
Queen's Township, Nanzhao County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

author:Nanyang Fusion Media

On the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Queens Township, Nanzhao County, organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st", inherited the red gene, continued the red blood, continuously strengthened the leadership of party building, and better played the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and carried forward the great spirit of party building and gathered the strength to forge ahead in the whole township.

Queen's Township, Nanzhao County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

On the morning of July 1, Xu Shuaibin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Queen's Township and head of the government, took the title of "Learning Discipline, Knowing Discipline, Observing Discipline, Consciously Being a Loyal and Clean Qualified Party Member", and did a special party course on party discipline learning and education for all party members of the organ. Further strengthen the "four consciousness", enhance the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance".

Queen's Township, Nanzhao County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

After the end of the special party class, Xu Shuaibin, deputy secretary of the party committee and head of the government of Queens, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations ......of party members." The sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the conference room and stirred in the hearts of every party member. Through the oath-taking activities, the sense of honor and mission of party members has been strengthened, their ideals and beliefs have been strengthened, the purpose of serving the people has been kept in mind, and the advanced nature and purity of party members have always been maintained.

Queen's Township, Nanzhao County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

After the oath-taking ceremony, Yu Zengwu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Queens Township, led all the staff of the Party Construction Office to Suwan Village and Niangniangmiao Village of Queens Township to present the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to Zhang Zhenwu and Ding Futai, veteran party members who have reached 50 years of party age. Every time I go to a household, I will start a family routine with them, recall the original intention, talk about changes, talk about development, and send holiday blessings and condolences to the old party members, so that the old party members can feel the care and warmth of the party organization.

Struggle for a hundred years and set sail for a new journey. Queen's Township, Nanzhao County, through organizing and carrying out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st", constantly strengthens the ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres, inspires the majority of party members to inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, be loyal and responsible, and work hard to build a "Nanzhao Economic Strong Township", "Central Plains Ecological Township" and "National Seedling Township". (Qiu Shihuan, Li Zuquan)