
The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

author:Cosy Sunshine Nam

Long Zhiyong, a man of the Guangxi Zhuang ethnic group, was born in 1960 in a remote mountain village in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. His childhood and adolescence were spent in a tranquil and rustic environment. Long Zhiyong's hometown, with beautiful mountains and rivers, simple folk customs, and the villagers have lived a life without fighting with the world for generations. However, the peace of all this was ruthlessly shattered in 1979.

That year, Long Zhiyong's hometown was harassed by the Vietnamese army. The smoke of war filled this once peaceful land, and Long Zhiyong witnessed the victims of his relatives and classmates. The destruction of his home and the displacement of his loved ones pierced his heart. Long Zhiyong's heart was filled with anger and helplessness, and he began to think about what he could do to change all this.

Long Zhiyong was originally a primary school teacher, and he loves to work with children, imparting knowledge and inspiring wisdom. However, the outbreak of war made him realize that without a peaceful environment, children would not be able to study with peace of mind, and the future would be bleak. Long Zhiyong had a strong desire in his heart - he wanted to join the army to defend his hometown and this land he loved so much.

In those turbulent times, becoming a police officer was also a good choice. The police can also maintain social order and protect people's lives and property. However, after careful consideration, Long Zhiyong decided to give up the opportunity to become a police officer. He knew that only by joining the People's Liberation Army could he truly defend his hometown and resist the intrusion of foreign enemies.

Long Zhiyong's motivation for enlisting in the army was firm and pure. He is not for personal honor and gain, but for a larger goal - to defend the country and the people. He knew that as a soldier, he would face arduous training and life and death tests, but he did not hesitate or back down in the slightest. Long Zhiyong believes that only through his own efforts can his hometown be restored to its former tranquility and his relatives and fellow villagers can live a peaceful and peaceful life.

Long Zhiyong's road to enlistment in the army was not smooth. He had to overcome language barriers, adapt to the strict discipline of the army, and face intense physical training. But with his strong will and unremitting efforts, Long Zhiyong gradually adapted to the life in the barracks. He excelled in training, not only with a huge improvement in his physical fitness, but also with extraordinary talent in tactics and shooting.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's deeds became a good story in his hometown, and he became a hero in the hearts of the villagers. His story inspires more people to join the barracks and contribute to the defense of their homeland and frontiers. Long Zhiyong knows that one person's efforts are limited, and only by uniting as one can we form a powerful force to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

Long Zhiyong's performance in the barracks was recognized by his superiors and respected by his comrades. He not only made achievements in military skills, but also played a positive role in ideological and political education. Long Zhiyong knows very well that as a soldier, he must not only have excellent military qualities, but also have firm political beliefs and noble moral qualities. He used his practical actions to interpret the responsibility and responsibility of a soldier.

The story of Long Zhiyong is the epitome of countless soldiers of that era. For the sake of the interests of the country and the people, they resolutely threw themselves into the barracks and defended the dignity and security of the motherland with their youth and blood. Long Zhiyong's motivation for joining the army was not only a personal choice, but also the common voice of the young people of that era. With their own actions, they have written magnificent heroic hymns that inspire future generations to continue to move forward.

Long Zhiyong, a name in a small village in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, used to be affectionately called by children. He was born, grew up here, and became the pride of the village. His childhood was filled with fresh mountain air and laughter in the fields, but more than that, a thirst for knowledge and respect for education. Although Long Zhiyong's parents were ordinary farmers, they understood the importance of education, so they did their best to support Long Zhiyong in completing his education despite his poor family.

Living up to his parents' expectations, Long completed his primary and secondary education with honors, and eventually became a primary school teacher. In that era of relatively scarce educational resources, the arrival of Long Zhiyong was undoubtedly a bright light to illuminate the future for the children in the village. He not only teaches the children basic cultural knowledge, but also pays more attention to cultivating their moral character and thinking ability, hoping that they can become useful talents and contribute to the development of their hometown.

In addition to being a teacher, Long Zhiyong is also the deputy commander of the militia company in the village. In that special historical period, militia organizations were an important force in defending the hometown and maintaining social order. Long Zhiyong was well aware of the responsibilities he shouldered, and he actively participated in militia training to improve his military quality and command ability. In addition to his busy farming, he organized the militia to conduct actual combat drills to ensure that they could quickly and effectively respond to various emergencies at critical moments.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

However, Long Zhiyong's life was not always peaceful. A sudden war broke the tranquility of the Guangxi border. Long Zhiyong's hometown, due to the special geographical location, became the front line of the war. Long Zhiyong witnessed first-hand the devastation that the war had wrought in his hometown, and the victims of his relatives and classmates, filled his heart with pain and anger. He began to think about what he could do as a teacher and deputy commander of a militia company to defend his hometown and protect the innocent lives.

Long Zhiyong's decision was firm. He gave up his stable life as a teacher, gave up the opportunity to become a police officer, and chose to join the People's Liberation Army and become a real soldier. He knew it would mean tougher training and more dangerous battlefields, but he didn't back down. Long Zhiyong believes that only through his own efforts can peace be restored to his hometown and a warm home for those children who lost their loved ones in the war.

Long Zhiyong's road to enlistment in the army was full of challenges. He needs to adapt to the strict discipline of the army, and he needs to constantly improve his physical fitness and combat skills in high-intensity training. But with his strong will and unremitting efforts, he gradually rose to prominence in the army. His military qualities have been greatly improved, and his ability to shoot and command tactics has been recognized by his superiors.

Long Zhiyong's performance in the army not only won the respect of his comrades-in-arms, but also inspired more people to join the barracks and contribute their strength to the defense of their hometown and frontier. His story became a good story in his hometown and became a hero in the hearts of the villagers. Long Zhiyong knows that one person's efforts are limited, and only by uniting as one can we form a powerful force to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

Long Zhiyong's performance in the barracks was also recognized by his superiors. He not only made achievements in military skills, but also played a positive role in ideological and political education. Long Zhiyong knows very well that as a soldier, he must not only have excellent military qualities, but also have firm political beliefs and noble moral qualities. He used his practical actions to interpret the responsibility and responsibility of a soldier.

