
In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

author:Qingying History
In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

The article was first published by Toutiao

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and have been summarized at the end of the article

On March 18, 2014, a motorcycle speeding from Zhangzhou, Fujian Province to Xiamen was collided head-on by a large truck at an intersection. On this motorcycle, a husband and wife, the wife is pregnant, today is the day before the due date, the husband took his wife to Xiamen Haicang District People's Hospital for a pre-labor examination.

However, the misfortune of fate befell this family who was about to usher in a new life, and the couple was swept under the huge body of the large truck and died on the spot. Even the child in the womb of a pregnant woman was squeezed out, and when others thought that the baby had also died unfortunately, there was a cry, and the child was born in misfortune;

Because of this car accident, this "broken" family has received more than one million compensation, so many years have passed, how is this child doing? Did the car accident at that time have an effect on his body?

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

1. The miracle of life

After the car accident, the police and rescuers rushed to the scene as soon as possible. The scene of the car accident was tragic, and Zhao Yanyuan and Duan Lirong, who were caught under the truck, had long been out of breath. When everyone at the scene was saddened by this tragic car accident, a cry diverted the attention of the people at the scene.

A few meters away from the scene of the crash, a baby with an umbilical cord and placenta lay on the concrete pavement. Duan Lirong was nine months pregnant at this time, and the fetus had matured in the mother's body, and the huge pressure at the moment of the car accident squeezed the fetus out of the mother's body.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

The baby miraculously survived the fall to the ground because of the placenta providing cushion. The baby's whole body was red, with multiple abrasions and mud and sand on his body, and he looked very good, and everyone present was worried about the loss of both parents when he first came into the world.

In the subsequent rescue, the baby was immediately taken to the hospital. With the full rescue of experts and medical staff from medical institutions in Xiamen and Haicang City, as well as the meticulous care of medical staff and caring people, the baby born in the car accident miraculously recovered his health.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

The tragic car accident and the story of the surviving baby were reported by the news media and attracted a lot of public attention, and people across the country knew the baby. While sighing for the unfortunate death of the child's parents, everyone gave great sympathy and pity to the child who survived the disaster. The child was known as the "Miracle Baby" and named the "Miracle Baby" Ping An.

The name "Zhao Ping'an" entrusts his relatives and caring people from all walks of life with their best wishes, and everyone hopes that he will grow up safely and safely, and let the miracle of life continue to be written.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

Little Ping An and Grandma

2. When family affection meets money

The aftermath of Xiao Ping'an's parents is mainly responsible for his uncle Zhao Yanchao. At the time of the accident, Zhao Yanyuan's younger brother Zhao Yanchao was working in Zhangzhou, Fujian, and Xiao Kaixing, the grandmother of Xiao Ping'an, who heard the bad news, also came to Xiamen, Fujian Province from his hometown in Sichuan Province as soon as possible, and Duan Lirong's parents rushed from Guizhou to Haicang, Xiamen.

After the funeral affairs of Xiao Ping'an's parents are properly handled, the top priority is to discuss and decide on the custody of the three children left by Zhao Yanyuan and Duan Lirong. In addition to Xiao Ping'an, the couple also have two children, namely their eldest daughter Zhao Wei, who is only 6 years old, and their 4-year-old son Zhao Meng.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

Little Ping An and uncle

The cause of the traffic accident and the main responsibility for the accident are clear, and the driver Guo Jiancai is fully responsible. The driver who caused the accident, Guo Jiancai, caused the tragedy due to the violation, when he heard a loud collision sound, realized that the situation was not good, immediately got out of the car to check and called the rescue number in time.

In view of Guo Jiancai's voluntary surrender after the incident, his sincere attitude in admitting guilt, actively compensating the victim's family, and obtaining forgiveness from the victim's family, the court finally sentenced him to three years in prison with a five-year probation. The total amount of compensation for the driver involved in the accident plus the compensation for vehicle accident insurance is 1.35 million yuan.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

In addition, the special donation account initiated and set up by the Xiamen Red Cross Society and the Charity Federation received more than 130 yuan of donations from caring people in just one week. The unfortunate experience of the "miracle baby" touched the hearts of people across the country.

