
Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

author:Brother Hua's back garden


Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

Recently, Liu Yifei's remarks in the live broadcast have caused widespread discussion and controversy. She talked about the current entertainment industry, which is full of chaos, especially pointed out that some actors swelled after becoming popular quickly, and they were unwilling to concentrate on grinding their acting skills, resulting in an impetuous mentality, and their acting skills not only did not improve, but also regressed.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

At the beginning, this passage was interpreted by some people as the connotation of the group of "85 Flowers", including first-line actresses such as Yang Mi, because these actresses can also be called overnight popularity. Fans of these artists have stood up to defend their idols, accusing and attacking Liu Yifei, feeling that their sister didn't recruit her to provoke her, what is the weirdness of yin and yang in three days. However, there are also a small wave of netizens who have come back and feel that Liu Yifei is talking about herself, she is the model of fame at that young age.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

Liu Yifei perfectly interprets the phrase "become famous as soon as possible", although she has a certain talent and beauty, otherwise she would not have successfully won the love of countless audiences as soon as she appeared, but her acting career can not be achieved today without the support and promotion of the team behind her, especially the help of her godfather Chen Jinfei. And she has never lacked good resources over the years, but her acting skills have not grown much for ten years, in works such as "The Story of the Rose", it can be clearly seen that her acting skills are not enough, especially in some explosive scenes, it can be seen that she is trying hard to perform the emotional effect, but it is just a look.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

Liu Yifei himself doesn't look like a person who has deeply studied the script and understood the characters, this wave is interesting, he is still mixed high, he is not low, who is to point out with this posture that everyone is drunk and I am sober, it is better to reflect on yourself if you have the time to pick thorns in others, and the boomerang is still stupid.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

In terms of luck, now these newcomers are definitely not as lucky as Liu Yifei, her first debut work is "The Family of Gold Powder", adapted from a famous novel, cooperated with popular actors, broadcast on CCTV, and later several dramas laid a solid foundation for her masses. After that, she entered the film industry, although she made a film, but there was never a shortage of movies, and even Hollywood's resources were won, but she didn't expect to be made like that ghost in the end. Someone supported her and allowed her to try and make mistakes infinitely, on the other hand, who can have her kind of capital in this group of new actors who have just emerged.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

In addition, some people associate Liu Yifei's words with Wu Moufan, and feel that Liu Yifei's words are ironizing Wu Moufan, who has already entered. Wu Moufan and Liu Yifei did have some intersections in the entertainment industry, when they cooperated in filming movies, Wu Moufan, as the darling of the Beijing circle and the object of capital, was suspected of having misbehaved towards Liu Yifei. In fact, not only Liu Yifei, but also many female artists in the circle that Wu Moufan fancied, he had, and even suspected of inviting each other to participate in that kind of large-scale party, these behaviors made Liu Yifei disgusted with Wu Moufan, and the two had nothing to do with each other after the filming. Therefore, some people think that Liu Yifei's remarks may be a kind of irony and criticism of Wu Moufan.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

When Wu Moufan was praised by capital, he could be said to be arrogant and domineering, with no one in his eyes, he offended many people in the entertainment industry, did evil everywhere, and united his group of fox friends and dog friends to do all kinds of evil, so he can be said to be expected to go in, and even many people are behind the scenes and give him a ride, and it is suspected that Liu Yifei can also be regarded as one.

Liu Yifei talked about the chaos in the entertainment industry live, saying that some actors became popular, causing discussion and controversy

In general, Liu Yifei's words have aroused widespread resonance and discussion in the entertainment industry. Whether it is for "85 Flowers" or self-reflection, or the grudge entanglement with Wu Moufan, it reflects some problems and chaos in the entertainment industry. It is hoped that these discussions can arouse more people's attention and reflection and promote the healthy development of the entertainment industry.

Discuss: Who do you think Liu Yifei is talking about?

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