NO WAY! But on the contrary, Big S has set up an "overseas exclusive reunion", isn't this a hurry?

Take a look at Wang Xiaofei again, in the past three years, he has been a "litigation version of the running man", and has been sued by Big S 18 times, how big is this heart to bear? As a result, anxiety and depression came to the door, and I felt sorry for Xiaofei for a minute. But fortunately, after the wind and rain, I saw the rainbow, and the appearance of my new girlfriend Xiaomei was like the warm sun of spring, which warmed Wang Xiaofei's heart, and the boat of love set sail again!

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

As for Sister Lan, she is simply a perfect combination of "strong woman + loving grandmother", running all the way in her career, but she always thinks about the little grandson who faces each other across the sea. Every time I am full of expectations, but I am always "tripped" by the conditions, this "road home" is really not easy.

Big S, let's talk about it, children are not props in the game, what they crave is the embrace of their family and the gentle touch of their grandmother. For the sake of my own little ninety-nine, the love between the child and grandma is separated by mountains and seas, and I really hope that this situation can be turned over as soon as possible.

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

As Romain Rolland said: "Happiness is to love life after seeing the truth of life." "Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei, they are such heroes, even if they are stormy, they laugh at life. We also hope that Big S can understand as soon as possible, let love flow freely, and don't let family affection become a luxury.

Netizens have left messages, and it is very lively!

Some netizens ridiculed: "This plot, the screenwriter doesn't dare to write it like this, Wang Xiaofei and Da S's lives are more bloody than bloody dramas, but we still have to move a small bench to continue watching!" ”

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Some netizens felt sorry for Wang Xiaofei: "Xiaofei, your past three years have been more difficult than learning from the West, but fortunately, now that you are accompanied by Xiaomei, I hope you two can be happy!" ”

Aunt Zhang Lan's strength also deeply touched many people: "Sister Lan is really a heroine among women, her career and family are not wrong, and she always thinks about her grandson, this love is so great!" ”

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Of course, some netizens expressed puzzlement about Big S's approach: "Big S, children are not toys, what they need is love and companionship, I hope you can think more about children." ”

Some netizens used Romain Rolland's words to encourage everyone: "Life is not easy, but we must be like Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei, after recognizing the truth, we still love life and cherish the people around us!" ”

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

From the different perspectives of Zhang Lan, Da S, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, we can analyze this turmoil in the entertainment industry more deeply.

Zhang Lan's perspective:

As a mother and grandmother, Zhang Lan's heart is full of longing for family and affection. She is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a warm elder who cares about her children and grandchildren. For not being able to see her grandson easily, she was full of helplessness and bitterness in her heart. Zhang Lan may have missed her grandson far away countless times in the dead of night, hoping that one day she would be able to overcome many obstacles and share the joy of family with her grandson. Her persistence and hard work are not only for her own career, but also for the family affection that blood is thicker than water.

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Big S's Angle:

As a mother, Da S's behavior may have her own considerations and sufferings. However, from an outside perspective, the harsh conditions she proposes are indeed incomprehensible. She may think she's doing it to protect her children, or for some personal reason. But in any case, children's growth needs the nourishment of family affection, and the love of both parents and grandparents. Big S's behavior may make the child feel the lack of family affection to some extent, which no mother wants to see.

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Wang Xiaofei's perspective:

Wang Xiaofei endured tremendous pressure and pain in this relationship. He not only has to work hard in his career, but also has to face the divorce turmoil with Big S and the challenge of fighting for child custody. The past three years of litigation have left him physically and mentally exhausted, and even suffered from anxiety and depression. However, Wang Xiaofei did not give up her love and pursuit of life. He bravely walked out of the trough, ushered in a new love life, and opened a new chapter in his life with Ma Xiaomei. Wang Xiaofei's experience tells us that no matter how great the difficulties and setbacks encountered, as long as we maintain a positive attitude, there will always be a day of dawn.

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Ma Xiaomei's perspective:

As Wang Xiaofei's new partner, Ma Xiaomei undoubtedly gave him great support and encouragement. She warmed Wang Xiaofei's wounded heart with her gentleness and kindness, and let him regain his confidence and courage in life. The combination of Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei is not only the crystallization of the love between the two people, but also a testimony of them facing the challenges of life together and moving forward hand in hand. They may also be well aware of the complex relationship between Wang Xiaofei and her ex-wife and children, but they will accept all this with an open and inclusive mind, and strive to create a harmonious and warm family atmosphere.

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean

Final comment

This turmoil in the entertainment industry is not only about personal emotional entanglements and conflicts of interest, but also touches on the profound connotation of family, family affection and responsibility. I hope that all parties involved can face all this with a more mature and rational attitude, and let love and understanding become the key to resolving conflicts.

Finally, I hope we can all cherish the people in front of us, and don't let the trivialities and selfishness of life steal those most precious warmth. Okay, that's all for today's story, let's break it down next time, bye-bye!

Big S's conditions are even more demanding this year! Zhang Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean




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