
A piece of orange peel is better than 10 old Chinese medicine practitioners, and it only takes 6 days to get rid of the moisture

author:Professor Li Zhongyu of Chinese medicine skin

Traditional Chinese medicine often says: 100-year-old tangerine peel, 1000-year-old ginseng. It can be seen that the medicinal value of tangerine peel is very high.

Tangerine peel has 6 specific benefits

1. Cough suppressant

2. Suppuration of sputum

3. Tube indigestion

4. Anjin

5. Relieve chest tightness and bloating

6. Prevent arteriosclerosis

A piece of orange peel is better than 10 old Chinese medicine practitioners, and it only takes 6 days to get rid of the moisture

There is also a saying among the folk that "one or two tangerine peels and one or two gold, and a hundred years of tangerine peel is better than gold"! Tangerine peel has the effect of relieving pain and strengthening the spleen, which can play a role in regulating the spleen and stomach, and can improve the symptoms of spleen and stomach weakness

There are three factors for the presence of wetness

1. Because I ate too much greasy things, I couldn't digest them and accumulated into wetness;

2. Although I didn't eat much, my digestion was insufficient, and I got tired of eating a little, and it would become wet;

3. The influence of environmental and seasonal factors, such as summer, many people will have dampness in their bodies, and their bodies will become very heavy and lazy.

A piece of orange peel is better than 10 old Chinese medicine practitioners, and it only takes 6 days to get rid of the moisture

People who are too humid will have these "four" alarms!

Alert 1: Sticky stools

If you have recently flushed the toilet after defecation, you have noticed that you always feel that you can't flush it cleanly, and there is stool sticky on the toilet. Or after defecation, you can wipe it clean with two or three pieces of toilet paper normally, but now five or six pieces of paper can't be wiped clean after repeated wiping, which also means that there is moisture in the body. And the moisture in the body is very heavy.

Alert 2: Brush your teeth and retch

If you brush your teeth after waking up, you always like to vomit to feel comfortable, and you always feel like there is something in your throat, and there is a feeling of pulling and pulling, even if there is spitting, it is only a little bit. And you can't spit it out, this symptom also indicates that there is dampness in the body.

Alert 3: Loss of appetite

I always feel not hungry, but when it is time for three meals, I don't feel hungry. When I eat a little food, I feel that my stomach is bulging and swollen, and I always feel nausea and acid reflux during the meal. However, there are some exceptions, some people due to physical problems, their appetite is not affected, and they also have a strong sense of hunger, but they will feel full immediately after eating, which is a manifestation of a strong stomach and a weak spleen, and it is also a symptom of spleen dampness.

Alert 4: No energy, dizzy hair

If you wake up every morning when you feel particularly tired, your mind is dizzy, you can't keep your head up, there is a feeling like wearing a wet clothes, your body is not refreshing, and you are too lazy to move, then it is certain that you have wet in your body.

A piece of orange peel is better than 10 old Chinese medicine practitioners, and it only takes 6 days to get rid of the moisture

Drinking tangerine peel like this doubles the effect

#陈皮 + wolfberry = spleen and cough#

Function: Relieves chills and cough, promotes digestion

Ingredients: 2 grams of tangerine peel, 6 grams of wolfberry

Directions: Brew and drink the above ingredients together.

A piece of orange peel is better than 10 old Chinese medicine practitioners, and it only takes 6 days to get rid of the moisture

#陈皮 + red adzuki beans = clear away heat and dampness#

Function: Clear away heat, dispel dampness, nourish the heart and calm the nerves

Ingredients: 5 grams of tangerine peel, 70 grams of red adzuki beans, 20 grams of cored lotus seeds, 10 grams of lily

Method: Soak the adzuki beans for 1 night in advance. Soak lotus seeds and lilies for 1~2 hours in advance. Pour all the ingredients into the pot and add water. After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for about 1.5~2 hours.

A piece of orange peel is better than 10 old Chinese medicine practitioners, and it only takes 6 days to get rid of the moisture

#陈皮 + hawthorn = scraping oil laxative#

Function: Digestion and accumulation, moistening the intestines and laxative, regulating qi and strengthening the spleen

Ingredients: 2 grams of tangerine peel, 2 grams of dried northern hawthorn, 2 grams of fried cassia seeds, 1 gram of dried lotus leaves

Directions: Brew and drink the above ingredients together.

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