
In front of Huawei, the courier brother was sweating through his clothes, Ren Zhengfei: The guy worked hard to come in and drink a glass of water

author:The wind rises in the lecture hall
In front of Huawei, the courier brother was sweating through his clothes, Ren Zhengfei: The guy worked hard to come in and drink a glass of water

[Feng Qitang original | Do not compile or pass on, have a source and evidence, share the entrepreneurial legend of the business world, and interpret the management wisdom of the big guys. 】


Tian Tao is the author of "Will Huawei be the Next to Fall", "Huawei Interview", "Concept, System, People", Wu Chunbo "Huawei Has No Secrets", Yu Shenghai "Business Thinker Ren Zhengfei" and so on.

In front of Huawei, the courier brother was sweating through his clothes, Ren Zhengfei: The guy worked hard to come in and drink a glass of water

Ren Zhengfei said: You are not good to employees, why should they work hard for you?

Therefore, as long as young people are ready to endure hardships and enter Huawei, they can "prepare sacks for money".

Some people say that Ren Zhengfei is short-tempered and loves to scold people (Huawei in the early days), but Huawei's old employees said that those who are scolded by Ren Zhengfei are executives, and the more the boss trusts, the more fierce the scolding, and the faster he grows.

For example, Yu Chengdong is a typical Huawei executive who was scolded by his boss.

However, Huawei people also know that Ren Zhengfei never scolds ordinary employees, even if he squeezes the elevator and is kicked out by Xiao Young, and he is pressed by Xiao Young when he takes the elevator, and he meets employees in the elevator and complains about the company, and he does not see Ren Zhengfei angry and scolding.

In the impression of many Huawei veterans, Ren Zhengfei is sometimes an old janitor, sometimes a canteen master, or an ordinary uncle walking on the street.

In fact, no matter what the occasion, Ren Zhengfei is full of respect and kindness to ordinary people.

Ren Zhengfei said: If you love others, others will love you.

In the relevant monograph, we have excerpted several cases of interaction between Ren Zhengfei and low-level personnel:


Ren Zhengfei asked the courier brother to come into the building to drink water

In the express delivery industry, you can eat by running errands, and the more you run, the more you can have a guaranteed income, regardless of cold or summer.

Therefore, in the scorching summer, sweaty courier brothers can be seen everywhere.

For these ordinary people who are struggling at the bottom, even those peers who sit in the office blowing the air conditioner, they will not have much respect and enthusiasm for them, let alone those corporate management or even boss executives.

However, there is a courier guy who is lucky.

In the summer of 2017, Ren Zhengfei saw a young man delivering a courier under the company building, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

For an ordinary courier, this is his daily life, and he has long been accustomed to all kinds of indifferent eyes in the office building.

But on this day, his sweaty figure was seen by Ren Zhengfei, the boss of Huawei who happened to be downstairs.

Ren Zhengfei did not look down on the courier brother at all, but showed great respect for this little brother.

Ren Zhengfei couldn't help but say to the guy: It's hot outside, the young man has worked hard, come in and drink a glass of water.

In 2017, Huawei has not yet experienced the major event of Western technology suppression, Ren Zhengfei may not have reached the household name, the professor did not mention in the book whether the guy denied that this is the boss of Huawei, as for whether the little brother accepted the invitation to go into the building to rest and drink water, he did not tell.

But one thing can be imagined, when he knew that it was Huawei's boss Ren Zhengfei who invited him into the building to drink water, he would definitely be surging in his heart, remember this scene for a lifetime, and even become an important capital for himself to chat and brag with his friends and brothers.

But in fact, in Ren Zhengfei's daily life, this is just one of the innumerable.

In front of Huawei, the courier brother was sweating through his clothes, Ren Zhengfei: The guy worked hard to come in and drink a glass of water


Ren Zhengfei apologized to the waiter

Once, Ren Zhengfei went on a business trip to Beijing, and he had to invite two Huawei consultants and professors to drink tea and chat, and eat together at noon.

The post-90s waiter in the restaurant is obviously still a novice, the business is not proficient, and the response is relatively slow, and the accompanying Mr. Liu is a little dissatisfied with the restaurant's service.

