
Reviving Second Thomas Reef? The Philippine patrol ship is relying on Xianbin Reef to achieve material supply, and the Chinese coast guard has expressed its position

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

A large Philippine Coast Guard patrol ship has been in the waters of the mainland's Sembin Reef for about three months, and judging from the actions of the Philippines, there has been a replication of the pattern of Ren'ai Jiao, because on July 1, the Philippines used a number of small ships to successfully replenish the supplies of large patrol ships, and at the same time to replace personnel. The Philippines suddenly sailed a large patrol ship into the lagoon of the reef and has been on the reef ever since, when China was busy with sovereignty over the reef and Scarborough Shoal.

Reviving Second Thomas Reef? The Philippine patrol ship is relying on Xianbin Reef to achieve material supply, and the Chinese coast guard has expressed its position

In May 1999, the Philippine Navy abruptly sailed a landing ship into Second Thomas Shoal, and then stayed at Second Thomas Shoal, where in recent years the Philippines has been trying to reinforce the stranded landing ship by forcibly resupplying illegal construction materials on several occasions. The Philippines has secretly transported materials, including steel plates, to the landing ship several times in order to achieve the purpose of illegally controlling Second Thomas Shoal for a long time, and Philippine Navy personnel are currently stationed on the landing ship. The Philippines also takes the opportunity to replace personnel from time to time in order to maintain its so-called "combat effectiveness".

Reviving Second Thomas Reef? The Philippine patrol ship is relying on Xianbin Reef to achieve material supply, and the Chinese coast guard has expressed its position

The Philippine Coast Guard has released a video of the use of three small ships to resupply the reef and the rotation of personnel, and the spokesman has also publicly shouted that the four Philippine ships docked side by side to create an extraordinary scene. The Philippines has not previously resupplied the patrol ship at Second Thomas Shoal, which is large in tonnage and can carry large quantities of supplies and fresh water to meet the needs for three months, but over time, the Philippines has resupplied and replaced personnel. Judging by the public statements of the Philippine Coast Guard, the Philippines already considers it a huge victory.

Reviving Second Thomas Reef? The Philippine patrol ship is relying on Xianbin Reef to achieve material supply, and the Chinese coast guard has expressed its position

According to public information, a spokesman for the Chinese Coast Guard said that the Chinese Coast Guard has tracked, monitored and controlled the personnel and materials of the three coast guard ships sent by the Philippines, and stressed that the Philippines is illegally staying at the Xianbin Reef, so it has violated China's territory and sovereignty, and China firmly opposes the Philippines' actions in violation of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, and pointed out that the Philippines' infringement has undermined peace and stability in the South China Sea. China firmly opposes this. The Chinese Coast Guard directly stopped the Philippine Navy's illegal resupply of Second Thomas Shoal on June 17, but allowed the Philippine Coast Guard to resupply operations on July 1, which immediately drew attention from the outside world.

Reviving Second Thomas Reef? The Philippine patrol ship is relying on Xianbin Reef to achieve material supply, and the Chinese coast guard has expressed its position

Judging from the public statements of the Chinese Coast Guard, China has given the Philippines the greatest goodwill, and the analysis of the Global Beacon Line believes that the Chinese side hopes that the Philippines will sail the patrol ship away from Xianbin Jiao, and if the Philippines continues to wantonly consume China's goodwill, the Chinese Coast Guard will not be relentless. In fact, in addition to the Chinese Coast Guard patrolling at Xianbin Reef, the PLA also has a number of warships on duty at Xianbin Reef, so it can take strong measures at any time to safeguard the integrity of its territory and sovereignty. In terms of strength, the Philippines is obviously not qualified to argue with China, and China is considering the overall situation in the South China Sea, so allowing the Philippines to carry out material supplies and personnel transfers, which is obviously not the great success claimed by the Philippine Coast Guard.

Reviving Second Thomas Reef? The Philippine patrol ship is relying on Xianbin Reef to achieve material supply, and the Chinese coast guard has expressed its position

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