
When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

author:Leisurely Sydney mOv

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When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

After reading the comments of netizens, I was stunned

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

I know this very well, and I feel that I can't get busy every day

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

Avoid useless socializing and live your life

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

This netizen summed it up very incisively, and it is true

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

True friends don't need to be connected too much

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

Bosom friends are hard to find, cherish this hard-won friendship

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

I can't laugh anymore, but you still see the long term

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

Flowers have a reblooming day, and no one is young

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

When people reach middle age, they will pay more attention to their family and want to spend more time with their families

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

I'm similar to you, friends don't contact each other a few times a year, but they still come out to get together and chat during the Chinese New Year

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

As I get older, my mentality has become different, and everyone is busy with life in middle age

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

I feel more and more that friends are all phases, and few people can be dating for a long time

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

Intimate friends are hard to come by, and I won't deliberately make friends now

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

There is no banquet in the world that will not be dispersed, and even if there is little contact with true friends, it will not affect the relationship

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing

I rarely take the initiative to contact others, and I don't want to disturb other people's lives

When people reach middle age, why do they have fewer and fewer friends? If you see through the reason, you will feel that this is a good thing