
Residential transformation of the southern section of Jiefang Road

author:Li Ge talks about Wuhan's urban development

Under the baptism of the years, the former prosperous commercial street in the southern section of Jiefang Road has quietly faded its commercial halo and will become a community street full of life. It is no longer a symbol of the city's prosperity, but more like a bond that connects the emotions of the neighborhood.

Residential transformation of the southern section of Jiefang Road

The original Wuchang shopping mall, a landmark building that carries countless memories, and the surrounding Hubei Provincial Arts and Crafts Building, Peng Liuyang substation and other buildings, have now reached their new historical nodes. These buildings have witnessed the changes of the city, and now, if they are demolished together to build a new residential building with a bottom store, they can stand side by side with Chunjiang Mingyuan to build a vibrant and warm large-scale residential community.

Residential transformation of the southern section of Jiefang Road

This new residential complex will completely change the clutter around the single residential buildings of the past, and will also revitalize the once idle medium-sized commercial buildings and their land. These lands will be given a new lease of life and a more comfortable and livable environment for residents.

Residential transformation of the southern section of Jiefang Road

Such a residential area is close to Pengliuyang Station of Wuhan Metro Line 5, and the transportation is extremely convenient, so you can enjoy the convenience of urban life. At the same time, it is also adjacent to the beautiful Yellow Crane Park, backed by Snake Mountain, and adjacent to the Yellow Crane Tower Park, with a beautiful and pleasant natural environment, which can provide residents with a quiet and comfortable living space.