
Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

author:Shushan History Road
Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?


Emperor Shunzhi, as the first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, his life was full of legends and mysteries. During his short reign, he not only consolidated the rule of the Qing Dynasty, but also left behind many puzzling rumors.

The most curious thing is whether he actually became a monk after abdication. What prompted this high-ranking emperor to choose to abandon his glory and wealth and escape into the empty door? What kind of mental history and political considerations are hidden behind this?

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

The young emperor is shocked: The throne hangs by a thread

In 1638, the cry of a baby was heard in the Houjin Palace. This baby who fell to the ground in the harsh winter was the later Emperor Shunzhi. As the youngest son of Huang Taiji and Empress Xiaozhuang Wen, Shunzhi was supposed to have a carefree childhood.

However, the gears of fate began to turn quietly. In 1643, at the age of six, Shunzhi ascended to the throne with the support of Dolgon. This child, who was supposed to be spoiled in his mother's arms, had to face the whirlpool of power.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Under the control of Dolgon, Shunzhi was like a puppet, except for traditional Manchu activities such as horseback riding and archery, he spent his days in the palace every day. A young heart has to carry the burden of a country.

This little emperor was born destined to face changes. His father, Huang Taiji, died young, leaving behind a large and fragile empire. When Shunzhi ascended the throne, the rule of the Qing Dynasty was far from solid.

In the north, the Mongol tribes of Mobei are eyeing each other; In the south, anti-Qing forces were on the move. In the court, the contradictions between the Manchu and Han ministers became increasingly acute. As a child, Shunzhi faced a country on the verge of secession, a current situation full of crises.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

In such an environment, Shunzhi's childhood was spent in the shadow of swords. He had to learn to ride and shoot, practice martial arts, and be ready for possible dangers. At the same time, as an emperor, he must also begin to learn how to govern the country.

Under Dolgon's arrangement, Han teachers were severely restricted from Shunzhi, and the study of Manchu traditional culture became his main task. The young Shunzhi, under heavy pressure, spent a different childhood.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

The experience of this period had a profound impact on the formation of Shunzhi's character. He became precocious and sensitive, learning to survive in a complex political environment.

At the same time, he began to think about how he, as a Manchu emperor, should rule this vast empire. These childhood confusions and reflections may have been the source of a series of important decisions he made later on.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Emerging talents: the self-proof of the young son of heaven

In 1651, at the age of 13, Shunzhi made a decision that shocked the government and the opposition ------ pro-government. This decision announced the rise of a young emperor. From then on, Shunzhi began his extraordinary political career.

He studied history extensively, and consulted ministers on how to govern the country. He sought a balance between the Manchus and the Han, trying to consolidate the rule of the Qing dynasty in his own way.

He abolished the system of knighthood based on military merit, attached importance to Confucian education, and restored the imperial examination system. An ambitious young man who is making his mark on the stage of history. However, Shunzhi's pro-government road was not all smooth sailing.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

As a young emperor, he had to face pressure from various factions in the court. The Manchu aristocracy feared that his new policy would weaken their privileges; Han officials were wary of the "alien" emperor.

Shunzhi had to find a balance between consolidating Manchu power and gaining the support of the Han elite. In order to achieve this goal, Shunzhi has taken a series of measures.

He promoted a number of Manchu officials who were familiar with Han culture, such as Sonny and Sukh Saha, and put them in important positions. At the same time, he also employed some talented Han officials, such as Feng Quan, Fan Wencheng, etc.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Through this policy of "employing people without suspicion", Shunzhi has gradually established a stable ruling team. On the financial front, Shunzhi has also shown extraordinary talent. By reforming the tax system, he increased the country's fiscal revenue.

He also vigorously developed agriculture, encouraged the reclamation of tun fields, and increased grain production. Under his rule, the war-torn Central Plains gradually regained its vitality, and the lives of the people improved.

However, what really made Shunji famous was his military performance. In 1659, Shunzhi personally led his army to quell Wu Sangui's rebellion, showing outstanding military talent.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

He also sent troops to conquer Mobei Mongolia many times, consolidating the northern frontier of the Qing Dynasty. These military exploits allowed Shunzhi to win the respect of the Manchu nobles and Han generals.

Through this series of initiatives, Shunzhi gradually established its authority. He is no longer a puppet emperor, but a monarch with independent thoughts and daring to act.

