
Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

author:Sweet food house

Summer, the season of sunshine and vitality, not only brings heat, but also provides us with an excellent opportunity to recuperate our bodies, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. There is a conventional wisdom behind this – "winter ailments and summer cures", which means that summer is a critical time to prevent and alleviate health problems that can occur in winter. As we age, various body functions will gradually decline, and if not properly maintained and regulated, it may affect the cardiovascular system, digestive system, immunity and even mental state.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

For example, cardiovascular disease is more common in middle-aged and elderly people, and if you do not pay attention to your diet and lifestyle habits in summer, it may lead to increased blood pressure fluctuations and increase the burden on the heart. The digestive system becomes more fragile with age, and improper eating habits may cause gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, the body's immune system will gradually weaken due to age, making middle-aged and elderly people more susceptible to diseases.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

Therefore, choosing the right food is of great significance to enhance physical function and improve quality of life. Today, I will introduce you to four foods that are especially suitable for summer health, which can not only nourish and warm the stomach, but also strengthen the immune system and help middle-aged and elderly people better cope with the aging problem of the body. These foods include natural ingredients rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are effective in boosting the body's overall health.

1. Bitter gourd (cold bitter gourd)

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

Summer is here, and who wouldn't want to have some refreshing food? Bitter gourd has won many loyal fans with its "bitterness". Don't look at it bitter, bitter gourd is rich in nutrients. It is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, as well as some unique bioactive substances, such as bitter melon, which are beneficial to the body. Bitter melon's low-calorie and high-fiber properties, which can help with weight loss while also lowering blood sugar, are ideal for diabetics.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

On a hot summer day, a bitter gourd dish that clears away heat and reduces fire can not only help you beat the heat, but also lift your spirit and strengthen your body's resistance. Eating bitter gourd can also promote gastrointestinal digestion and alleviate common stomach discomfort in summer. In this way, it not only relieves the heat, but also nourishes the body, so why not do it?

2. Cucumber (cold cucumber yuba)

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

When it comes to the little experts in summer to relieve the heat, how can you miss cucumbers? Cucumbers have a water content of up to 95%, making them a great way to hydrate in summer. In addition to replenishing lost water in the body, cucumbers are also rich in nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium, which are all important elements for maintaining cardiovascular health. The silicon and sulfur in cucumbers also promote our liver health and aid in detoxification.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

With a touch of everything, cucumbers can be transformed into a delicious coleslaw that is both simple and healthy. On a hot summer day, eating a plate of cool cucumbers can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also keep your skin supsoft and smooth in the scorching heat. With such benefits, it's no wonder cucumbers are a regular on the summer table.

3. Loofah (garlic loofah)

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

The loofah is another cooling option in the summer, and it is also high in moisture, which can effectively help the body cool down and replenish moisture. The loofah is not only rich in vitamin B and vitamin C, but also minerals such as iron and calcium, which are essential for maintaining good health. In addition, the loofah has another benefit that has to be mentioned - its beauty effect. The natural compounds in loofah help maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent premature aging.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

In the hot summer, a loofah stew or stir-fried loofah can not only bring you a refreshing taste, but also bring multiple benefits to health. Coupled with its mild nature, it is suitable for almost all groups of people to eat, and it is an indispensable part of the summer table.

4. Eggplant (crispy sweet and sour eggplant)

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

Eggplant, a common vegetable this summer, is usually inconspicuous, but its nutritional value is not simple. Eggplant is rich in vitamin P, an ingredient that enhances the adhesion of human cells, reduces fragility and permeability, and helps protect microvessels. What's more, eggplant also has a certain effect of lowering blood lipids and helping digestion, which is suitable for patients with cardiovascular diseases and people with poor digestive system.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

In the summer, a dish of roasted eggplant or garlic eggplant can be enjoyed while absorbing the many health benefits that eggplant has to offer. Its variety of cooking options also caters to all dietary needs, from vegetarians to meat lovers, who can find their favorite in the delicious taste of eggplant.

Summer health, these 4 foods are the most nourishing, nourishing and warming the stomach, enhancing immunity, hurry up and arrange it!

Summer isn't just a season, it's a great time to get a regimen. These four ingredients can not only help us survive a cool summer, but also be a good partner for our health. Add these delicious and healthy ingredients to your menu and make this summer even better!

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