Long Zhiyong's hometown, located in the border area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is a place with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs. The people here live a simple life and have lived for generations as farmers. However, a war in 1979 plunged this peaceful land into chaos and panic. The intrusion of the Vietnamese army, like a sudden storm, broke the peaceful life of the villagers.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong witnessed all this. He saw his relatives and classmates victimized in the fighting, their homes destroyed, and their lives in dire straits. Those who used to be busy in the fields, those smiling faces who played together after school, are now haggard and helpless. Long Zhiyong's heart was filled with pain and anger, and he felt a sense of powerlessness and frustration that he had never felt before.

However, Long Zhiyong was not crushed by these emotions. On the contrary, these experiences inspired a deep strength within him, a strong sense of responsibility and mission. He began to think about what he should do as a young Zhuang and an educated intellectual to defend his hometown and protect those innocent lives.

Long Zhiyong's decision was firm. He knew that only by joining the army could he truly defend his hometown and let those relatives and classmates who were victims of the war get the protection they deserved. He gave up his original career as a teacher and gave up the opportunity to become a policeman, and resolutely chose to join the People's Liberation Army and become a real soldier.

Long Zhiyong's deeds became a good story in his hometown, and he became a hero in the hearts of the villagers. His story inspires more people to join the barracks and contribute to the defense of their homeland and frontiers. Long Zhiyong knows that one person's efforts are limited, and only by uniting as one can we form a powerful force to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

Although Long Zhiyong's hometown was once devastated by the war, with the joint efforts of him and other soldiers, it gradually regained its former tranquility and vitality. Those relatives and classmates who had been victimized in the war also regained hope and courage in life with the help of Long Zhiyong. Long Zhiyong's story has become an eternal memory in the hearts of the people in his hometown, and it has also become an immortal faith and strength in their hearts.

Long Zhiyong stood at the crossroads of life at the moment of facing a major choice in life. On the one hand, there is an opportunity to become a policeman, maintain social order, and ensure the safety of people's lives; On the other hand, he joined the People's Liberation Army and joined the army to defend his hometown and frontier. In those turbulent times, becoming a police officer was undoubtedly a stable and respectable profession, but Long Zhiyong had more far-reaching considerations in mind.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong knew very well that his hometown was being devastated by the war, and the security situation in the border was grim. He could not ignore the pain of those who lost their loved ones and destroyed their homes in the war. In the dead of night, Long Zhiyong would always think of those helpless eyes and desperate cries, which filled his heart with uneasiness and anxiety. He knows that if action is not taken, this pain will continue to spread and more families will suffer.

After careful consideration, Long Zhiyong made a major decision: to give up the opportunity to become a police officer and choose to join the People's Liberation Army. This decision was not made on the spur of the moment, but after a long period of thought and weighing. Long Zhiyong understands that becoming a member of the People's Liberation Army means that he will face more arduous training and more dangerous battlefields, but he firmly believes that only through his own actions can he truly defend his hometown and let those relatives and classmates who were victims of the war get the protection they deserve.

Long Zhiyong's decision quickly caused a sensation in his hometown. Many expressed admiration for his choice, but others were puzzled by his decision. After all, becoming a police officer is a relatively safe and stable option, while joining the PLA means facing life and death tests. However, Long Zhiyong was not swayed by these voices, and he firmly embarked on his own path.

After joining the PLA, Long Zhiyong quickly threw himself into intense training. He knew that only through rigorous training could he improve his military quality and better defend his hometown on the battlefield. Long Zhiyong showed great enthusiasm and perseverance in training, whether it was physical training or tactical learning, he gave it his all and tried to do his best.

Long Zhiyong's performance was quickly recognized by his superiors. His military qualities have been greatly improved, and his shooting and tactical command skills have also won the respect of his comrades. Long Zhiyong not only made achievements in military skills, but also played a positive role in ideological and political education. He knew very well that as a soldier, he must not only have excellent military qualities, but also have firm political beliefs and lofty moral qualities.

Long Zhiyong's story became a good story in his hometown, and he became a hero in the hearts of the villagers. His story inspires more people to join the barracks and contribute to the defense of their homeland and frontiers. Long Zhiyong knows that one person's efforts are limited, and only by uniting as one can we form a powerful force to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's innate strengths and personal abilities made him stand out from the crowd of recruits and he was selected as a scout. Scouts are the elite of the military, and they need to have excellent physical fitness, quick thinking, and superb combat skills. However, becoming a qualified scout is not an easy task, and Long must go through a series of rigorous training known as "devil training".

On the first day of training, Long Zhiyong felt an unprecedented challenge. Physical training is the foundation of Scout training, which requires soldiers to continuously perform high-intensity physical training at their limits. Long Zhiyong has to do long-distance running, weight-bearing cross-country, obstacle races and other events every day, which not only test his physical strength, but also test his willpower.

Grappling and sanda skills are essential skills for the Scout. During his training, Long learned a variety of grappling techniques, how to subdue his opponent in an instant, and how to gain an advantage in hand-to-hand combat. Sanda training requires him to use his fists and feet flexibly in actual combat to deliver fast and accurate strikes. The training of these skills was extremely hard, and Long Zhiyong often felt exhausted after training, but he never had the idea of giving up.

Capture training is an advanced course in scout training that requires soldiers to be able to approach the enemy silently and quickly subdue targets while on a mission. Long Zhiyong learned a variety of skills such as covert action, concealment, and tracking during the prisoner capture training. He had to learn how to stay stealthy in a variety of complex environments, how to approach and capture targets without the enemy noticing.

