
Bloomage Biotech Pilot Center Exploration: The Bridge and Cradle of the Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements

author:Global Network Technology Channel

Recently, the reporter visited Bloomage Biotech's new pilot transformation center in Tianjin, which has just become the world's largest pilot transformation platform. As soon as you enter the factory, you will be greeted by towering fermentation tanks and sophisticated purification equipment, showing the spectacular scene of modern biomanufacturing.

Bloomage Biotech Pilot Center Exploration: The Bridge and Cradle of the Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements

"This is not only a pilot platform, but also a bridge between scientific research and the market." The relevant person in charge of Bloomage Biotech said. The reporter saw that the entire pilot platform covers an area of 30,000 square meters, with a huge scale and is equipped with 64 pilot production lines.

It is reported that the platform adopts advanced flexible and platform design, which can support the pilot and small-scale production of six categories of substances, including functional sugars, proteins, peptides, amino acids, nucleotides and natural active compounds. This not only provides strong hardware support for the transformation of scientific research achievements of synthetic biotechnology, but also occupies a favorable position for Bloomage Biotech in the future competition in the field of biomanufacturing.

"Without this link, many excellent scientific research results may only stay on paper and cannot be translated into actual products and services." The above-mentioned person in charge said.

Subsequently, the reporter visited the three module areas of fermentation, purification and refining. In the fermentation zone, microorganisms grow quietly in huge fermentation tanks; Technicians in the purification area are carefully operating the equipment; In the refining area, every step strictly follows GMP standards to ensure the stability of product quality.

As an important part of the company's strategic layout, the new pilot scale transformation center aims to promote the industrialization and marketization of synthetic biotechnology. At the same time, through industry-university-research cooperation with universities and research institutes at home and abroad, Bloomage Biotech will further accelerate the transformation of scientific research achievements and help the rapid development of the biomanufacturing industry.

"This major move not only marks a solid step taken by Bloomage Biotech in the field of biomanufacturing, but also marks an important step in the transformation of scientific research achievements into actual productivity in the era of new quality productivity." Industry insiders pointed out.

In the view of Zhao Yan, chairman of Bloomage Biotech, the development of new quality productivity must have three characteristics, one is to innovate in research and development, and the other is to realize industrial transformation and market transformation after innovation, which can effectively improve productivity. Third, it is earth-friendly, green and sustainable. Only when all three are combined can it be called new quality productivity.

Among them, the pilot test, an indispensable part of the process of scientific and technological innovation, often discourages many enterprises due to heavy asset investment and long return cycle. Since 2018, Bloomage Biotech has begun to build the world's leading pilot test achievement transformation platform, insisted on grinding a sword for 6 years, and successively completed the construction of skin care products and food-grade pilot test achievement transformation workshop and pharmaceutical-grade pilot test achievement transformation workshop, which shows its deep understanding and foresight of the key role of the pilot test link.

Bloomage Biotech Pilot Center Exploration: The Bridge and Cradle of the Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements

The data show that the pilot test, that is, the intermediate test, is the only way for scientific research results to move from the laboratory to industrialization. It can not only verify the technological innovation achievements of the laboratory, but also reduce the technical and production risks of the transformation of achievements. At the same time, it can also provide equipment selection basis for industrial production, so as to improve the matching degree of process and equipment and production efficiency. More importantly, the pilot test can further demonstrate the technical, safety, environmental protection and other feasibility and commercial rationality of scientific research results. It can be said that without the success of the pilot test, there will be no industrialization of scientific research results.

"It is based on this understanding that Bloomage Biotech decided to vigorously invest in the pilot test link to build the world's largest pilot transformation platform." Zhao Yan said that as a typical representative of a biomanufacturing company supported by synthetic biology, Bloomage Biotech is one of the few enterprises in the whole synthetic biology industry chain with "R&D and innovation capabilities, pilot and industrial transformation capabilities, and market transformation capabilities". "Investing in the construction of the world's largest pilot transformation platform is not only part of Bloomage Biotech's strategic deployment, but also the core key to realizing industrial empowerment and industry-university-research integration."