So at the checkout, Mr. Liu put forward a kind improvement suggestion for the restaurant's service.

But unexpectedly, perhaps because he was worried about losing his job, the post-90s waiter was so anxious that he cried.

As a former business manager who has been in the business management industry for more than ten years, the owner of the hall is very clear that although the customer puts forward suggestions for improvement, although he does not deliberately complain about a certain service person, but in the customer management norms, someone will definitely be responsible for this, and of course he may also face the punishment of being criticized for demerits or fines and deducting wages.

At this time, Ren Zhengfei came out of the bathroom and saw the little girl crying, and after understanding the situation, Ren Zhengfei personally apologized to the waiter.

Ren Zhengfei comforted the post-90s girl, and emphasized to his peers: Don't be so fierce to the waiters, they are not easy, such a young age, such a low salary, it is not easy to come to Beijing to work, and you must be more friendly to them.

Before leaving, Ren Zhengfei also gave the waiter a tip.


Ren Zhengfei from the 90s,

Start tipping the bottom staff

Ren Zhengfei invited guests to dinner, and there were several standard actions, swiping cards, tearing invoices, and tipping the waiter.

It is reported that Ren Zhengfei has insisted on tipping low-level service personnel such as waiters, drivers, and nannies since the 90s.

Huawei's consultant professor, who is often invited to dinner by Ren Zhengfei, joked that Boss Ren invited guests to dinner, and sometimes the money paid for the meal was not as much as the tip given to the waiter.

Ren Zhengfei, who has survived hunger and food rationing for his family since he was a child, also took the lead in running business and carrying bags and unloading goods when he founded Huawei. ”

Therefore, Ren Zhengfei also vigorously implemented the tipping system at Huawei's headquarters in Shenzhen.

On the shuttle buses in Huawei's campus, all toilets are hung with a tip box, and the tip box is printed with a sentence, "International standards start with tips."

Wu Chunbo, a consultant at Huawei, said that the purpose of Huawei's tipping promotion is to encourage everyone to voluntarily donate tips, stimulate the enthusiasm of grassroots service personnel, and actively improve service quality; Enable employees to get better and better service at an additional cost; Work together to create a tipping atmosphere and a culture of gratitude in the company.

It seems to be a tipping culture learned from Western foreigners, but in fact, the meaning behind it is not simple, behind the tipping, is Ren Zhengfei's heart of great love.

In front of Huawei, the courier brother was sweating through his clothes, Ren Zhengfei: The guy worked hard to come in and drink a glass of water


Ren Zhengfei: If you love others, others will love you

Many people say that the key to Huawei's success lies in Ren Zhengfei's ability to share and gather wealth.

But in fact, what Ren Zhengfei shares with all Huawei employees is not only benefits, but also power and honor, and more importantly, sharing the future.

More than that, Ren Zhengfei also hopes that Huawei people can "give a little love" to the society.

Ren Zhengfei said: Huawei employees must have a spirit of self-sacrifice and take care of everything, how can they save the company in a crisis? "Love yourself, love others, love the company, start small. If you love others, others will love you. ”

Huawei's long-term commitment to the "striver-oriented" culture of benefit-sharing has rewarded the efforts of Huawei people. For example, according to Huawei's annual report, the average annual salary of Huawei employees is 706,000 yuan, and the average monthly salary is 58,800 yuan, and it has increased every year.

In addition, Ren Zhengfei believes that Huawei people are in good condition, and of course they need to give back to the society a little more.

Ren Zhengfei appealed to Huawei people: when you encounter beggars on the roadside, you can not doubt their motives and give them some change; In the rain and snow, when you meet small vendors selling vegetables and fruits, you can buy a little more, so that they can close the stall and go home early; If you encounter people sleeping on the streets, you can help them buy food and give them assistance; If you have extra clothes and quilts at home, you can donate them......

In fact, what Ren Zhengfei shares is more than just benefits?

With great love, perhaps, this is the Huawei that many "entrepreneurs" and bosses can't learn, and Ren Zhengfei who can't learn.