In addition to skill training, Long Zhiyong also received psychological training. Scouts often face life-or-death trials in the line of duty, and they need to have a cool head and strong nerves. Long Zhiyong constantly tempered his psychological quality in the simulated combat environment, learned to stay calm under pressure, and quickly made correct judgments and decisions.

After arduous training, Long Zhiyong gradually grew into a well-rounded and balanced scout. His physical, grappling, sanda, and capture skills have all improved significantly, and his mental strength has become unusually strong. Long Zhiyong's performance in training was unanimously recognized by the instructors and comrades-in-arms, and his name began to spread among the reconnaissance company.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's growth has not been smooth sailing. He also had setbacks and failures during his training, but he never gave up. After each failure, he would carefully sum up the lessons learned, find out his shortcomings, and then redouble his efforts to train. It is this indomitable spirit that makes Long Zhiyong go further and further on the road of scouts.

As his training progressed, Long Zhiyong began to serve as a captor for some important tasks. In the execution of tasks, he was always able to successfully capture targets with his skills and experience, providing valuable intelligence to the troops. Long Zhiyong's outstanding performance not only won the trust of his superiors, but also won the trust and respect of his comrades.

Long Zhiyong's story became a good story among the troops, and he became the best of the scouts. His upbringing inspired more recruits to devote themselves to Scout training and strive to become a good Scout. Long Zhiyong was well aware that the responsibility of scouts was heavy, and their actions were often related to the success or failure of the entire battle situation. As a result, he always maintains a high level of vigilance and focus, ready to take on new challenges.

Long's career as a scout was full of hardships and challenges, but he never regretted his choice. He knows that every training and mission he has has done is to defend the security of his hometown and frontiers, and to safeguard the dignity and interests of the country. Long Zhiyong interprets the mission and glory of a scout with his actions, and his story will always inspire those who come after him.

Long Zhiyong, a name that is not conspicuous in a small village in Guangxi, but has extraordinary dreams in his heart. It was an honor and a challenge for him to be chosen as a scout because of his innate strengths and personal abilities. Scouts are the elite of the military, and they must possess excellent physical fitness, quick thinking skills, and superb combat skills. Long Zhiyong knew that to become a true scout, he would need to go through a series of rigorous training.

On the first day of training, Long Zhiyong felt unprecedented pressure. The training of scouts differs from that of conventional troops, which focuses more on actual combat skills and survivability. Physical training is the foundation of scout training, and Long Zhiyong has to do long-distance cross-country running, weight-bearing marching, and high-intensity physical exercise every day. These trainings not only tested his physical strength, but also tested his willpower and endurance.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Grappling and grappling skills are essential skills for Scouts. During his training, Long learned a variety of grappling techniques, how to subdue his opponent in an instant, and how to gain an advantage in hand-to-hand combat. Sanda training requires him to use his fists and feet flexibly in actual combat to deliver fast and accurate strikes. The training of these skills was extremely hard, and Long Zhiyong often felt exhausted after training, but he never had the idea of giving up.

Long's training also included the learning of wilderness survival skills. He learned how to survive in the wild without supplies and how to use resources from the natural environment to stay alive. He learned how to find food, purify water, build makeshift shelters, and how to maintain body temperature and health in harsh natural environments.

Long's training also included the study of tactics and strategies. Scouts need to have excellent tactical awareness and strategic planning skills. Long learned how to analyze the enemy's situation, develop an action plan, coordinate operations, and how to coordinate operations with other scouts.

Through these rigorous trainings, Long Zhiyong gradually grew into a well-rounded and balanced scout. His physical, grappling, sanda, and capture skills have all improved significantly, and his mental strength has become unusually strong. Long Zhiyong's performance in training was unanimously recognized by the instructors and comrades-in-arms, and his name began to spread among the reconnaissance company.

Long Zhiyong trained not only to become a scout, but also to fulfill his deep dream of defending the security of his hometown and frontier. Whenever he encountered difficulties and challenges in training, Long Zhiyong would think of his relatives and classmates in his hometown, and the pain they had suffered due to the war. This strengthened his resolve and trained harder in order to become a good scout and contribute to the security of his hometown and country.

After a series of arduous training, Long Zhiyong gradually transformed into a well-balanced scout. His physical fitness, grappling, sanda, capture, and other skills are up to the standard of a scout, and even exceed average in some aspects. His transformation did not happen overnight, but was accumulated bit by bit through unremitting efforts and perseverance in countless failures and challenges.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Physical training is the cornerstone of Long Zhiyong's daily training. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight have not yet fully illuminated the training ground, Long Zhiyong has already started his morning run. With the muddy ground under his feet, the whistling wind in his ears, and the challenge of the limit in his heart. Long-distance running, weight-bearing cross-country, obstacle course...... Every training session is a great test of physical fitness, but Long Zhiyong has never flinched, and his physical fitness has been greatly improved in these trainings.

Grappling and Sanda skills are important weapons for the Scout in close combat. Long has honed his skills in training, learning how to subdue his opponents in an instant and how to gain an advantage in a fight. Every actual combat drill is a test of skills and reactions. Long continued to improve through these trainings, and his grappling and sanda skills became more and more sophisticated, becoming an important support for him on the battlefield.

Capture training is an advanced course in Scout training, and it is also the area in which Long Zhiyong excels best. During his captive training, he learned a variety of techniques such as covert action, stealth, and tracking. He had to learn how to stay stealthy in a variety of complex environments, how to approach and capture targets without the enemy noticing. Long Zhiyong showed extraordinary talent in his capture training, his movements were swift and stealthy, and his judgment was accurate and decisive.

Long Zhiyong's well-rounded balance is not only reflected in his skills, but also in his mental quality. Scouts often face life-or-death trials in the line of duty, and they need to have a cool head and strong nerves. Long Zhiyong constantly tempered his psychological quality in the simulated combat environment, learned to stay calm under pressure, and quickly made correct judgments and decisions.

