
The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

author:Fuku Xiao Momo

In the past years, local chicken has been the darling of the dining table of urban residents, and has won the favor of countless diners with its unique taste and nutritional value. However, as time went on, this once-sought-after ingredient gradually faded into obscurity, and market sales plummeted. The reason behind this is not just because it is expensive, but because many factors are intertwined. This article will delve into the dilemma of the local chicken market and the three main reasons for this dilemma.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

Features of native chickens

Native chickens, as a traditional breeding poultry, usually grow in rural areas with superior natural environment and fresh air, which allows them to enjoy full sunshine and fresh food, thus ensuring the natural and pure quality of native chicken.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

Secondly, the feeding method of local chickens is usually free-range, which allows local chickens to have enough space to move around, and can forage and run freely, which not only enhances the physique of local chickens, but also makes their meat more compact and delicious.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

In addition, the growth cycle of native chickens is relatively long, which gives them enough time to accumulate nutrients and flavor substances, thus making the taste of native chickens more mellow and fragrant.

Compared with broilers, whether in taste, nutrition or taste, they are superior, but in recent years, fewer and fewer people buy local chickens, and the price is not the main reason, these 3 points are the main ones.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

First, the pseudo-native chickens are overflowing, and they are shoddy

With the rise of the local chicken market, more and more businesses have seen the business opportunities and have poured into this industry. However, due to fierce market competition, some businesses have begun to produce the so-called "pseudo-local chickens" in order to reduce the cost of breeding local chickens and improve profits. These pseudo-native chickens often grow rapidly through crossbreeding, feed feeding, etc., and the taste and nutritional value are naturally far from those of real native chickens. At the same time, due to the similarity in appearance of real local chickens and pseudo local chickens, it is difficult for ordinary consumers to distinguish the authenticity, and people are "fooled" more times, so they are naturally no longer willing to spend high prices to buy.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

In order to deal with this problem, the government and relevant departments should increase the supervision of the local chicken market and formulate stricter production and sales standards. At the same time, consumers should also be vigilant, choose reputable merchants to buy local chickens, and avoid buying fake local chickens.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

Second, the quality and supply are unstable

The growth cycle of native chickens is long, and the requirements for environment, feeding and other conditions are high. This makes the quality and supply of local chickens very limited. In the market, high-quality local chickens are often in short supply, while poor-quality local chickens are not cared for. This contradiction between supply and demand has led to large price fluctuations in the local chicken market, which has brought great inconvenience to consumers and businesses.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

In order to improve this situation, local chicken farmers should strengthen the control of the breeding environment and improve the level of breeding technology and management. At the same time, the government should also introduce relevant policies to encourage and support the development of the local chicken breeding industry, and improve the quality and supply of local chickens.

Third, the growth cycle is long, and the profit is not high

Compared with industrially farmed instant chickens, native chickens have a longer growth cycle and require more time and energy to take care of. This makes the breeding cost of local chickens higher, while the profits are relatively low. In the fierce market competition, some farmers have to adopt some non-standard breeding methods in order to reduce costs and increase profits, such as the use of hormones, antibiotics and other drugs to promote the growth of chickens. This not only damages the quality and taste of local chicken, but also threatens the health of consumers.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

In order to change this situation, local chicken farmers should establish a long-term development vision, pay attention to improving breeding technology and management level, and reduce breeding costs. At the same time, the government should also increase support for the local chicken breeding industry, improve the income level of farmers, and stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive

To sum up, the predicament encountered by the local chicken market is not caused by a single factor, but the result of a combination of factors. To solve this problem, governments, businesses and consumers need to work together. The government should increase the supervision of the local chicken market and formulate stricter production and sales standards; Merchants should improve product quality and service levels, and establish the concept of honest management; Consumers should be vigilant and choose reputable merchants to buy local chicken. Only in this way can we reshape the good image of the local chicken market and revitalize the traditional ingredient of local chicken.

The local chicken, which was once sought after by people in the city, why no one buys it now is not because it is expensive
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