It is worth mentioning that Bloomage Biotech's pilot transformation platform has also made leading explorations and attempts in terms of full-line material coverage, flexible production methods and platform models.

According to reports, the so-called "flexibility" is that Bloomage Biotech has carried out modular and drawer-type dismantling of each link process required for the pilot test, so that the pilot platform can realize dozens of combinations to achieve rapid pilot process assembly and meet the different needs of different substances for each link of the pilot test.

On the one hand, "platformization" means that Bloomage Biotech's pilot platform can cover more substances, provide pilot solutions for more substances, and provide support for the transformation of technological achievements for small and medium-sized enterprises and scientific research institutions. On the other hand, it is based on the whole synthetic biology industry chain of Bloomage Biotech from "strains to terminals", which can realize the rapid transformation of scientific research achievements to terminal products.

Bloomage Biotech Pilot Center Exploration: The Bridge and Cradle of the Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements

As a leading enterprise in the biomanufacturing industry, Bloomage Biotech has not only broken through the barriers of production, education and research through the construction of this pilot platform, but also promoted the transformation of scientific research achievements and improved the transformation efficiency of the entire industry. The company has reached strategic cooperation with a number of universities and research institutes to jointly promote the rapid development of synthetic biotechnology. This cooperation model of industry-university-research integration not only accelerates the transformation of scientific research achievements, but also injects a steady stream of innovation power into the development of the entire industry.

During the visit, the reporter also learned that with a strong pilot test achievement transformation platform, Bloomage Biotech has carried out a total of 132 raw material and synthetic biology R&D projects in 2023, of which ultra-pure ergothioneine, micro-true, recombinant type III humanized collagen, lipopeptides and other raw material products have been listed, and salidroside, carnosine, human milk oligosaccharides and other substances have completed the "pilot test".

"The pilot platform is not only a base for the transformation of scientific research achievements, but also a cradle for innovation incubation," said the person in charge. ”

In February this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on the Pilot Innovation and Development of the Manufacturing Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), pointing out the target direction for the pilot innovation and development of the mainland manufacturing industry.

The "Opinions" put forward that by 2025, the pilot development of the mainland manufacturing industry has made positive progress, the pilot test capacity of the key industrial chain is basically fully covered, the level of digitalization, networking, intelligence, high-end and green has been significantly improved, the pilot service system has been continuously improved, and more than 5 pilot test platforms with international advanced level have been built, the pilot development ecology has been further optimized, a number of self-developed pilot test software and hardware products have been put into use, and the pilot test has significantly enhanced the support and guarantee role of the manufacturing industry; By 2027, the pilot development of the mainland's manufacturing industry will achieve remarkable results, the formation of advanced pilot test capacity will be accelerated, the high-quality and efficient pilot service system will be more perfect, and the pilot development ecology will be more sound, providing strong support for the high-quality development of the industry.

It can be said that the pilot test of manufacturing industry is a key link to promote the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, which not only plays a vital role in the iterative upgrading of technology, the gradual improvement of technology, and the continuous innovation of products, but also the core link to realize the rapid transformation of innovation achievements into actual productivity. According to data, in 2022, 175,600 industrial enterprises above designated size will carry out research and experimental activities, and the experimental expenditure of industrial enterprises above designated size will be 1.87 trillion yuan, accounting for 73.92% of the national experimental expenditure.

In addition to Bloomage Biotech, many synthetic biology companies have started the layout and construction of the pilot link. At the same time, the governments of Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and other places have also increased their support for the transformation of the synthetic biology industry at the policy level.

According to the analysis of industry insiders, Bloomage Biotech has not only promoted the R&D and production of its own products through the construction of the pilot platform, but also injected new vitality into the entire biomanufacturing industry.

In the future, the company will continue to increase investment and R&D efforts in the pilot process, and improve the functions and services of the pilot transformation platform. Through a more open attitude and closer industry-university-research cooperation, Bloomage Biotech will continue to promote the innovation and development of industrial transformation of the industry, and inject strong impetus into the prosperity and development of the global biomanufacturing industry. Bloomage Biotech said.

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