Long Zhiyong's outstanding performance led him to be selected as a captor for important missions many times. In the execution of tasks, he was always able to successfully capture targets with his skills and experience, providing valuable intelligence to the troops. He acted swiftly and decisively, and his judgment was accurate and swift. Long Zhiyong's skills in capturing prisoners were fully tested in actual combat, and his name became a good story among the troops.

Long Zhiyong's career as a scout is full of legends. In 10 years, he carried out 123 missions, each of which was a challenge to the limits of life, and each time a test of courage and wisdom. In these 123 missions, Long Zhiyong personally captured 3 prisoners and killed 4 enemies, and his company became the best in the unit with the brilliant record of capturing 15 people and killing 65 enemies in the whole company.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's heroic deeds were widely circulated among the troops, especially several particularly dangerous missions, which made people talk about them. On one occasion, Long Zhiyong led a squad deep behind enemy lines to reconnoitre, and they had to pass through a trap area full of bamboo sticks. During the crossing, Long Zhiyong's calf was accidentally punctured by a sharp bamboo stick, and the blood immediately stained his trouser leg red. The sharp pain caused beads of sweat to appear on his forehead, but instead of flinching, he quickly performed a simple bandaging and continued to lead the team on the mission. His perseverance and bravery inspired every member of the team, and they finally succeeded in completing their mission and returning to camp safely.

On another mission, Long Zhiyong and his team were ambushed by enemy troops while on a mission to capture prisoners. In the fierce firefight, Long Zhiyong, with his superior combat skills and cool head, commanded the squad to quickly retreat to favorable terrain. In the midst of the chaotic battle, he spotted an enemy commander attempting to escape, and Long Zhiyong did not hesitate to chase after him. After a struggle, he managed to subdue the enemy commander and capture him alive. The operation not only captured important prisoners, but also greatly damaged the morale of the enemy troops.

During the mission led by Long Zhiyong, he was always able to accurately judge the situation and formulate a reasonable plan of action. He knew that the task of a scout was not only to capture or kill the enemy, but more importantly, to protect the lives of himself and his comrades. Therefore, he is always careful when carrying out his tasks to avoid unnecessary risks. Under his leadership, the company achieved a miracle of no casualties, which is extremely rare in the history of scouts.

Long Zhiyong's heroic deeds are not only reflected in his personal ability, but also in his care for his comrades and his sense of responsibility for the task. He always puts the safety of his comrades first, and double-checks his equipment before each mission to make sure nothing goes wrong. In the mission, he always rushes to the front, blocking bullets for his comrades and buying time for his comrades to retreat. His heroic deeds earned him the trust and respect of his comrades-in-arms, and also earned him the title of "Iron-Blooded Scout".

Long Zhiyong's story became a good story among the troops, and his name became a symbol of the spirit of the Scout. He illustrates the bravery, wisdom and sense of responsibility of the Scout with his actions, and his story inspires more soldiers to devote themselves to the training of Scouts and work hard to become a good Scout. Long Zhiyong knows that every mission is a test of life, but he is never afraid, because he has a firm belief in his heart - to defend his hometown and defend the motherland.

Long Zhiyong's ten-year career as a scout has been a journey full of glory and challenges. In the past ten years, he has participated in 123 missions, each of which is full of unknowns and dangers. His heroic deeds, like bright stars, dotted in the glorious history of the Scout.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Among the three people captured by Long Zhiyong himself, every action was the result of careful planning and strict execution. On one occasion, he led a squad deep behind enemy lines, targeting a senior enemy commander. During a nighttime infiltration operation, Long Zhiyong and his team members quietly approached the camp where the target was located. Using the cover of night and terrain, they skillfully evaded enemy patrols and surveillance. After determining the location of the target, Long Zhiyong personally led the team to launch a surprise attack, subdued the target with lightning speed, and quickly evacuated the scene. The whole operation was clean and neat, did not arouse the mass alarm of the enemy, and showed his excellent tactical command ability and combat skills.

In the four operations to kill the enemy, each was a life-and-death contest. Long Zhiyong knew that as a scout, when performing tasks behind enemy lines, he often had to face enemies several times his size. During one mission, he and his teammates were on a reconnaissance mission when they accidentally encountered an enemy force. In the face of a sudden battle, Long Zhiyong quickly judged the situation and commanded his team members to use the terrain to defend. In the fierce firefight, he successfully killed several enemies with accurate shooting and a cool head, giving his team a chance to retreat. Although this battle was dangerous, it also proved once again that Long Zhiyong was brave and resolute on the battlefield.

Long Zhiyong's company captured 15 prisoners and killed 65 enemies in the past ten years, and behind these figures are the result of countless life and death tests and teamwork. As the leader of the company, Long Zhiyong's experience and skills played a key role in the overall performance of the company. He not only excelled in individual actions, but also showed leadership in team actions, leading the team members to complete one difficult task after another.

Long Zhiyong's heroic deeds did not rely solely on his personal bravery and fighting skills. He understands that a Scout's mission requires careful planning and teamwork. Before each mission, he would work with his team to study the terrain, analyze the enemy's situation, and develop a plan of action. During the execution of the task, he is always able to flexibly adjust the plan according to the actual situation to ensure the smooth completion of the task.

Long Zhiyong's ten-year career as a scout has been a journey full of challenges and growth. He illustrates the bravery, wisdom and sense of responsibility of the Scout with his actions, and his story inspires more soldiers to devote themselves to the training of Scouts and work hard to become a good Scout. Long Zhiyong knows that every mission is a test of life, but he is never afraid, because he has a firm belief in his heart - to defend his hometown and defend the motherland. His deeds will forever be remembered in the glorious annals of the Scouts.

