
【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

author:Dr. Yang Ming

Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty, mentioned: "If you think too much, your spleen and stomach will be damaged, your mind will not be supported, your heart and spleen will be deficient, and your semen will not be kept."

It means that the spleen and stomach are responsible for transporting and absorbing nutrients, so as to generate qi and blood, which are transported to the five internal organs.

In this certificate, it is worth mentioning that there is a medicine, night vine, it is the cane stem of He Shou Wu, each plant only grows two vine seedlings, and it is entangled with each other at night, such as glue and lacquer, such as loving couples, so it is called night vine.

【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

Night vine, the name of the medicinal properties are completely revealed, a "cross" word, very wonderful, plus it tastes slightly bitter, peaceful nature, so it has the effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, its effect is particularly good, the power is against the sour jujube kernel, and the price is cheap.

This medicine is used to prepare one side, which is used for time problems caused by heart and spleen deficiency and heart fire, and has been used repeatedly.

【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

【Fang name】Night drink

【Fangzi】Nightshade vine, astragalus, longan meat, angelica, cypress kernel, fried jujube kernel, lotus seed meat, lotus seed heart, cocoon god wood

【Efficacy】Nourish the spleen and calm the heart, and fix the essence

【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

【Medical Case Review】

The patient, Mr. Wu, 41 years old, complained of short battery life.

Symptoms are as follows:

1. Fast as the wind, counted in seconds

2. Dizziness, fatigue, palpitations

3. Shortness of breath and sluggishness, dreaming and waking up easily

4. The tongue is pale and red, thin, and the pulse is thin and weak.

【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

The comprehensive dialectic is that the heart and spleen are deficient and the source is insufficient, which leads to the heart fire and delirium, disturbs the sperm chamber, and the opening and closing of the essence is abnormal, which is easy to cause a short time and unsatisfactory.

According to this syndrome type, in the treatment, it is necessary to take the method of tonifying the spleen and calming the heart, fixing the essence and closing the essence, and locking the essence to stop it from the source.

Use the above [Night Drink], just to the right symptom, let's see the solution:

【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

1. Tonify the spleen

Astragalus membranaceus is slightly warm and replenishes qi, which can strengthen the spleen and nourish the kidneys; Angelica sinensis warms and nourishes blood, providing a source of vitality for the male body;

Longan meat, returning to the heart and spleen meridians, is known as "southern ginseng", which can nourish the heart and spleen, transport qi, blood and nutrients to the five internal organs, and to the lower coke is conducive to time.

【Night Drink】Traditional Chinese medicine prescription for thousands of years, keep the heart and delay the time, and be happy at night, which is wonderful

2. Tranquility

Nightshade vine, cypress kernel, fried jujube kernel, and cocoon wood can all be used to soothe the heart and calm the nerves, sweat and awaken the spleen, stabilize the mind, will not disturb the essence, and the quality of sleep can also be improved linearly.

3. Solid astringency

Lotus seed flesh and lotus seed heart, combined can communicate the heart and kidneys, solidify the essence and astringency, lock the essence tightly, and prolong the time.

After 2 treatments, dizziness and fatigue disappeared, sleep peacefully, and time was satisfied.

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