
A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

author:Shushan History Road
A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her


Zhu Yuanzhang's way of judging cases is often incredible, but in this case where a nun sued a monk for indecent assault, his actions were even more jaw-dropping.

Just sniffed the nun, Zhu Yuanzhang sneered and ordered: Ling Chi will kill her. What kind of mystery is hidden behind this seemingly absurd move?

What did the founding emperor smell that gave him instant insight into the truth? Was it conspiracy or intuition that made him make such a cruel decision in an instant?

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

The case was reversed

On a spring afternoon in 1369, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, traveled with his military advisor Liu Bowen to the outskirts of Nanjing, wanting to observe the development and prosperity of farmland and water conservancy. The spring sun shines on the green fields, and it is a lively scene.

However, just when Zhu Yuanzhang was enjoying this moment of tranquility, an abnormal case suddenly broke into his field of vision: a female nun actually sued a passing monk in the nunnery, claiming that she was bullied and plotted against him.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

In the temple hermitage, a pure place that should be indisputable with the world, such an incredible scene was staged. Although the temple should not be tainted with vulgar dust, if such a scandal is reported, I am afraid that it will inevitably cause a stir, and may even affect the reputation of the entire Buddhist sect.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew the seriousness of the situation, he had a wise personality, and when he saw the strange situation, he decided to find out. So, he secretly came to the nunnery with the local officials, wanting to find out the truth and uphold justice.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

I saw that the nun burst into tears, and her words were sincere, pointing out that the monk was an immortal with a thief's heart, and she was careless and had bad intentions.

However, the monk of the defendant was calm, just meditated with his eyes closed, and seemed to ignore the accusations of the people, as if he had reached a state of transcendence. The two sides went back and forth, each insisting on their own words, and the case reached an impasse for a while, and it seemed that it was difficult to distinguish the truth from the false.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

The emperor made a move, and doubts surfaced

Just when everyone was at a loss because of this tricky case, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had been standing behind the curtain and secretly observing, couldn't hold back any longer, and finally appeared and stepped forward.

As an emperor who has experienced countless ups and downs and read countless people, Zhu Yuanzhang relies on the keen insight cultivated by many years of military career.

Soon realized that there were many suspicious points in the case: although this nun had shaved her hair and became a nun, she seemed to look like a monk who had converted to Buddhism, but she could faintly smell a faint fragrance of fat powder on her body.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

It was not something that ordinary ascetics would use, but it was like a smell that only people in the red dust would like. Zhu Yuanzhang was suspicious, so he stepped forward to take a closer look.

It was found that the nun's sideburns still had faint traces that had not been completely shaved off, and there were still small ear piercings on the lobes of both ears, which were clearly left by long-term wearing of earrings.

Looking at her neck, there are also faint indentations left by long-term wear of the necklace. There are all kinds of signs that this nun's past may not be simple, she may not be as innocent and indisputable as she seems, and there may be hidden secrets behind her.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was even more determined. He immediately stepped forward and gently lifted the sleeve of the nun's coat. As expected, on the slender and fair wrist of the nun, there is a shallow mark that has not been gone for a long time, which is clearly a trace left by the bracelet after long-term wear.

In this situation, he suddenly knew in his heart: where is this a nun who has lived in the nunnery for a long time and is dedicated to the Buddha, and it is clear that she is a person in the red dust who has not completely washed away the lead and has not been vulgar for a long time. Her words and deeds all reveal her true identity.

However, it is intriguing what her intentions are, and where they are sacred. Zhu Yuanzhang intuitively felt that the case was not as simple as it seemed, and there must be a bigger conspiracy hidden in it.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

Sou Si solved the case and the truth was revealed

Zhu Yuanzhang judged the situation and immediately ordered his entourage to search the entire temple and nunnery, to find clues and uncover the mystery.

The entourage took the order and soon brought back a major discovery: in an extremely hidden dark room in the temple, there were piles of all kinds of men's clothes, as well as the account books of the nuns' transactions with the outside world, recording her various crimes.

And in an inconspicuous cellar in the backyard of the temple, it is even more shocking. I saw several male corpses lying on the ground, and the corpses all had traces of being cut by sharp weapons, and it was obvious that the death was extremely miserable.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

After careful examination, these are all innocent men who were deceived by nuns in various names to come to the temple, and finally could not escape the fate of being brutally killed, and the piles of corpses show the heinous crimes of nuns.

