
Baby Xu Xu was backstabbed by its anchor, and his affection was always ruthlessly hurt

author:Follow the trend for 2020


Baby Xu Xu was backstabbed by its anchor, and his affection was always ruthlessly hurt

Asahi Baobao

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are interests, there are disputes.

Xuxu Baby's character is well-known, otherwise there would not be so many DNF anchors who transferred to the Douyin platform to join Xuxu Baby Media, and those anchors have also been broadcast for many years, and everyone is not stupid.

But it is difficult for one person to be the heart of everyone, and no matter how good a person is, it is impossible to satisfy everything.

Baby Xu Xu was backstabbed by its anchor, and his affection was always ruthlessly hurt

Xuxu Baby's anchor Xuehua

According to the anchor, after joining Xuxu Baby Media, he did not eat the traffic dividend of Xuxu Baby, and his turnover after arriving at Xuxu Baby Media was less than one-third of the previous flow.

To put it bluntly, if you want to withdraw from the guild, it is the right and freedom of the anchor to join the guild or withdraw from the guild, and if you want to return, you can execute it according to the contract signed at the beginning.

However, the anchor was unwilling to bear the compensation for breach of contract, and then opened a special session of Xuxu Baby in the live broadcast room, accusing Xuxu Baby Media of not supporting him enough.

Baby Xu Xu was backstabbed by its anchor, and his affection was always ruthlessly hurt

Screenshot of the number of Xuehua Douyin followers

Xuxu Baby Media is just a platform, it does not have the ability to create gods, and Xuxu Baby Media has only created a star anchor as a goblin.

The quality of the anchor's development mainly depends on his own strength and his own live content, he is the internal factor, his live broadcast content is not attractive, and no one can help you.

The cohesion of the horse monkey group of Xuxu Baby's fans is still very strong, and during the DNF Suit Festival, Xuxu Baby played 426 million popularity votes, creating a Douyin popularity vote record.

No anchor can stand at the top forever, and the anchors who can gain a foothold on the Internet for a long time are ultimately anchors with excellent character.

Affection is always hurt ruthlessly, and people are always easy to get together.