Long Zhiyong's scout career is full of countless thrilling moments. In these particularly dangerous missions, he showed extraordinary courage and perseverance.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

During one mission, Long Zhiyong and his team were sent to an area with complex terrain and harsh environment to conduct reconnaissance. While walking through a seemingly calm bamboo forest, Long Zhiyong's calf was suddenly deeply stabbed by a hidden bamboo stick. Sharp bamboo sticks pierced his military boots and pierced his muscles, the pain so severe that he could barely stand. However, Long Zhiyong knew the importance of the task, and he could not give up at this time. He gritted his teeth, quickly bandaged the wound, and continued to lead the team deep behind enemy lines. Although blood continued to ooze from his wounds as he went, he was determined not to let the pain interfere with the execution of his mission. Eventually, they successfully completed the reconnaissance mission, providing the troops with critical intelligence.

On another mission, Long Zhiyong and his team were attacked by enemy forces while on a night capture mission. In the darkness, fierce melee combat between the enemy and the enemy began. With his keen fighting instincts and excellent fighting skills, Long Zhiyong fought his enemies. In a hand-to-hand combat, he faced a burly and powerful enemy soldier. The outdogs didn't back down, using his nimble and grappling skills to subdue his opponents. In the fight, he not only showed his fighting ability, but also showed the intelligence and calmness of the scout. In the chaos of the battlefield, he managed to capture the captives and lead his team to a safe retreat.

On another occasion, Long Zhiyong led a team on a stealth mission deep behind enemy lines. They need to lurk in an enemy's heavily fortified area for days to gather intelligence. While in hiding, Long Zhiyong and his team members not only had to face enemy patrols and searches, but also endured hunger, cold, and fatigue. During one night, the enemy suddenly intensified their patrols, and Long Zhiyong and his team were forced to hide in a small bunker for the whole night. In this extreme environment, Long Zhiyong always maintained a high degree of vigilance and calmness, and he used his experience and judgment to guide the team members to evade the search again and again. In the end, they not only succeeded in gathering intelligence, but also returned safely to the base.

These particularly dangerous missions not only tested Long Zhiyong's combat skills, but also tested his psychological quality and leadership ability. In the face of pain, death threats, and extreme circumstances, he always maintained his determination to complete the mission, and interpreted the duty and glory of a scout with his actions. Long Zhiyong's heroic deeds have become a legend among the troops, inspiring more soldiers to bravely face challenges and fight to defend the security and interests of the country.

As the captain of the reconnaissance company, Long Zhiyong led the team to create an incredible miracle during the mission - there were no casualties in the company. This achievement is undoubtedly a remarkable feat in the field of Scouting, which is full of danger and uncertainty.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong is well aware that the task of a scout is full of unknowns and dangers, and every action may face a test of life and death. As a result, he plans and prepares carefully before each mission. Together with his teammates, he will study the terrain and landforms, analyze the dynamics of the enemy situation, and formulate a detailed action plan. Long Zhiyong always emphasized that scouts should not only have a brave fighting spirit, but also have a cool head and a thorough strategy.

During a border reconnaissance mission, Long Zhiyong's team was ambushed by enemy troops. In the face of the sudden attack, Long Zhiyong did not panic, he quickly commanded his team to use the terrain to conceal and organize an effective counterattack. In the fierce firefight, he accurately judged the enemy's intentions and firepower distribution, adjusted tactics in time, and successfully led the team to break through the encirclement. In this operation, although the team members experienced a severe test, in the end there was no casualty, which benefited from Long Zhiyong's decisive command and the tacit cooperation of the team members.

On another occasion, Long Zhiyong's team was sent on a prisoner hunt deep behind enemy lines. In the course of their implementation, they need to traverse a minefield, which is an extremely dangerous area. Long Zhiyong personally took the lead, carefully exploring the safe path. He used his experience and intuition to guide the team through the minefield step by step. In the process, he must not only ensure the safety of the team, but also be constantly vigilant for enemy patrols and reconnaissance. In the end, they not only successfully completed the capture mission, but also returned safely to the base, once again achieving the feat of no casualties.

Long Zhiyong always adheres to the principle of "safety first" when leading the team to perform tasks. He knows that only by protecting the lives of every team member can he better complete the task. Therefore, he strictly requires the players to master various survival skills and combat skills in training to improve their self-protection ability. In the actual task, he is always able to flexibly adjust the plan according to the actual situation, avoid unnecessary risks, and ensure the safety of the team.

Long Zhiyong's leadership and tactical wisdom have won the deep trust and respect of the players. They know that as long as Long Zhi is brave, no matter how great the difficulties and dangers they face, it is possible to turn the danger into a disaster. Long Zhiyong's name became a good story among the troops, and the team he led was also known as the "Iron Blood Reconnaissance Company".

The team led by Long Zhiyong was able to achieve the miracle of no casualties in the whole company, which was behind his infinite love for the cause of scouts and extreme responsibility for the lives of his comrades. His story inspires more soldiers to bravely face challenges and fight for the safety and interests of the country. Long Zhiyong and his team will continue to write their own legend on the road of scouts.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's life, in addition to his bravery and fearlessness on the battlefield, also has an unknown soft side. As a scout who has been engaged in dangerous work for a long time, his personal life and emotional experience are also full of twists and turns.

In the depths of Long Zhiyong's heart, the desire for love has always been the same, but the special profession has made him experience ups and downs on the road of emotion. He has experienced 7 breakups, each time because his girlfriend can't bear the dangers and uncertainties of his job. Although these experiences have cast a shadow on his emotional life, they have also made him cherish and yearn for a stable and sincere relationship even more.

It wasn't until Yang Hongyan appeared that Long Zhiyong's emotional world ushered in a turnaround. Yang Hongyan is a woman who understands and supports his work, and she understands the hardships and sacrifices that come with being a companion to a soldier. In the exchange between Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan, they shared their understanding and support for each other, and also faced various challenges in life together.

Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan met by chance. At the time, Long Zhiyong was on vacation, and they met at a friend's party. Yang Hongyan was attracted by Long Zhiyong's perseverance and sincerity, and Long Zhiyong was also moved by Yang Hongyan's gentleness and understanding. As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually deepened, and finally came to the palace of marriage.

However, the nature of Long Zhiyong's work meant that he could not be by his side like his husband and father in an ordinary family. His guilt for his family often welled up in the dead of night. Whenever he returned from a mission, seeing his son's strange and curious eyes, Long Zhiyong's heart was always mixed. He knows that he owes too much to his family, but where his duty lies, he must stick to his post.

Long Zhiyong's son was unfamiliar with his military identity, which made him feel extremely heartbroken. He longed to spend more time with his son growing up and participating in his life, but the helplessness of reality prevented him from doing so. Despite this, Long Zhiyong still tried his best to give his family the deepest love and care in the limited time. He keeps in touch with his family by phone and letter, sharing his experiences and feelings, and listening to them.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's wife, Yang Hongyan, is his strong backing in his emotional life. She understands Long Zhiyong's work and supports his choice. When Long Zhiyong was on a mission, Yang Hongyan always waited silently at home, praying for his safety. In her own way, she provided a warm haven for Long Zhiyong, so that he could feel the power of home in the face of danger and challenges.

Long Zhiyong's emotional experience was an indispensable part of his military career. His love story, although not vigorous and romantic, is full of sincerity and determination. His marriage to Yang Hongyan is the result of mutual understanding and support, and it is also a joint commitment to military duties and family responsibilities.

Long Zhiyong's story allows us to see another side of a soldier's personal life and emotional experience. His life is both heroic on the battlefield and warm in his family. His love, although it has gone through twists and turns, has finally found a home. Long Zhiyong's emotional world is an important part of his military career and an indispensable chapter in his life story.

Long Zhiyong's life is full of ups and downs and challenges, especially in his emotional world. As a scout who has been engaged in dangerous work for a long time, his professional nature makes his road to love extremely bumpy. Every mission can mean a danger to his life, and this uncertainty makes his partners feel a huge psychological pressure. experienced 7 breakups, each time because the other party could not bear the risk and instability of his work, which filled his heart with pain and helplessness.

However, Long Zhiyong did not give up his desire and pursuit of love because of this. He believes that there will always be someone who can understand his choices and is willing to face the ups and downs of life with him. It was in this anticipation that he met Yang Hongyan, a tenacious, kind, and understanding woman.

Yang Hongyan and Long Zhiyong met by chance. At that time, Long Zhiyong was on vacation, and the two met at a friend's party. Yang Hongyan was attracted by Long Zhiyong's perseverance and sincerity, and Long Zhiyong was also moved by Yang Hongyan's gentleness and understanding. As time passed, the relationship between the two deepened, and they began to understand each other's lives and inner worlds more deeply.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

In the process of interaction between Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan, they have experienced many tests and challenges. Yang Hongyan is well aware of the dangers of Long Zhiyong's work, but she chooses to understand and support. She knows that being a companion to a military member requires a strong heart and strong beliefs. When Long Zhiyong was on a mission, Yang Hongyan always waited silently at home, praying for his safety. In her own way, she provided a warm haven for Long Zhiyong, so that he could feel the power of home in the face of danger and challenges.

Long Zhiyong's gratitude and love for Yang Hongyan have grown deeper and deeper over time. He knows that Yang Hongyan is a precious treasure in his life and his strongest backing in difficult times. After going through a series of tests and challenges, Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan finally decided to get married and enter the palace of marriage together.

Their wedding was simple and warm, without flashy scenes, but full of sincere emotions. Witnessed by family and friends, Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan made a lifelong commitment that they would work together to live every ups and downs of their lives. Long Zhiyong knew that he owed Yang Hongyan too much, and he would spend the rest of his life to make up for and cherish it.

The marriage between Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan is the result of mutual understanding and support, and it is also a joint commitment to the duties of a soldier and a family. Their story, although not vigorous romance, is full of sincerity and determination. Their love, which has been tested, has become more tenacious and precious.

Long Zhiyong's emotional experience was an indispensable part of his military career. His love story, although not vigorous and romantic, is full of sincerity and determination. His marriage to Yang Hongyan is the result of mutual understanding and support, and it is also a joint commitment to military duties and family responsibilities. Long Zhiyong's story allows us to see another side of a soldier's personal life and emotional experience. His life is both heroic on the battlefield and warm in his family. His love, although it has gone through twists and turns, has finally found a home. Long Zhiyong's emotional world is an important part of his military career and an indispensable chapter in his life story.

Although Long Zhiyong's emotional road was bumpy, the communication between him and his girlfriend was full of deep understanding and support. In Long Zhiyong's life, the appearance of his girlfriend Yang Hongyan brought him warmth and strength. She is not only a gentle companion, but also a strong backing for him.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

The communication between Yang Hongyan and Long Zhiyong was always full of sincerity and frankness. She knew that Long Zhiyong's job was fraught with danger, but she didn't let it hold back. Instead, she chose to understand and support, believing in Long Zhiyong's choice and being willing to face everything in the future with him. During their exchanges, Yang Hongyan always patiently listened to Long Zhiyong's account of the difficulties and challenges in the task, and her eyes were full of concern and encouragement.

Once, when Long Zhiyong returned from a particularly dangerous mission, his heart was unusually heavy. During this mission, several of his comrades-in-arms unfortunately died, which made him feel deep grief and self-blame. Back home, he shared the experience of the mission with Yang Hongyan, tears rolling in his eyes. Yang Hongyan held his hand tightly and comforted him with warm words, telling him that every comrade-in-arms was a hero, and their sacrifice was for a greater cause. Her understanding made Long Zhiyong feel great comfort, and it also made him regain the strength to move forward.

