
She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

author:Entertainment gossip


She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Text | Eight melon fish

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The rich husband who "pryed" two best friends.

has been a "mistress" for 31 years and gave birth to a star daughter.

The inheritance is more than the original wife.

How crazy is Lin Yueyun, who is known as the "strongest mistress"?

How did she single-handedly raise her daughter to what she is today?

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Lin Yueyun was born in an ordinary family in Taiwan.

The not-so-wealthy family made her share the responsibility of supporting the family early.

If it weren't for the fact that he was pretty.

Lin Yueyun may work odd jobs in restaurants for the rest of her life.

But fate can't bear to see her pearl secretly cast.

opened the door to the entertainment industry for her.

At the same time, it also pressed the start button for her life of "catching horses".

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

She was 20 years old.

With a beautiful face, she has become the most popular newcomer in the circle.

One script after another was sent to her door for her to choose.

soon made her mix in the entertainment industry.

Until she was 22 years old.

At an event, I accidentally met the wealthy Mrs. Guo Chunmei.

The two hit it off at first sight and became good girlfriends who didn't talk about anything.

But as the saying goes: fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-girlfriend.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Later, the two often met together at the beauty shop for massages.

The topic of "men" can't escape between girlfriends.

During a conversation, Guo Chunmei asked curiously about Lin Yueyun's view of mate selection.

I thought that the other party would definitely like young and handsome young men.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yueyun said that she liked older men.

And at the moment, neither of them noticed:

The gears of fate have begun to turn.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

has a relationship with girlfriends.

Lin Yueyun met her best friend's husband Hou Shihong.

The other side is not only a famous TV producer.

is also very handsome and chic.

Under Guo Chunmei's organization, the relationship between the three became more and more familiar.

And Hou Shihong gradually noticed that there was a ray of fiery gaze around him.

Always follow the gaze.

I will always see Lin Yueyun's affectionate eyes.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

After all, he is a person who eats in the entertainment industry by virtue of his beauty.

Few men can parry Lin Yueyun's charm.

Hou Shihong wanted to be a dedicated and good husband at the beginning.

But the "signal" released by Lin Yueyun is too obvious.

The bottom line of morality finally came to naught between the eyebrows of the two.

At this time, Guo Chunmei, who was "dark under the lights", was still in the dark.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Lin Yueyun once said frankly: "I knew that it was not good to do that at that time. ”

This remark can't help but remind people of the scene when Lin Xiaoniang was taught by Mama Kong in "Do You Know".

Just as Mama Kong reprimanded Lin Xiaoniang for "doing it knowing that she can't do it".

Lin Yueyun is also "knowingly committing a crime".

Intentionally connived at himself to embark on a "crooked path" that he should not take.

And paper can't contain fire after all.

Guo Chunmei soon discovered the clues between the two.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Helplessly, she couldn't control her husband.

Hou Shihong, who was still fascinated by ghosts, was led by Lin Yueyun.

even made Lin Yueyun pregnant.

Lin Yueyun thought that she could "use pregnancy to force the uterus".

But I never thought that I would meet Guo Chunmei in the beauty shop I went to most often.

Coincidentally, there was only a massage table between the two.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Although neither of them wants to look at each other more.

But Guo Chunmei still said in a voice that Lin Yueyun could hear:

"I'm not going to get a divorce."

This sentence undoubtedly gave Lin Yueyun a bolt from the blue.

After returning to the house that Hou Shihong quietly bought for her.

Lin Yueyun asked the other party if he planned to give himself and his child a name.

In order to appease his lover, Hou Shihong said that he would definitely divorce.

This made Lin Yueyun willingly continue to be an "underground lover" again.

But things soon went in a strange direction.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Because of pregnancy, Lin Yueyun had to put her work in the film and television industry on hold.

And Hou Shihong in order not to let her get bored during pregnancy.

He offered to take her out to play mahjong to relieve her boredom.

At the mahjong table, Lin Yueyun met another rich wife, Cai Guizhao.

The two also chatted very speculatively and became best friends.

Until Lin Yueyun gave birth to Hou Peicen for five years.

Hou Shihong did not fulfill his agreement to give his lover a name.

Lin Yueyun decided to "repeat the old tricks" to find a new father for her daughter.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Before exposing Lin Yueyun's tricks.

It is necessary to first introduce the most pitiful protagonist in this farce - Cai Guizhao.

Cai Guizhao is not one of those "sparrows" who married into wealthy families.

It is the daughter of Cathay Pacific Group, the real "Phoenix".

As for his husband, he was only a weightlifter.

If it weren't for Cai Guizhao's favor.

I'm afraid that I can't get along with the wealthy in this life.

It's a pity that nine out of ten men will go bad if they are rich.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

With the help of the Cai family.

Qiu Jiaxiong has also become an upper-class person.

Although at the beginning it was a high marriage and a low marriage.

But the relationship between the two has always been harmonious.

Cai Guizhao has never worried that her husband will betray her.

Until that day, Lin Yueyun came to the house alone to play mahjong.

Cai Guizhao kindly asked her husband to drive her home.

Unexpectedly, her husband, who said that he would go and return before going out, was "gone forever".

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Even though she is no longer young, Lin Yueyun's skills in controlling men have not diminished at all.

still relied on his personal charm to fascinate Qiu Jiaxiong.

Completely left behind the years of relationship between him and his wife.

turned around and bought a mansion for Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter.

and moved in together.

