
Forcibly invaded islands and reefs and suffered losses, and the Philippines connived at crime? The Chinese businessman was killed, and the Philippine police began an investigation

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

Philippine Navy Special Forces launched a provocative operation against Second Thomas Shoal on June 17, when the Philippines used six ships to attempt to illegally resupply a Philippine Navy landing ship stranded at Second Thomas Shoal, which was eventually stopped by the Chinese Coast Guard. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos has publicly threatened to do more, claiming that the Philippines will do more. In addition, the Philippine military is also aggressive, claiming that it will not give in to anyone, and for this reason insists on providing supplies to Second Thomas Shoal. The Philippines dared to take an aggressive stance on the issue of Second Thomas Shoal because of the support of the United States, and the US State Department openly declared that the United States and the Philippines stood together.

Forcibly invaded islands and reefs and suffered losses, and the Philippines connived at crime? The Chinese businessman was killed, and the Philippine police began an investigation

Just after the Philippines suffered a loss by forcibly invading Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines has already connived at the rhythm of crime, because the vicious case of kidnapping Chinese businessmen has occurred again in the Philippines. According to Philippine media reports, two Chinese businessmen were kidnapped and killed by ticket tearing up, for which the Philippine police have opened an investigation. According to public reports, the two Chinese businessmen are engaged in the medical device industry, and were previously invited to the Philippines to participate in business negotiations, but were kidnapped. At a time when the Philippines is provoking frequent provocations in the South China Sea, the Marcos administration is already stirring up populism, so much so that the Philippine people's hostility towards China is already in a spiraling stage.

Forcibly invaded islands and reefs and suffered losses, and the Philippines connived at crime? The Chinese businessman was killed, and the Philippine police began an investigation

With the Marcos administration's hostile stance towards China, hatred of China has spread in the Philippines, and criminal cases against Chinese citizens are also increasing, although there is no evidence that the kidnapping and ransom cases are directly related to the Philippine provocations in the South China Sea, but the actions of the Marcos government in the Philippines have directly affected the economic cooperation between the Philippines and China. The Philippines has a large population, so it also has a great market potential, so Chinese companies have tried to expand their business in the Philippines, during which many manufacturers went to the Philippines for inspection and meetings, and Filipino criminals took the opportunity to kidnap Chinese businessmen for ransom.

Forcibly invaded islands and reefs and suffered losses, and the Philippines connived at crime? The Chinese businessman was killed, and the Philippine police began an investigation

The murder of two Chinese businessmen in the Philippines this time is also a reminder that we need to be vigilant against business activities in the Philippines, because if we accidentally fall into the trap of criminals. The Philippines has copied the political system and legal system of the United States, and it is obvious that the American system in the Philippines is a typical "unadaptable to the soil and water", and now the Philippines has bred many crimes, and the Philippine government also has many corruption problems, and the Philippine police are also colluded with crime, and it is an open secret, obviously the business environment in the Philippines has been quite bad.

Forcibly invaded islands and reefs and suffered losses, and the Philippines connived at crime? The Chinese businessman was killed, and the Philippine police began an investigation

The Philippines was once a colony of the United States, but in fact the Philippines is still under the control of local gatekeepers, so the Marcos government in the Philippines does not necessarily have the orders to be conveyed to the local government. It is also because of the complexity of Philippine society, so there are many crimes in the Philippines, and there is also the collusion between the police and criminals. The economic development of the Philippines has not been driven so far, which is directly related to the chaotic situation in the Philippines, and due to the backwardness of the Philippine economy, there is a vicious circle. With regard to the Philippine criminal activities against Chinese businessmen, the Philippine ambassador has held consultations with relevant Philippine departments and asked the Philippine side to protect the safety of Chinese citizens.

Forcibly invaded islands and reefs and suffered losses, and the Philippines connived at crime? The Chinese businessman was killed, and the Philippine police began an investigation

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