
95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

author:The old witch chases the drama
95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Aunt Zhang is 60 years old, and after retirement, she likes a sport, that is, square dancing, and every day she makes an appointment with her good partner Sister Li, and she will gather in the community.

Aunt Zhang herself has popularized that dancing is a good sport to fight cancer, which makes her more motivated to persevere. But suddenly one day Sister Li said seriously: "Xiao Zhang, 95-year-old Academician Sun Yan said that the best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, and many doctors have already clocked in." ”

After listening to Aunt Zhang, she immediately stopped the dance steps in her hand, full of curiosity, she was full of questions, although dancing is good for the body and mind, but you can choose, of course, choose the best exercise.

So the two of them got together to learn about science and see what the best sport is.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

1. Cancer is terrible

Not only is the treatment process very painful, but once it develops to an advanced stage, it will be very difficult to cure it, and you and your family will suffer a lot.

Nowadays, the pace of life is very fast, many people do not pay attention to their lifestyle habits, resulting in cancer also becoming younger, cancer is no longer a disease of the elderly, it has slowly extended to the body of young people, which is a health problem that cannot be ignored.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

In order to address the challenge of treating cancer, which has become an important issue of active concern to all sectors of society, people are constantly researching various possible ways of prevention, including adjusting healthy diet and adopting good lifestyle habits.

Among the many methods, exercise is a way that many people think is good for health, and friends with chronic diseases will actively participate in it. Sun Yan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is a professional oncologist who has been researching in this field for 60 years.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Academician Sun Yan has rich clinical experience and in-depth observation, and clearly pointed out that exercise is a great help and relief in the recovery process of cancer patients and cancer prevention friends.

After a long period of research and practice, Academician Sun Yan specially recommended a simple and efficient anti-cancer exercise method, which not only contains significant anti-cancer effects, but also is simple and easy, suitable for friends of different ages, and is an ideal anti-cancer lifestyle.

The little friend must be very curious, what kind of simple and easy-to-do small exercise, and he can't wait to move with the family.

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95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

2. What is the best exercise to fight cancer?

In addition to strengthening the body and exercising a strong physique, many friends hope that through sports can have an anti-cancer effect, reduce the invasion of viruses and prevent the arrival of cancer.

Many people will devote themselves to different exercises, and often ignore the simplest and most common exercise, that is, walking, which is also the best anti-cancer exercise recommended by Academician Sun.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

You may be surprised that walking is done every day, and you would never have thought that it is a good exercise against cancer?

Walking is a simple and practical aerobic exercise with multiple health benefits. Walking can not only effectively strengthen the heart and lungs, improve the body's immunity, but also significantly reduce daily stress and anxiety.

What's more, walking brings significant help to the human body in promoting blood circulation and improving the body's metabolic level, which can help prevent the occurrence of cancer and may delay the development of cancer.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Academician Sun Yan emphasized that walking not only has a significant effect on the body, but also has a positive impact on the psyche.

In the process of walking, people can relax tense nerves and enjoy the natural scenery, which can effectively relieve negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, help relieve stress, improve mood, prevent cancer and reduce the psychological burden of patients.

Walking also improves the body's endocrine and immune function, and when people do walking exercises, the body releases chemicals such as endorphins, which not only bring a sense of pleasure and relaxation, but also effectively boost the body's immunity.

A strong immune system can help us fight off viruses and bacteria, which can reduce the risk of cancer.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

In order to achieve the anti-cancer effect through walking, it is necessary to maintain perseverance, Academician Sun Yan suggested that everyone should do at least 30 minutes of walking exercise every day, which can be done in the early morning or evening.

Walking can also be integrated into your daily commute, and it is also a good idea to combine it with other forms of exercise, which can further improve the level of physical fitness.

3. Walk to learn

You may think that walking is very simple, and you will walk every day at home, so it is easy for many people to complete, and it is not a very difficult thing.

But walking should also pay attention to the way and details, and there are many ways to walk, learn to learn together, simple walking can also become lively and interesting, and harvest a lot of health surprises.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Catwalking sounds like everyone should be familiar with it, if you don't understand, you should have seen the model's steps, that is catwalking.

A unique way to mimic a cat's walking, it requires a straight step when walking, and the core of this walking style is that the left and right feet need to be alternately stepped on the midline between the two feet.

When the left and right soles of the feet are on the ground steadily, gently twist the hips to the left and right sides, while the upper body needs to be naturally relaxed.

This special way of walking, due to the twisting of its crotch, has a significant effect on enhancing the strength of the waist, and can also stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, which has a positive effect on the prevention and relief of constipation.