Cai Guizhao, who got this bad news, chose to escape into the empty door in frustration.

It's just that this time, Lin Yueyun still failed to succeed in ascending to the top.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Because of the experience of failure last time.

Lin Yueyun decided not to force her name anymore.

It is her attitude of no longer forcing marriage that has become the key to her victory.

Out of distress and pity.

Qiu Jiaxiong spent a lot of money for Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter.

Luxury cars and jewelry were also purchased for the mother and daughter.

Compared with some women who sit on the position of a wife but can only look at their husband's eyes to beg for a living.

Lin Yueyun was undoubtedly victorious.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Since then, the three have lived as a family of three for more than 30 years.

He even married Hou Peichen as a father on his wedding day.

But the shrewdness in his bones still allowed him to leave a way back for himself.

After all, Lin Yueyun's "little abacus" is not unknown to him.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Whether it is Hou Shihong or Qiu Jiaxiong.

For Lin Yueyun, there is actually no difference.

From the moment she gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock.

She had already given up on finding happiness.

For her, a decent life is more important.

So she found Qiu Jiaxiong as a "pick-up man".

continues to support her ambitions and desires.

And Qiu Jiaxiong seems to be manipulated by her means.

In fact, he retained a sense of decency for himself.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

When Qiu Jiaxiong entered the end of his life due to illness.

He decisively broke up with Lin Yueyun and returned to the family.

And Cai Guizhao also took care of his last life regardless of his previous suspicions as he expected.

This is a war that everyone except Cai Guizhao is calculating.

Qiu Jiaxiong calculates beauties, and Lin Yueyun calculates fame and fortune.

Only Cai Guizhao regained the dignity of his wife at the last moment.

It's a pity that she underestimated the man's scheming.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Nearly 10 billion in the legacy.

More than half of them were named and left to Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter.

Cai Guizhao's half-life wife's decency has become even more absurd.

On the other side, Hou Peicen, who is Lin Yueyun's daughter.

But in the "sins" done by his mother, he reaped a perfect life.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Although labeled as an "illegitimate daughter".

But Lin Yueyun didn't allow her daughter to feel sorry for herself.

Since she was a child, she has been given the strictest education to her daughter.

As long as Hou Peichen makes a slight mistake.

She would take her daughter to a place where no one was and reprimanded her.

As for why it's a place where no one is?

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Because everything Lin Yueyun did was related to the inferiority complex of her bones.

So she has been pursuing decency by any means all her life.

And her daughter is also a decent part of her.

She had taught Hou to be decent at all times.

Even when you're being harassed.

Respond with a smile as well.

Hou Peichen also carried out her mother's education throughout her life.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Since graduating and becoming a streamer.

Hou Peizen's photos are all smiling on any occasion.

When I meet people, I will say "dear" and "I like you so much".

Even Xiao S, who has the most poisonous mouth, will be impressed by Hou Peizen's personality charm.

Although there are also many people who laugh at her gentleness for being faked.

But how many people can pretend to be as watertight as she is?

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Lin Yueyun has done too many evil things in pursuit of her own happiness.

The only thing that is right is the cultivation of daughters.

An illegitimate daughter was raised as decently as everyone's daughter.

Thinking about it, Hou Peichen will almost become the second Mo Lan in "Know".

After all, there is such a mother.

It is inevitable that you will be crooked.

Fortunately, Lin Yueyun did not teach by word and deed.

Instead, he taught his daughter a set of charms that can really stand on her feet.

Most importantly, she found a perfect home for her daughter.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

Hou Peichen received Huang Bojun's marriage proposal back then.

My first instinct was to call my mom and ask for advice.

It was precisely because of Lin Yueyun's nod.

Hou Peichen decided to marry her current husband.

It's just a little puzzling:

Why didn't Lin Yueyun, who worked hard to marry into a wealthy family, choose a wealthy family as well?

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

In fact, she is a knowing daughter, Mo Ruomu.

Even if Hou Peichen behaved generously and decently outside.

But as a mother, she knows best the nature of her daughter.

Those so-called decency and gentleness are forced by their own education since childhood.

Hou Peicen's deepest self-esteem is still inferiority.

It's a lack of confidence in one's origin.

Outside decentness is nothing more than a means of earning a living that is carefully pleased.

If you find another noble son-in-law.

I'm afraid that my daughter will always wear a mask and be a person.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

And Hou Peicen's appearance when she and her husband appeared on the show together.

It also proves how correct the mother's decision is.

When Hou Peizen wavered over a very small decision.

She would confirm the answer to her husband over and over again.

At a time when other people were already impatient.

Huang Bojun always responded in a calm tone.

In addition, Huang Bojun's mother died early.

A daughter-in-law without a mother-in-law will have a much easier life.

However, the daughter's success could not erase the mother's failure.

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance

What Lin Yueyun did when she was young still can't be forgiven by the world.

Even in the context of the times and the pressures of life.

She may have her own last resort.

But a mistake is a mistake.

And just as she said about herself.

"Everything is fate, and nothing is up to anyone."

She is the most "means" mistress, occupying her best friend's husband for 31 years, giving birth to a star daughter to grab the inheritance


Lin Yueyun's personality may not agree.

But she is full of sincerity for her daughter's plans.

The rights and wrongs of the world are often not clear in one or two sentences.

It is rare to be able to ask for a clear conscience in everything.

Everyone is also responsible for the choices they make.

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