
After the age of 60, I realized that these three phenomena between brothers and sisters basically do not have to interact

author:Talk about the second child

1. In order to compete for the inheritance, they turn against each other.

After the death of parents, if there is no inheritance, siblings will naturally not have conflicts because of the inheritance.

However, after the death of parents, leaving a large amount of inheritance, and siblings because of the uneven distribution, they will fight and turn against each other, affecting the relationship between siblings.

In the face of interests, people have no family affection at all. Sometimes there are many examples of brothers and sisters fighting for inheritance, turning their faces and denying people.

Some netizens said that I have seen many brothers and sisters fall out for money. Family ties are gone.

No matter how the inheritance is distributed, as long as the one who divides less, it will always feel unfair.

Every time the siblings met, they would talk about the inheritance, and eventually they broke up and became the most familiar strangers to each other.

Therefore, before the parents pass away, they must explain the distribution of the inheritance clearly. If after the parents leave, the brothers and sisters still fight because of the inheritance, it means that in their hearts, family affection is not as reliable as money, and there is no family affection at all.

Why should such a person associate with them, it is better to cut off relations, so as not to disturb their own peace.

After the age of 60, I realized that these three phenomena between brothers and sisters basically do not have to interact

2. If there is often trouble in contact, it is better not to communicate.

When people are old, their energy is naturally not as good as before, and after the age of 60, if there is still trouble between brothers and sisters, it means that you are not all the way.

It's not that the three views don't agree, or because some people are too calculating, narrow-minded, and have a small pattern.

You can't get along after all, so why waste time making friends.

Some netizens said that once I was uncomfortable with my friend, I would choose to stay away from this friend.

My brothers and sisters are the same, if we are with them, we are either quarreling and conflicting, or we are not in agreement for various reasons, what is the point of such exchanges?

It's better to cut back on the contacts, so that everyone can be safe and sound, and it won't affect the mood.

After the siblings got married, everyone's upbringing and experience were very different.

Some relationships have long since deteriorated, and we are no longer the younger selves we once were.

The original brother-friend-brother relationship is long gone, and it is better to have less contact, so that everyone will not leave too many bad impressions on each other.

After the age of 60, I realized that these three phenomena between brothers and sisters basically do not have to interact

3. My parents are still there, and I have to put up with it.

Even if there is any conflict between siblings, they will endure it again and again for the sake of their parents.

Even if you can't help it, you will reduce your contacts, and you will not quarrel in front of your parents and tear the family apart.

Some netizens said that I didn't understand until I was in my sixties that there was no need to have too many conflicts with my brothers and sisters.

If you get along, you will get together, and if you can't get along, you will separate, there is no need to turn your face and disown people and cut off the relationship.

When the parents leave, they don't want to come and go.

Brothers and sisters, everyone has fate to become relatives. Why make the relationship too stiff, reducing contacts is also a good way to distance yourself and avoid ugliness.

The reason why brothers and sisters endure it again and again is because they are so broken that they don't want to endure it anymore, so they will reduce their contacts.

After the age of 60, I realized that these three phenomena between brothers and sisters basically do not have to interact

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