Yang Hongyan's understanding of the dangers of Long Zhiyong's work is not only reflected in words, but also in actions. Whenever Long Zhiyong went on a mission, Yang Hongyan would silently pray for him at home, she knew that he had an important mission, and she was willing to be his most solid backing. In the days when Long Zhiyong is not at home, Yang Hongyan will take on all the affairs of the family, so that Long Zhiyong has no worries.

Long Zhiyong is well aware of Yang Hongyan's dedication and sacrifice, and he is grateful for her understanding and support. In the time they spent together, Long Zhiyong always tried his best to give Yang Hongyan the deepest love and care. He would write letters to Yang Hongyan between tasks, sharing what he saw and felt, and telling her about his thoughts and concerns. On vacation, he will try to accompany Yang Hongyan as much as possible and spend every ordinary and precious moment with her.

The communication between Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan is the cornerstone of their relationship. In their conversations, there are no flowery rhetoric, no exaggerated emotional expressions, just sincere concern and unwavering support. Their relationship deepened in these mundane and authentic exchanges, becoming an integral part of each other's lives.

Long Zhiyong's love story, although there is no romantic encounter and passionate vows, has a deep understanding and firm support. The relationship between him and Yang Hongyan has gone through the test of time and has become more tenacious and precious. Their stories show us that the power of love is also indispensable in the iron-blooded career of soldiers. The mutual understanding and support between Long Zhiyong and Yang Hongyan is the greatest strength for them to face the challenges of life together.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

As a scout, Long Zhiyong's duties and missions forced him to spend long periods of time away from his family and devote himself to dangerous missions. This way of life, although it earned him respect and honor in the army, also brought unspeakable guilt and regret to his family life.

Every time he returns from a mission, Long Zhiyong always steps into the house with mixed feelings. He loved his family dearly, but he knew that his status as a soldier often left his family to suffer the loneliness and worry of separation. Although his wife, Yang Hongyan, understands and supports his work, her loneliness and concern for her husband's safety are self-evident in the dead of night.

For his son, Long Zhiyong's military identity made him feel strange and distant. Due to the long separation, the son's memory of his father is often blurred, and he even sometimes asks on the phone or in photos: "Who is this uncle in military uniform?" Such a question was like a sharp knife, piercing Long Zhiyong's heart. He knew he had missed out on many important moments in his son's development, and that guilt often caused him to toss and turn in the dead of night.

Long Zhiyong's guilt for his family is not only reflected in his inability to accompany his son to grow up like other fathers, but also in his inability to give his family the care and protection they deserve. He remembers a time when his son was sick and needed to be hospitalized, and he was away on a mission and couldn't go home to take care of him. At that time, he could only ask his wife about his son's condition by phone, and the anxiety and powerlessness in his heart almost made him breathless.

Despite this, Long Zhiyong has never regretted his choice. He knew that as a soldier, he had the heavy responsibility of defending the country and its people. He believes that his dedication and sacrifice are for more families to enjoy peace and tranquility. Therefore, even in the face of the incomprehension of his family and the strangeness of his son, he still stuck to his post and silently fulfilled his duties.

In order to make up for the guilt of his family, Long Zhiyong always tries to seize every opportunity to reunite with his family as much as possible. On his days off, he will try to put aside all social entertainment and leave all his time to his family. He would take his son to the park to play and tell his son the story of his time in the army, although his son could not fully understand, but Long Zhiyong hoped that through these ways, his son would feel the existence of father's love.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong will also use his professional skills to teach his son some basic self-protection knowledge, hoping that in his absence, his son can learn to protect himself. He taught his son how to recognize danger and how to call for help in case of emergency, these seemingly simple knowledge, but they contain Long Zhiyong's deep love and expectations for his son.

Long Zhiyong's guilt about his family and his son's strangeness to him are the realities he must face in his military career. But he always firmly believes that his perseverance and dedication are not only a responsibility to the country, but also another kind of care for the family. He hopes that through his own efforts, his family can understand his choice and feel his glory and pride as a soldier. Although this road is full of hardships and challenges, Long Zhiyong is willing to use his actions to interpret a soldier's deep understanding of his feelings for his family and country.

Although Long Zhiyong's military career was full of glory and challenges, the long-term high-intensity training and execution of tasks also brought a lot of burden to his body. After retiring from the army, he had to be hospitalized for physical reasons. On the white bed in the hospital, Long Zhiyong looked back on his life and was full of emotion. However, even in the face of the pain of illness and treatment, he remained optimistic and confident that he could overcome the difficulties and get back on his feet.

After recovering, Long Zhiyong made an important decision - to move to Guangzhou City to live with his son. This decision means a lot to him, not only to make up for the time he spent separating from his son in the past, but also to find new sustenance and motivation in his life after retirement. The prosperity and vitality of Guangzhou City provided a good environment for Long Zhiyong's recovery life, and also built a bridge for family exchanges between him and his son.

Long Zhiyong's life after retirement, although it is completely different from his military career, he still maintains the rigor and self-discipline of a soldier. Every morning, he wakes up on time, gets a moderate workout, and keeps his body healthy. He also participates in various activities in the community, communicates with his neighbors, shares his military experience, and inspires and influences those around him with his story.

Long Zhiyong's son faces an important life decision after graduating from high school. Under the influence and influence of his father, he finally chose a military school and decided to inherit his father's career and continue to serve the country. This decision made Long Zhiyong feel extremely proud and gratified. He saw the determination and courage in his son, and also saw the inheritance of his own military spirit.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's son showed excellent quality and potential in his study and life at the military academy. He not only achieved excellent academic results, but also showed perseverance in military training. Long Zhiyong often visited his son at the military academy, shared his experience and insights with him, and encouraged him to overcome difficulties and keep improving.

