
Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old, please give the talented and beautiful people the next couplet

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old, please give the talented and beautiful people the next couplet

Shanglian: If there is love in the sky, the sky will be old

The sentence "If the sky is loved, the sky is also old", from the Tang Dynasty poet Li He's "Golden and Bronze Immortal Ci Han Song", the original poem lamented the rise and fall of history, and lamented the impermanence of personnel.

This sentence gives emotion to the merciless sky in a hypothetical way, imagining that if the sky also has affection, it will also grow old with the passage of time. Here, the word "love" contains a wealth of human emotions, including love and hate, joy and sorrow.

Through the anthropomorphism of the sky, it profoundly expresses the universality and powerful influence of "love" in the world, suggesting that even the most eternal existence in the universe will appear fragile and limited in the face of "love". This sentence is not only a philosophical reflection on the laws of nature, but also an affectionate aria for the world of human emotions.

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old, please give the talented and beautiful people the next couplet

Downlink: The moon is full like a hateless moon

The lower link "the moon is full like a hateless moon", the moon in nature is used as the carrier of emotion, and the upper link forms a perfect battle.

The moon has been a symbol of reunion and longing since ancient times, and the "no hatred" in this sentence implies an idealized state that if the moon has no regrets and sorrows, it will always remain in a state of perfection. The "hate" here is not only a personal grudge, but also a symbol of all imperfect and incomplete states in the universe.

Through the poetic imagination of the moon, the couplet conveys a yearning for a harmonious and fulfilling life, while also implying a deep understanding of the inevitable shortcomings and partings in the real world.

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old, please give the talented and beautiful people the next couplet

The whole couplet, with the sky and the moon as mirrors, reflects the love and hatred of the world, closely connects natural phenomena with human emotions, and shows the commonality between the universe and man. This is not only a depiction of the beautiful scenes of the natural world, but also a profound analysis of the deep emotional waves of human nature. No matter how far away the sky is, love and hatred in the world are an inseparable part of the universe and the elements that make up this colorful world.

Reading this couplet inspires us to think deeply about the meaning of life, the value of emotions, and how to find inner peace and harmony in an imperfect world.