His eloquence has attracted widespread attention from both the government and the opposition. People began to hope that under the leadership of this young emperor, the Qing Dynasty would move towards a new glory.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Followers of Han culture: from swords to poetry books

As a Manchu emperor, Shunzhi's admiration for Han culture was extraordinary. He read the Confucian classics extensively and wrote his own poems. Most of the teachers around him were Han scholars. Under his influence, the cultural atmosphere of the Qing court underwent subtle changes.

The ministers began to talk about poetry and songs, and the palace often heard the pleasant sound of the guqin. In its own way, Shunzhi built a cultural bridge between the Manchus and Hans. However, this blending of cultures has not been without its challenges.

Some conservative Manchu aristocrats began to be dissatisfied with Shunzhi's policy of sinicization. The emperor needed to find a balance between tradition and innovation, which was undoubtedly a huge challenge for the young Shunzhi.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Shunzhi's love for Han culture stems from his early education. Although the influence of Han teachers on him during the Dolgon period was limited, Shunzhi still managed to come into contact with many Han cultural texts.

He loved to read Confucian classics such as the Analects and Mencius, and also studied literary works such as the Book of Songs and Chu Ci. In his view, Han culture is broad and profound, and it is an important source of wisdom for governing the country.

Shunzhi's cultural policy is reflected in his employment. He hired many Manchu officials who were proficient in Han culture, such as Sony, Sukh Saha, etc. These officials not only assisted Shunzhi in handling state affairs, but also created an atmosphere of respect for Han culture within the court.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

At the same time, Shunzhi also promoted many Han scholars, such as Feng Quan, Fan Wencheng, etc. These scholars explained a subset of the classics and histories for Shunzhi, helping him to deeply understand the essence of Han culture.

Under the impetus of Shunzhi, the cultural life of the Qing court became extraordinarily rich. Poetry and music gatherings were often held in the court, and literati and scholars gathered. Shunzhi himself often participated in these activities, exchanging poetry with his ministers.

Some of his works, such as "Poems of the Imperial Summer Resort" and "Poems of the Forty Scenes of the Imperial Old Summer Palace", have shown a high literary talent.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

This cultural atmosphere has also affected the handling of government affairs. When discussing state affairs, ministers often quoted scriptures and used the sayings of ancient sages to support their views. For a time, above the court, Confucian classics became the most fashionable topic.

However, Shunzhi's cultural policies have also caused some controversy. Some conservative Manchu aristocrats believed that excessive reverence for Han culture would weaken the Manchu national identity and affect their dominance. They fear that the Manchus will gradually lose their identity in this cultural fusion.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

In response, Shunzhi adopted a compromise strategy. On the one hand, he continued to promote the exchange of Manchu and Han cultures; On the other hand, he also stressed the need to maintain the Manchu traditions.

Under his call, the Manchu aristocracy began to learn the Manchu language, study the history of the Manchus, and attach importance to the cultural inheritance of their own people. Through this two-pronged approach, Shunzhi has found a delicate balance between cultural integration and national identity.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Love-hate: an unforgettable affair

In Shunzhi's life, there was a woman who occupied a special place. She is Concubine Dong E. This woman from an illustrious background, with her beauty and talent, captured the heart of the young emperor. In the corners of the court, witnessed by the moonlight, they compose a moving love story.

However, fate played a cruel joke on them. In 1660, Concubine Dong E died shortly after giving birth to the prince. Shunzhi was grief-stricken and washed his face with tears all day long.

From then on, a thought began to sprout in his heart------ life is impermanent, and fame and fortune are just a flash in the pan. This idea may be the foreshadowing of his future monkhood.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Concubine Dong E, formerly known as Dong Xiaowan, was a Manchu woman from a poor background. However, she has the beauty and extraordinary talent of the country. When she was elected to the palace, she quickly attracted the attention of Shunji.

Unlike other concubines, Concubine Dong E did not have any arrogance. She is humble and courteous, and her speech and demeanor reveal a natural elegance. This is exactly what Shunzhi wants. Soon, Concubine Dong E became Shunzhi's favorite woman.

Shunzhi often talked with her about poetry and essays, and discussed state affairs. In front of this intelligent woman, Shunzhi unloaded the majesty of the emperor and showed the demeanor of a young talent. Concubine Dong E, with her wisdom and charm, has also become Shunzhi's most trusted assistant and partner.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

However, this wonderful time did not last long. In 1660, Concubine Dong E became pregnant. Shunzhi was ecstatic, however, the heavens did not fulfill people's wishes. Concubine Dong Efei encountered dystocia during childbirth, and finally both mother and son passed away.

