
How does "film and television + cultural tourism" achieve "two-way travel"?

author:Convergence Media Magazine

The effect of "drama fire city fever" is short-lived, and how to make film and television IP and city IP continue to maintain their influence is a problem that requires long-term attention and efforts. So, what is the correct way to open "film and television + cultural tourism"? How can a film and television work really set a city on fire?

The detailed portrayal of the Yellow River Road in Shanghai and the setting of important scenes in "Flowers" evoke the audience's fresh curiosity and nostalgia for this historic district; "The Legend of Cheng Huan" not only freezes the warm moments in the alley, but also depicts the elegant scenery on the banks of the Huangpu River; With the popularity of "My Altay", according to the statistics of Xinjiang Daily, the number of tourists in Altay increased by more than 80% year-on-year, and tourism-related income increased by more than 90% year-on-year......

How does "film and television + cultural tourism" achieve "two-way travel"?

In addition, new cultural and creative spaces such as film and television IP flash mobs and theme exhibitions have also become new tourism scenes. Youku's "Country Love 15" themed snow sculpture, "Youth Song Xing" national style exhibition, "Why not Bing Candle Tour" flash mob and other activities have injected new vitality into urban IP. Film and television works such as "For the Dark Fragrance" and "Life Food" also dig deep into cultural values such as intangible cultural heritage and food, broaden the connotation of tourism methods, and constantly activate the cultural tourism dividends of filming locations.

How does "film and television + cultural tourism" achieve "two-way travel"?

It can be said that in the current film and television market, cultural tourism accounts for more and more of film and television dramas, from the initial icing on the cake to boosting the development of the plot and even becoming the main plot line, the integration of cultural tourism and film and television dramas is becoming more and more natural, and the role is more prominent, which has aroused more and more attention and discussion. So, what is the correct way to open "film and television + cultural tourism"? How can a film and television work really set a city on fire? From "a gust of wind" to "10,000 taels of gold", how to play the "cultural tourism card"? At this year's Shanghai TV Festival, film and television dramas + cultural tourism have become high-frequency words discussed in the industry, and their respective answers have also been given.

The tuyere is strong

How to make quality king?

Since the beginning of this year, relevant departments have increased their support for cultural tourism, and a series of measures have made film and television + cultural tourism a strong outlet.

Among them, the Propaganda Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly organized the "Splendid Screen, Wonderful Audio-Visual - TV Accompanies You to Watch China" cultural and tourism theme TV program release activity, which promoted 38 cultural and tourism theme variety shows, cultural programs, documentaries, and cartoons such as "Chinese Civilization Landmark", "Our National Park" and "Flower Blooming Country Season" to the society, enriching the content supply of TV large screens;

The General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Creation Plan of "Follow the Micro Short Drama to Travel", which proposes that in 2024, 100 excellent micro short dramas with the theme of "Follow the Micro Short Drama to Travel" will be created and broadcast, and a number of physical filming locations will be "out of the circle" with the popularity of the micro short drama, forming a batch of replicable and promotable new models of "micro short drama + cultural tourism" integration to promote consumption, and creating a new trend of following the micro short drama to "check in" all over the country.

How does "film and television + cultural tourism" achieve "two-way travel"?

"Cultural and tourism integration" must first of all be excellent works, and tourism must be driven by excellent works. At the Shanghai TV Festival, Gao Changli, director of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, pointed out that TV dramas are the people's home-cooked dishes, and this home-cooked dish should have both big fish and meat, as well as green vegetables and small dishes.

In the view of Yang Zheng, deputy director of the Network Audiovisual Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, it is necessary to pay attention to the reasonable construction and continuous optimization of the micro-short drama industry chain, continuously extend the tentacles of the micro-short drama industry chain, actively integrate into the overall situation of economic development, explore cross-border integration and cooperation, and enhance the social attention, participation and reputation of micro-short dramas. In the creation of high-quality products, we always insist on putting social benefits in the first place, clarifying the boundaries between right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, and abandoning the phenomena of vulgarity, vulgarity and kitsch.

China's "Film and Television +" has many innovative explorations and successful cases at all levels, from which we can summarize several commonalities:

First of all, the fundamental foundation of "film and television +" lies in excellent works. High-quality film and television works themselves have a strong artistic appeal, the thickness of their thoughts, the temperature of expression, and the sharpness of thinking are all possibilities to extend their vitality, whether it is "+ cultural tourism" or "+ performing arts", it is necessary to rely on the excellent works themselves to achieve this plus.

Secondly, the unique charm of "film and television +" lies in the two-way rush. In film and television works, it can cause the audience to resonate at the same frequency and trigger the emotional "nuclear explosion point" of further experience, and the good offline experience can achieve and empower each other.

Finally, the infinite possibilities of "film and television +" are the best proof of the high-quality development of Chinese TV dramas. High-quality, high-quality dramas have formed a stronger emotional connection and spawned more diverse offline experiences. Luo Yi, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, said that he believes that in the future, China will give birth to more excellent cases of "film and television +", making the drama industry a "source" and "amplifier" to meet the spiritual and civilized life of the people.

