
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump has partial immunity, and Biden: seriously endangering the United States

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court has become Trump's biggest support force, thanks to the fact that during Trump's presidency, he installed his own people in the U.S. Supreme Court, and now can provide the necessary support for Trump's political life. The U.S. Supreme Court made a very favorable ruling in Trump's favor on July 1, declaring that Trump has partial immunity, and although the conclusion given by the U.S. Supreme Court is very vague, it has given Trump a lot of leeway, because Trump does not have to worry about any fault during his presidency, because judging from the Supreme Court's interpretation, as long as it is an "official act", there is immunity, for which the U.S. Democratic Party has begun to publicly criticize the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump has partial immunity, and Biden: seriously endangering the United States

Because of the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, it will make the accusation of Trump's involvement in the Capitol riot promoted by the Biden administration in the United States "worthless", the U.S. Supreme Court has the supreme right, this is because the judges of the Supreme Court have adopted a lifelong system, and there are currently 9 judges, and the ruling passed on July 1 is 6 to 3. Trump will win, and it is clear that the current Biden administration in the United States will not be able to change this situation unless multiple judges are replaced at the same time.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump has partial immunity, and Biden: seriously endangering the United States

Even if the judges of the U.S. Supreme Court are corrupt and pervert the law, the relevant laws of the United States are not in line with him, and there have been judges who have openly obtained benefits from the rich, including free travel and free use of luxury transportation, etc., for the relevant allegations, the judges of the United States Supreme Court gave an explanation that the salary is not enough, thus highlighting the ridiculousness of the American political system. Trump has spent a lot of effort to install his own people in the US Supreme Court, and now it has played a role, judging from the composition of the US Supreme Court, conservatives occupy a dominant position, so it will have a great negative impact on the overall development of the United States, but the US Democratic Party is powerless.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump has partial immunity, and Biden: seriously endangering the United States

Nowadays, it is very difficult for the Democratic Party of the United States to try to bring down Trump through legal proceedings, especially it is impossible to deal with Trump through the Capitol riot, the ruling of the US Supreme Court has pointed out the direction, Trump has immunity in the Capitol riot, so no matter how he is convicted, it is impossible to deal with Trump, and now the US Democratic Party can only condemn Trump through a moral standpoint, which does not matter to Trump. The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling is tantamount to giving Trump a shot in the arm, which is tantamount to supporting Trump's participation in the 2024 presidential election.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump has partial immunity, and Biden: seriously endangering the United States

U.S. President Joe Biden has publicly responded to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling, and according to U.S. media reports, Biden has not "stammered" when he expressed his position, and Biden has publicly stated that the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling has seriously endangered the United States and the American people. Biden has set a dangerous precedent by publicly slamming the U.S. Supreme Court, reiterating that no one in the U.S., including the U.S. president, is above the law. However, now Biden's response has been "pale", because Biden cannot change a basic fact, Trump has full control of the US Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump has partial immunity, and Biden: seriously endangering the United States

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