
Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

author:Explain that the doctor is healthy

As an important part of Chinese food culture, soup has always been considered a good remedy for nourishing the body and boosting immunity. However, recent studies and expert opinions have shown that certain common soups, if consumed unchecked, can cause serious harm to our kidneys and other parts of the body, and even increase the risk of cancer. In this article, we'll take a closer look at two soups that need to be treated with caution and share five tips from experts to help you protect your health while enjoying delicious soups.

Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

Two soups that need to be drunk sparingly

1. High-salt soup

High-salt soups refer to those soups that contain a lot of salt or high-sodium seasonings, such as thick soups, kimchi soups, etc., which are common in some fast food restaurants or takeaways. Excessive salt intake can increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to high blood pressure, edema, and even kidney failure. In addition, research from the World Health Organization has shown that a high-salt diet is strongly associated with many types of cancer such as stomach cancer.

Specific harm:

Increased burden on the kidneys: A high-salt diet can lead to an increased workload for the kidneys in excreting excess sodium, which can lead to impaired kidney function over time.

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease: Excess salt can lead to water retention in the body, triggering high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Increased risk of cancer: A high-salt diet has been shown to be directly associated with a variety of cancers such as stomach cancer and esophageal cancer, especially long-term intake of preserved foods and high-salt soups.

Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

2. High-fat soup

High-fat soups usually refer to those soups that contain a lot of fat, such as thick chicken soup, pork bone broth, etc. Although these soups are delicious, they are high in fat, and long-term consumption will not only lead to obesity, but also increase the burden on the kidneys and even trigger cardiovascular disease and cancer risk.

Specific harm:

Increased burden on the kidneys: A high-fat diet can increase the workload of the kidneys in processing fat metabolites, which may lead to impaired kidney function.

Obesity and metabolic syndrome: High fat intake can easily lead to weight gain, which in turn leads to metabolic syndromes such as abnormal glucose metabolism and hyperlipidemia.

Increased cancer risk: Studies have shown that high-fat diets are strongly associated with many types of cancer, such as breast cancer and colon cancer.

Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

Experts recommend five principles for healthy soup

1. Control salt intake

To protect kidney and cardiovascular health, the use of salt and high-sodium seasonings should be minimized when drinking soups. It is recommended to keep the salt intake below 5 grams per day, and the flavor of the soup can be enhanced by adding natural spices and fresh ingredients, rather than relying on large amounts of salt.

2. Choose low-fat ingredients

When making soups, choose low-fat ingredients such as lean meat, fish, and soy products, and avoid high-fat ingredients such as fatty meats and offal. This not only reduces the fat content of the soup, but also ensures the nutritional value of the soup.

Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

3. Use plenty of fresh vegetables

Vegetable soup is not only low in calories and fat, but also rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which can help boost immunity and improve intestinal health. You can try making a variety of vegetable consommés such as tomato soup, spinach soup, etc., which are delicious and healthy.

4. Avoid boiling for long periods of time

Boiling soups for long periods of time can lead to the loss of nutrients, especially nutrients such as vitamin C in vegetables that are not tolerant to high temperatures. In addition, boiling for too long may also release harmful substances in the ingredients, such as heavy metals such as lead in the bones. It is recommended that the boiling time of soup should be controlled within 1 hour to ensure nutrition and safety.

5. Eat a balanced diet

While drinking soup is good for your health, you can't rely on it as your primary source of nutrition. The daily diet should pay attention to balanced nutrition, reasonably mix various foods, and ensure adequate intake of protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. At the same time, the amount of soup should also be moderate, and it is generally recommended not to exceed one bowl (about 200-300 ml) at a time.

Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

Case Study

Case 1: Mr. Wang's hypertension and kidney disease

Mr. Wang, 55 years old, has long liked to drink strong kimchi soup, at least a big bowl every day. In the past two years, physical examinations have found that blood pressure has continued to rise, and signs of renal function have appeared. The doctor advised Mr. Wang to reduce his intake of high-salt foods, especially kimchi soup, and to adjust his diet. After more than half a year of dietary adjustment and moderate exercise, Mr. Wang's blood pressure has been effectively controlled, and his kidney function has also improved.

Case 2: Ms. Li's weight management and health improvement

Ms. Lee, 62 years old, was overweight and suffered from fatty liver. She likes to drink thick chicken soup and adds plenty of chicken skin and fat every time. Her dietitian advised her to switch to lean meats and vegetables for her soups and to control her fat intake. After several months of diet adjustment and exercise, Ms. Li lost 10 kilograms of weight and her fatty liver improved.

Drink less of the two soups, drinking too much will hurt the kidneys and cause cancer! Expert: If you want to drink soup healthily, keep these 5 points in mind

Practical tips

1. Homemade low-salt seasonings

In order to reduce salt intake, you can make some homemade low-salt seasonings, such as using natural flavorings such as lemon juice, vinegar, vanilla, etc., which can increase the flavor of the soup without adding salt.

2. Efficient use of ingredients

When making soup, you can make full use of the nutrients of various ingredients, such as boiling chicken bones and fish bones, but avoid boiling for a long time and keep it to less than 1 hour. In addition, vegetables can be chopped and added to soups to increase dietary fiber intake.

3. Mix ingredients appropriately

When making soups, you can choose the right ingredients according to the season and physical condition, such as using more cool vegetables in summer and warm ingredients in winter. In this way, you can not only enjoy the delicious taste, but also achieve the health effect.

Soup is good, but it can be a health risk if not consumed properly. By controlling salt and fat intake, choosing healthy ingredients, and making soups scientifically and rationally, we can enjoy delicious food while protecting our kidneys and overall health. Keep these five principles in mind as recommended by experts to make drinking soup a healthy way of life.