
Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

author:Xia Xinhong, a pediatrician of traditional Chinese medicine

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says: "Qi is bloody, and qi stagnation is blood stasis." ”


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that qi stagnation and blood stasis lead to unobstructed meridians, and qi and blood cannot nourish the head and face, causing facial muscles to lose nutrients and cause symptoms of tics.

If there is a problem with qi and blood, the resistance will also decrease, causing the human body to be more susceptible to external evils such as wind and cold.

Therefore, some children blow a gust of wind or are sick from the cold, and suddenly find that the eyelids and corners of the mouth begin to twitch uncontrollably.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

Modern Western medicine has analyzed the etiology of facial nerve twitching.

In most cases, the blood vessels are too close to the facial nerve, compressing the facial nerve, causing it to function impaired, resulting in tics and spasms.

This also shows that although the location of facial twitching is in the head and face, the root cause is the poor flow of qi and blood and stasis.

If you find this reason, then Chinese medicine has a way, take an example that I have seen before.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

The little boy, 9 years old, has been having tics for almost 3 years

: Blink frequently, twitch the right corner of the mouth upward, and shrug your nose at the same time

: Involuntary twisting of the neck

Parents observe that these symptoms are noticeably more frequent when their children are emotionally stressed.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

Diagnosis: dull complexion, introverted personality, poor appetite, parents say that they are full after eating a little bit, they love to turn over when they sleep, dry stools, dark purple tongue, white and greasy, and fine pulse.

Dialectic: Liver stagnation turns into fire, qi and blood stagnation.

According to the child's condition, the prescription should be prescribed after consideration.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

The result?

One month later, the child's tic symptoms were significantly reduced, the number of blinking and grinning was reduced, the appetite improved, the stool returned to normal, and the above addition and subtraction were adjusted and then the follow-up was given

In the end, after conditioning, the child's tics have completely disappeared, his sleep has improved, and he has grown flesh, which is very pleasing to the parents. The drug is being used intermittently to consolidate the effect and prevent recurrence.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

There are three reasons for this child's tics:

1. Liver Qi stagnation: Children are introverted and prone to tension, which leads to uncomfortable liver qi, liver qi stagnation, depression and fire to trigger liver wind.

2. Spleen deficiency and dampness: liver disease and spleen, spleen deficiency can not transport water and dampness, dampness is endogenous, phlegm and dampness accumulate inside, forming physical products such as "wind phlegm"; At the same time, spleen deficiency is the root cause of lack of qi and blood.

3. Qi and blood stasis: When the flow of qi, blood and fluid is abnormal, there are often pathological changes of "first qi depression, gradual phlegm depression, and then blood stasis", just like river silt, and blood flow is not smooth. Blocking the meridians, affecting the mind, resulting in tic symptoms.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

Moreover, children are prone to aggravation and frequent symptoms due to external factors such as stress and emotions, so it is necessary to solve the problem fundamentally.

The main drug ideas are:

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

At the same time as TCM conditioning, I also recommend that parents do the following to help their children recover better.

1. Tuina Massage:

Baihui, Shenmen - calm the mind;

Feng Chi, Taichong - calm the liver and extinguish the wind;

Feng Long - dissolves phlegm and dampness;

Hegu - regulates qi and invigorates blood.

Yellow Emperor Neijing: The child's facial twitching is mostly due to problems with qi and blood, cleaning up stasis and dredging the ventilator

2. Regular work and rest: ensure adequate sleep and avoid overwork.

3. Dietary conditioning: avoid greasy, spicy, and cold drinks, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as peaches, plums, black fungus, etc., which can help promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis.

4. Psychological counseling: reduce study pressure and participate in light-hearted activities, such as outdoor sports, painting, etc., to relieve emotional pressure.