The death of Concubine Dong E dealt a devastating blow to Shunzhi. He mourned day and night, and did not think about tea and dinner. As a result, the government affairs of the DPRK and China have fallen into a certain amount of chaos.

What's more, this blow made Shunji start to re-examine his life. He begins to realize that power, status, and even love are fleeting. The true meaning of life may have to be found elsewhere.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

During this period, Shunzhi wrote a large number of poems mourning Concubine Dong E. One of the most famous is the song "If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind sad painting fan".

Between the lines, it is full of thoughts about the deceased lover and feelings about the impermanence of life. This sentiment also gradually affected Shunzhi's political decision-making. He began to grow tired of the struggle for power and lost interest in many government affairs.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

The death of Concubine Dong E became a turning point in Shunzhi's life. It made the young emperor deeply feel the fragility of life and the impermanence of the world for the first time.

This feeling, which was later reinforced by Buddhist thought, eventually led to Shunzhi's unexpected decision to become a monk. In this sense, although Concubine Dong E died young, she profoundly affected Shunzhi's life trajectory and became an unforgettable love.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

The Mystery of the Empty Door: Behind the Shocking Move

In 1662, a piece of news exploded in the Forbidden City like thunder on the ground------ Emperor Shunzhi became a monk! This decision shocked everyone. Many people find it hard to believe that an emperor in the prime of life would make such a decisive choice.

Some people say that he is to follow in the footsteps of Concubine Dong E; Some say that he is tired of the struggle for power; Others say that this is nothing more than a political conspiracy.

What the truth is, maybe only Shunzhi himself knows. In that turbulent era, the decision of an emperor was destined to leave endless conjectures in history. The reason why Shunzhi became a monk is still a mystery to this day. However, if we dig deeper into his life, we may be able to find some clues.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

First of all, Buddhist thought had a significant impact on Shunzhi. As early as his youth, Shunzhi became interested in Buddhism. He often invited high-ranking monks to the palace to give lectures and personally participated in Buddhist activities.

After the death of Concubine Dong E, Shunzhi devoted a lot of time to reading Buddhist scriptures and seeking solace for the soul. The Buddhist concept of impermanence and liberation seemed to point him to a new path in life.

Second, Shunzhi's views on power and life have changed over the years. At first, the young emperor was ambitious and hoped to build a powerful empire.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

However, as time passed, he began to realize the emptiness of power and the fragility of life. Concubine Dong E's death made him doubt the meaning of life. In this case, ordination may become a means of liberation.

Thirdly, Shunzhi's ordination may also be related to the political situation at that time. In the later years of Shunzhi, the party struggle between the DPRK and China became increasingly fierce.

The Manchu aristocracy, represented by Ao Bai and Suke Saha, and the Han bureaucracy represented by Wang Daohua and Fan Wencheng, were in-for-tat confrontation on many issues. Shunji was tired of these struggles, perhaps hoping to escape this dilemma by becoming a monk.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

Finally, we cannot rule out the influence of some personal factors. For example, Shunzhi's health may not be very good. According to some historical sources, he was often plagued by illness. This physical discomfort may have given him a new way of thinking about life and death.

In addition, Shunji also seems to have an unusual personality. He is sensitive, amorous, and sometimes even emotional. This personality trait may have made him more susceptible to religious ideas.

Of course, these are just speculations. The real reason for Shunzhi's ordination may always remain a mystery. But in any case, this decision profoundly affected the course of the Qing Dynasty's history.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?

It not only signifies the abdication of an emperor, but also heralds the beginning of a new era. After Kangxi's accession to the throne, the Qing Dynasty embarked on a different path of development. From a broader perspective, Shunzhi's story also provokes people to think about eternal themes such as power, life, and faith.

How can a person find inner peace at the pinnacle of power? How can one seek relief from life's suffering? Shunzhi's experience has left such thought-provoking questions for future generations.

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty: The first Manchu emperor to enter the Central Plains, did he really become a monk later?


The life of Emperor Shunzhi is a legend and a mystery. His story still stirs up ripples in the hearts of the world. In his unique way, he influenced the course of the history of the Qing Dynasty.

His decision also made future generations think more about power and life. Perhaps, in that distant era, in that magnificent palace, there was once a young man who made a shocking move in order to pursue his inner voice.

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