The perspective is sinking

How to bring about the effect of "drama fire city fever"?

In recent years, a number of film and television works that integrate cultural and tourism elements have frequently broken the circle, and the market competition has become more and more fierce, and all creative parties have also realized the win-win role of "film and television + cultural tourism" and have taken the initiative to attack.

How does "film and television + cultural tourism" achieve "two-way travel"?

Taking "Going to a Windy Place" as an example, Fu Binxing, President of Zhejiang Huace Film and Television Co., Ltd., introduced that before the filming of the play, the screenwriter visited many cities across the country, and went to a small village in Yunnan at that time, which was still a poor village at that time, but gave the screenwriter a lot of inspiration.

"I remember when we first visited, the daily flow of tourists in that village was less than 20 people, and by the time our show aired two years later, the average number of tourists per day had increased exponentially. This time we have a deep sense of the potential impact of our industry, and the impact on the social economy will be so great. Fu Binxing said.

Industry experts pointed out that we should not regard film and television as a small industry, but as a large carrier. Film and television can bring rapid attraction, but if we want to develop it better and more sustainably, forming a "long-tail effect", we need to continue to explore these values and explore more space for symbiosis, co-creation and integration between film and television works and the city.

For example, Perfect World Film and Television's hit work "Chasing the Light" not only achieved a bumper harvest in word-of-mouth and ratings, but also drove Huizhou's cultural tourism consumption to more than 1.8 billion, achieving a double increase in tourists and tourism income, and Huizhou has also become a veritable "City of Chasing Light".

Zeng Yingxue, Senior Vice President of Perfect World and Head of Perfect World's Film and Television Business, said that the effect of this "drama fire city fever" is short-lived, and how to ensure that film and television IP and city IP can continue to maintain their influence is an issue that requires long-term attention and efforts.

"Based on our experience and observation of popular film and television IPs, the key to maintaining the attractiveness of IP is to create tourism products and cultural activities with local characteristics. This requires producers to work closely with cultural destinations at the creative stage to create high-quality content around a common cultural theme. Zeng Yingxue said.

Diversity and integration

How to open the two-way pathway?

Integrating cultural tourism into film and television creation, and using film and television works to reach traditional cultural knowledge and intangible cultural heritage skills, is undoubtedly one of the most down-to-earth ways to create high-quality cultural tourism and gather popularity.

From the content level, with the increasing call for the inheritance and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, many film and television dramas have begun to absorb traditional elements, for the current audience, culture and cultural tourism need to be integrated into the stories that move people's hearts, starting from historical logic and cultural connotation, in order to better make traditional culture deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which needs to be truly derived from history, from life, down-to-earth, no one has me, no one has me, and I have a good theme, good story, and good characters as the underlying logic.

How does "film and television + cultural tourism" achieve "two-way travel"?

First of all, it presents a distinct regionality. The cultural tourism-themed film and television drama series selects various tourist destinations with distinctive characteristics as the background of the story, and deeply excavates and shows the unique geographical environment, historical heritage, national culture and lifestyle of each place. Whether it is the integration of local dialects, or the reproduction of traditional costumes, folk activities, or even the delicious scenery of local characteristics, they are all delicately and vividly presented in the film. In the process of watching, the audience will experience the charm of exotic customs as if they are there, so as to have a deep interest and yearning for the tourist destination.

In the view of Zhou Hai, member of the Party Committee of Hunan Satellite TV, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of Mango Supermedia, any creation has its value expression, and telling Chinese stories well is our basic need and responsibility. Our times have undergone tremendous changes, and what kind of stories to choose and what kind of points to look for are very big challenges for creators in the early stage, whether to choose the elite or the general public, whether to understand some topics at a superficial level, or to find the details of the characters and stories in the hidden secrets of life, and find your own way of expression. For the creators themselves, this is a big challenge, and it even represents a value proposition.

Secondly, the storytelling of empathy and resonance. While highlighting the value of cultural tourism, it is also necessary to attach great importance to meeting the audience's needs for viewing and entertainment. The well-woven storyline, well-made picture texture, and just the right amount of humor all work together to create a relaxed and enjoyable audio-visual enjoyment for the audience. This down-to-earth way enables the audience to enjoy the wonderful plot and understand the regional culture at the same time, but also get an immersive leisure and entertainment experience, which further enhances the effect and influence of cultural tourism promotion.

Chen Xiao, senior vice president of iQIYI, said that realism provides a more adequate soil for us to create, because truth and reality are the biggest creative base and treasure house. Our creative techniques are also inseparable from the information that reflects the real customs, characters' emotions, characters' backgrounds, and historical periods:

First, its impact on us provides us with a soil for real existence. Second, the realist creative method allows us to communicate more sincerely with the current audience, which is a symbol of the communication medium, and this symbol is the material that it comes from many realities. The ultimate function of literary and artistic works is to reflect life and enlighten the soul, and this kind of communication is a very valuable way to achieve this goal.

Source: WeChat public account "Media Internal Reference"

Artist: Asahi

Editor: Deng Rumeng, Zheng Shuxian

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