When doing catwalking, you don't need to pursue too much exercise, just use it as a part of your daily walking activities, walking about 500 meters a day.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Walking backwards can often be seen in the park community, many middle-aged and elderly people like to exercise, sometimes see, very worried that they will fall, but they move freely, walk very easily.

Walking backwards is a unique form of exercise that effectively works the lower back and back muscles that are rarely used. For people who sit for a long time, walking backwards is an ideal way to exercise, because it can relieve the fatigue of the body and the pain and discomfort of the lower back.

However, it is important to pay attention to a very important detail when walking backwards, to ensure that the road is smooth, and there are no obstacles, and the surrounding environment is not too crowded, and then start slowly.

In order to better exercise all parts of the body, you can use the usual way of walking to cross with the rhythm of backward walking, and only need to insist on walking backwards for half an hour every day, so that all parts of the body muscles can be fully exercised, so as to maintain a healthy posture.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

When walking, keep your upper body straight and your head slightly elevated, a posture that helps you show confidence and energy.

The size of the stride is recommended to be equivalent to the length of the arm, which can not only ensure the stability of walking, but also make the pace more natural and smooth, and the natural movement of the arm before and after can not only increase the dynamics of walking, but also help to exercise the muscles of the upper limbs.

Sticking to this way of walking can also relieve the fatigue of the lower back, prevent the occurrence of hunchback, and have a straight posture.

It is recommended to keep the duration of each walk between 10 and 15 minutes, so that the duration of the exercise can be achieved without making people feel too tired, and it is arranged according to your body.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Walking on tiptoe is a great way to walk, but not many people can stick to it, and it is easy to lose your center of gravity and become a normal way of walking.

When walking on tiptoe, the inside of the forefoot and the thumb of the foot are used for support. And these three areas happen to be the parts where the Zushao Yin and Kidney Meridians, the Zu Yin and Liver Meridians, and the Zutai Yin and Spleen Meridians pass through.

By tiptoeing, we are able to indirectly massage these meridians, thus having the effect of warming and replenishing the kidney yang.

However, if you like to walk on tiptoe, don't pay too much attention to details, because tiptoeing only needs to stick to 10 minutes a day, and if you interrupt, rest for a while and then continue, it will not affect the effect of exercise.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Fourth, the anti-cancer lifestyle, let's see

Drinking tea is a good way to fight cancer, because tea is rich in tea polyphenols, but young people may not like it, because they feel bitter and make tea requires a process, they don't like to wait.

Coupled with the hot summer, many people will feel that they do not quench their thirst, but regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, develop a small habit of drinking tea every day, and brew a pot of light tea about half an hour after a meal, which can give the body a good maintenance effect, as well as anti-cancer effect.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

Keep a happy mood, don't lose your temper for the trivial things in life, use happy emotions to solve problems, and communicate and communicate calmly.

When there is pressure in life and work, you must know how to release, don't hold it in your heart for a long time, accumulate too many negative emotions and do not release them, it will be easy to have depression.

Whether it's talking to good friends and family, or taking time to see the time outside, and feel the breath of nature, you can make yourself open-minded and mentally healthy.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

It is necessary to pay attention to the details of life, and in terms of diet, we should try to avoid eating high-calorie fried foods, especially all kinds of pickled foods, and reduce the intake.

Cultivate a healthy diet with low salt bottom oil, a combination of meat and vegetables, and balanced and healthy nutrition, so that your body can be healthy and balanced.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in

In life, we must learn to observe the details, the food stored in the refrigerator should be cleaned and checked regularly, and we must be decisively thrown away when it expires.

Don't keep it for money to save money, so that you can better block the production of carcinogens and protect your body.

95-year-old academician Sun Yan: The best anti-cancer exercise is not dancing and cycling, many doctors check in


Exercise is a healthy lifestyle for everyone, in addition to simple walking every day to strengthen their physique, it can also be combined with other sports that are beneficial to the body and mind, which can also bring different sports gains to the body.

In addition to exercising, don't forget to have a healthy lifestyle, and stick to some good habits consistently, so that you can better resist cancer and bring health to yourself and your family.

Reference sources for the content of the article:

1. After 60 years of cancer research, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering have found the best "anti-cancer campaign", and many doctors have clocked in

Teacher Libo's popular science2023-11-15

2. How to prevent cancer To achieve these six points is not only to prevent cancer but also to maintain health Source: 99 Health Network

3. Walking is the best exercise, 5 ways to walk, change the pattern of walking, the body benefits a lot daily health note2019-09-04

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