Long Zhiyong gave full support and encouragement to his son's decision to choose a military school. He knew that what his son was about to embark on was a road full of challenges and hardships, but it was also a road full of honor and mission. He believes that his son can become an excellent soldier like himself and contribute his strength to the country and the people.

Long Zhiyong's retirement life, although ordinary, is full of meaning and value. He used his experience and spirit to influence and inspire his son, as well as those around him. His story is not only a personal legend, but also the inheritance and development of the spirit of soldiers.

Long Zhiyong's life, from military to retirement, from the battlefield to his family, although he has gone through different stages and transformations, he has always maintained an optimistic attitude and firm beliefs. With his actions, he interpreted the glory and responsibility of a soldier, whether on the battlefield or in ordinary life, he served the country and the people in his own way, and set an example for his family and son. Long Zhiyong's story continues, and his military spirit has also been inherited and carried forward by his son.

Long Zhiyong's retirement life is not full of gunsmoke and tension as he was on the battlefield in his youth, but unfolds in a calm and slightly challenging way. Years of military service left irreversible marks on his body, and shortly after his retirement, he had to be hospitalized for medical reasons. Amid the white walls of the hospital and the smell of disinfectant water, Long Zhiyong had a difficult time. Despite the physical pain, his will was not defeated, and he remained optimistic that he could overcome his illness and regain his health.

After a period of treatment and rehabilitation, Long Zhiyong's physical condition has improved significantly. After being discharged from the hospital, he made an important decision - to move to Guangzhou City to live with his son. This decision was both a new beginning and a farewell to his past military career. The prosperity and vitality of Guangzhou City have provided new impetus and hope for Long Zhiyong's rehabilitation life.

The scout soldier king was rewarded 150,000 yuan by the Vietnamese army, and he fell in love 7 times and said with a smile that it was more difficult to find a girlfriend than to capture a prisoner

Long Zhiyong's son had already taken root in the city of Guangzhou before he retired. When his son was growing up, because Long Zhiyong had served in the army for a long time, there was not much communication between the two. But the family affection that blood is thicker than water has never broken the connection between them. After moving to Guangzhou, Long Zhiyong had more time and opportunities to spend with his son, which made him feel extremely relieved and happy.

Long Zhiyong's retirement life is simple and fulfilling. Every day, he walks in the community's park, chatting with his neighbors and sharing stories about his military journey. His optimism and strong will have infected those around him, and many of his neighbors were willing to listen to his stories of the thrilling past and admire his military spirit.

After his recovery, Long Zhiyong was not completely idle, he actively participated in various activities in the community, using his experience and knowledge to help others. He also visits his old comrades-in-arms regularly, reminiscing with them about the past and sharing their current lives. These activities not only enriched his life, but also made him feel that he was still needed and respected by society.

Long Zhiyong's son saw the change in his father, and his heart was full of admiration and gratitude. He knows that although his father has retired from the army, his military spirit and optimism still influence himself and those around him. In his work and life in Guangzhou, his son often encounters difficulties and challenges, but whenever he remembers his father's optimism in the hospital bed, this gives him the courage and strength to overcome difficulties.

Although Long Zhiyong's retirement life is completely different from his life on the battlefield when he was young, he has always maintained the true character and spirit of a soldier. He uses his experience and attitude to influence and inspire his son and those around him. His story is not only a personal legend, but also a kind of inheritance and development of the spirit of soldiers.

After retiring, Long Zhiyong's living conditions are very different from the military life in the past. Without the morning horn and night patrols, his daily life became calm and serene. However, the former scout did not feel lost or overwhelmed by this, on the contrary, he actively adapted and enjoyed life after retirement with an optimistic attitude.

Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine through the curtains on the bedroom floor, Long Zhiyong wakes up on time. He still maintains the routine of a soldier, and even if there is no longer the urging of the military horn, his body seems to have become accustomed to such a rhythm of life. When he gets up, he does a simple morning exercise to move his muscles and get some fresh air, which makes him feel good both physically and mentally.

Long Zhiyong's optimistic attitude is reflected in his love and enjoyment of the details of life. He cooks and prepares breakfast for his family, and although his skills are not as skilled as those of professional chefs, each dish contains his love for his family and his zest for life. At the dinner table, he would share with his son interesting stories from his youth, or discuss current affairs, which made him feel that he was not out of touch with the times.

In the afternoon, Long Zhiyong likes to walk in the community park and chat with his neighbors. He is always smiling, patiently listening to other people's stories, and happy to share his life experiences. His optimism and cheerfulness made those around him feel comfortable and warm, and he quickly became a "star" in the community, and people were willing to talk to him and draw positive energy from him.

Long Zhiyong will also regularly attend the gatherings of retired soldiers and reminisce about the past with his old comrades-in-arms. These gatherings are not only a remembrance of the past, but also a cherishing of the friendship of comrades-in-arms. Long Zhiyong is always one of the most active in these activities, and he infects everyone with his optimistic attitude, so that everyone can find strength in their memories and move on.

Although Long Zhiyong's body has been left with some old injuries due to long-term missions, he never sees these as a burden. He actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment, insisted on rehabilitation training, and believed that he could overcome his physical difficulties. Whenever pain hits, he will tell himself with the will of a soldier: "This is only temporary, and I will definitely overcome it." This belief has kept him optimistic and strong in the face of illness.

Long Zhiyong's optimistic attitude also deeply influenced his son. When the son was growing up, he often saw that his father never gave up even in the face of difficulties and challenges. This spirit has become a role model for his son, making him more resilient and optimistic in his studies and life.

Long Zhiyong's life, although there is no military horn and uniform, his military nature has not changed. In his own way, he continues to interpret the glory and responsibility of soldiers. His state of life, although simple, is full of optimism and energy. Long Zhiyong's story allows us to see how a retired soldier continues to shine with his optimistic attitude in ordinary life, influencing and inspiring those around him.