In the end, grandma Xiao Kaixing and uncle Zhao Yanchao obtained the custody of the eldest granddaughter Zhao Wei and the youngest grandson Zhao Ping'an, and shared more than 730,000 yuan in compensation;

The Duan family obtained the custody of their grandson Zhao Meng and shared the rest of the compensation. The funds raised by the Xiamen Red Cross Society and the Charity Federation are managed by the two major organizations respectively, and the living expenses of the three children are paid regularly.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

Xiao Ping An and her grandmother

Xiao Ping'an was diagnosed with hydrocephalus shortly after birth, and the First People's Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University recommended surgery in Beijing.

The Zhao family lives in the countryside of Hejiang County, Sichuan, and Xiao Kaixing's two sons have gone out to work in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, and live in poverty. After Xiao Ping'an was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a large amount of money may be invested in follow-up treatment, and this huge amount of compensation can be regarded as a solution to the family's urgent need.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

However, regarding the need for Xiao Ping'an to return to Beijing for regular review in the later period, grandma Xiao Kaixing and uncle Zhao Yanchao had a disagreement. The 730,000 yuan allocated to Xiao Kaixing that year was transferred to Zhao Yanchao's account, and the passbook was handed over to Xiao Kaixing for safekeeping, and Zhao Yanchao was in charge of the password.

At first, the mother and son got along harmoniously, and the two children were raised by them together, and life was peaceful. But it didn't take long for the mother and son to have different opinions on whether to take Xiao Ping'an for regular review. Grandma Xiao Kaixing did not let Xiao Ping'an go back to Beijing for inspection, and regular check-ups were a waste of money. Uncle Zhao Yanchao did not agree with his mother's approach, and the mother and son fell out of harmony because of this.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

Xiao Kaixing thought that Zhao Yanchao would fight the idea of compensation, and after they obtained this huge amount of compensation, the relatives who came to borrow money were like carp crossing the river, and some people even opened their mouths to say 300,000 yuan, Zhao Yanchao sternly refused the people who came to borrow money.

Because of this incident, Xiao Kaixing even more determined that his youngest son coveted the compensation, and the contradictions between the two sides intensified. Zhao Yanchao finally couldn't stand his mother's deepening suspicion and chose to give up the password for the custody of the compensation and the custody of the children.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

3. Whether Ping An is "Safe"

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed since the accident, what is Xiao Ping'an's living situation now? A reporter went to Hejiang County, Sichuan Province to interview Xiao Ping'an's family. After Zhao Yanchao gave up the custody of his two children, Xiao Ping'an and his sister were fully raised by his grandmother Xiao Kaixing. After the reporter came to Zhao's house, he found that Xiao Kaixing was still living in an adobe house in the countryside of Hejiang County with his sister and brother.

The house was pitch black, there were no household appliances, and the reporter did not see the children's books and toys. The reporter was puzzled by this, and it stands to reason that with a generous amount of compensation and a monthly payment of 2,000 yuan from charity, their living conditions should have improved significantly. But the reality is that the three grandparents are still poor.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

When he talked to Xiao Ping'an, he found that although the child could run and jump, his language expression was obviously not as good as that of normal children.

It is reported that Xiao Ping'an has already entered primary school, but his primary school language score can only score more than ten or twenty points. Due to the severe brain trauma that Xiao Ping'an suffered at birth, and did not receive proper rehabilitation treatment in the later stage, his intellectual development was seriously lagging behind his peers.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

In the subsequent investigation, the reporter also learned that the children's grandmother, Xiao Ping'an, spent more than 60 yuan to buy financial insurance at the instigation of relatives, and did not use the money for the education and raising of the siblings. Looking at Xiao Ping'an, who was already in elementary school in the hospital, running barefoot after his sister, the reporter felt deeply worried about this child who had lost his parents at birth.

The name Ping An originally pinned people's wishes and expectations for the future life of the "miracle baby", but now it seems more like a sarcasm. This young and helpless child is now unable to speak for himself, and a safe future needs more care.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now
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Xiamen car accident "miracle baby" turned 7 years old: every year to Beijing for review stopped, grandma used more than 600,000 compensation to buy insurance - Red Star News
In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident, and the fetus "flew out of the mother's body" 8 meters miraculously survived, how is it now

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