
As long as one of these four symptoms indicates that the liver is damaged and you need to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible

author:Dr. Wang Zhimin

Uncle Li is 65 years old this year, his health has always been good, and after retirement, he walks and plays Tai Chi with his wife every day, and his life is calm and beautiful. However, a few months ago, he suddenly felt a loss of appetite and fatigue. At first, he thought it was due to the hot weather, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Until one day, when the neighbor Lao Zhang saw him, he was surprised and asked, "Uncle Li, why did the whites of your eyes turn yellow?" Do you want to go to the hospital? ”

After listening to Lao Zhang's words, Uncle Li began to worry. So, accompanied by his family, he went to the hospital. After a detailed examination, the doctor told him that his liver had already developed significant damage and that it would become more serious if left untreated. The news came as a surprise to both Uncle Li and his family. Looking back on all these years, he has always felt that he is in good health, why did he suddenly get such an illness?

The doctor explains in detail the importance of the liver and what symptoms indicate a possible liver problem. Uncle Li realized that the symptoms he had before were all alarm signals from the liver. The doctor also told him that these signals may seem simple, but if they are not heeded in time, they are likely to cause catastrophe.

As long as one of these four symptoms indicates that the liver is damaged and you need to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible

Identify the four major symptoms of liver damage

The liver is an important detoxification organ in the body, responsible for metabolism, storage of nutrients, and detoxification. However, many people tend to overlook some key symptoms in the early stages of liver damage. As long as one of the following four symptoms appears, you need to pay attention to it immediately and go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

Jaundice: yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes

Jaundice is an important marker of liver disease. Its appearance means that there is a problem with bilirubin metabolism in the body. Bilirubin is a product of the breakdown of red blood cells and is normally processed by the liver and excreted through bile. When liver function is impaired, bilirubin cannot be metabolized and excreted normally, and it accumulates in the body, causing yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Uncle Li realized the seriousness of the problem precisely because the whites of his eyes were yellow.

Jaundice is not only a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, but can also be accompanied by symptoms such as darkening of urine and itchy skin. If these conditions occur, the liver is no longer working properly and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for a detailed examination. Blood tests can determine the level of bilirubin, which can determine the extent of liver damage.

Ascites: Abnormal distension of the abdomen

Ascites is when there is an accumulation of too much fluid in the abdominal cavity, which is usually the result of cirrhosis. Cirrhosis causes impaired blood circulation in the liver, which increases intra-abdominal pressure and fluid leaks out to form ascites. Patients may feel their abdomen distended, heavy, and even have difficulty breathing.

As long as one of these four symptoms indicates that the liver is damaged and you need to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible

Ascites is not only a manifestation of cirrhosis, but may also indicate other serious liver diseases, such as liver cancer. The presence of ascites usually means that the condition is already serious and needs to be confirmed by imaging tests such as ultrasound and CT scan. The key to the treatment of ascites is to identify the cause, target the treatment of the underlying disease, and control the symptoms of ascites with drugs such as diuretics.

Fatigue and fatigue: long-lasting fatigue for no apparent reason

Fatigue and fatigue are one of the early signs of liver damage. The liver is the body's energy factory and is responsible for converting food into energy and storing it. When the liver is damaged, the energy metabolism function decreases, resulting in the body not being able to get enough energy, which in turn produces a long-lasting feeling of fatigue and powerlessness.

Many people attribute fatigue to daily exertion or stress, but if the fatigue has no apparent cause and lasts for a long time, you need to be alert to liver problems. In particular, if you still feel tired after waking up in the morning, or if you feel extremely tired after a little activity, it may be a distress signal from the liver. Through liver function tests, the presence of liver damage can be found and appropriate treatment measures can be taken in time.

Indigestion and loss of appetite: poor appetite, frequent bloating

The liver plays an important role in the digestive system, secreting bile to help digest and absorb fats. When liver function is impaired, bile secretion is reduced or interrupted, directly affecting the digestive process. Patients may experience discomfort such as loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, etc.

Long-term indigestion and loss of appetite can lead to malnutrition, further increasing the burden on the body. If you have persistent digestive problems without changing your eating habits, you need to consider the health of your liver. Through gastroscopy, liver function tests, etc., the cause of indigestion can be identified and a corresponding treatment plan can be formulated.

As long as one of these four symptoms indicates that the liver is damaged and you need to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible

The liver is an indispensable vital organ in the human body, and recognizing early signals of liver damage is essential for maintaining good health. Jaundice, ascites, fatigue and fatigue, indigestion and loss of appetite are distress signals from the liver, and as long as one of them appears, it needs to be taken seriously and go to the hospital for a detailed examination as soon as possible. Through early intervention and treatment, the condition can be effectively controlled and liver health can be protected.