At this point, the truth of the case has finally been revealed. It turned out that this seemingly weak and pitiful nun was actually a vicious and murderous female devil.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

Under the guise of being a disciple of Buddhism, she has been tricking men into falling into her clutches for many years, and then killing people and goods, burning corpses and destroying traces, and using the temple as her slaughterhouse. What she did had already seriously ruined the reputation of Buddhism and destroyed the prestige of the Buddha.

Now, under Zhu Yuanzhang's interrogation, she can no longer cover up her crimes, so she can only bow her head and confess her guilt and bear the punishment she deserves. And all the lies she carefully fabricated also collapsed and came to naught as the truth was revealed.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

Returning the innocence of the monk shows the sacredness

At this point, people's eyes were focused on the monk who had always been silent. Under Zhu Yuanzhang's inquiry, the monk finally opened his mouth to reveal his identity: it turned out that he was originally a wandering monk in Longxing Temple in Fengyang, Dacheng, and he came here just to raise funds to repair the ruined temple.

Who knew that when passing through this place, he was involved in this sinister conspiracy for no reason and became the target of a nun framed. If it weren't for the emperor's insight and his innocence, I am afraid that his innocent life would be buried here.

Now that I can get Zhaoxue, it is really the blessing of the Buddha, and I am grateful for the emperor's grace! Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again when he heard this, praising the monk for being honest and having a noble character. If you want to add to the crime, there is no excuse, Zhu Yuanzhang knows this truth very well.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

In order to express his apology to the monk and to make up for the losses he suffered, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately gave gold and silver as compensation, and restored his reputation in public to clarify the facts.

He also specifically instructed the monks to face it calmly, continue to practice with peace of mind, and to extend the breadth of sentient beings with compassion, and not to let this unpleasant experience affect their Dao minds. As for the treacherous and cunning nun, Zhu Yuanzhang is not soft.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

He severely condemned him for disturbing the purity of Buddhism, disregarding human life, deceiving the world and stealing his name, and his crimes were unforgivable. According to the law, Ling Chi was immediately sentenced to death, and the Lingshou Nunnery was sealed, and the officials involved were held accountable to set an example.

He wants the world to see that in the Ming Dynasty, no one can be above the law, and impartial law enforcement is the way to govern the country.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

Sweep away the scum and establish prestige

The news spread, and the streets of Nanjing City talked about it for a while, and it became a hot topic after tea and dinner. People sincerely admired Zhu Yuanzhang's decisive decision-making and benevolent government to protect the people, and sighed that he deserved to be the true son of heaven and would be able to create a stable, peaceful and prosperous world.

At the same time, people have an even deeper hatred for those crooked and evil ways that try in vain to escape legal punishment and do all kinds of evil. Under Zhu Yuanzhang's iron-fisted governance, any scum who dares to challenge the royal law and endanger the people will be severely punished, and there will be no chance to turn over.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

Zhu Yuanzhang showed the world with practical actions that he vowed to cut down the grass and eradicate the roots, and return the people to a bright and prosperous situation, so that the unhealthy tendencies and evil spirits would have nowhere to hide. Since then, the laws of the Ming Dynasty have become more complete and perfect, and have become a solid guarantee for maintaining social justice.

And the rules and precepts of Buddhism have become more and more stringent to prevent the recurrence of scum who have caused trouble in the world. Under the double constraint of both internal and external cultivation, no lawless person will dare to harm the people under the guise of religion, otherwise he will repeat the mistakes of the past and be punished as he deserves to be punished like that nun.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her

The majesty and honor of Buddhism have also been greatly maintained and promoted under the rule of this wise emperor. The monks are more focused on practicing and spreading the Dharma, cultivating people with virtue and making good connections.

All of a sudden, the whole country sang praises of virtue, and Zhu Yuanzhang's prestige can be said to have reached its peak. The people's admiration for him grew day by day, and they firmly believed that under the leadership of this holy king, the days to come would be more prosperous.

And Zhu Yuanzhang also lived up to expectations, with an image of open-mindedness, wisdom and courage, he became a veritable generation of Ming monarchs, and was loved by all the people.

A nun sued the monk for incivility, Zhu Yuanzhang only sniffed the nun, and then sneered: Ling Chi will her


Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancient emperor, with a pair of discerning eyes and a benevolent heart, uncovered the fog hidden under the silent nunnery and brought the hidden demons to justice.

He used practical actions to explain what it means to "universalize all sentient beings" and demonstrate the true meaning of "everyone is equal before the law". This incident not only demonstrated his wisdom and determination as the king of a country, but also highlighted his magnificent mind of caring for the people and promoting justice.

It is also countless such stories that have achieved the great image of Zhu Yuanzhang as the founding emperor and laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of the entire Ming Dynasty.