
Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

author:World Chinese Weekly
Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

24 years ago, Bai Bingbing's daughter was kidnapped by gangsters to tear up the ticket, who is the fault?

Not long ago, Jia Jingwen's 15-year-old eldest daughter Wutong Mei posted a message on social platforms, which aroused the attention of countless netizens.

It turned out that someone left a message on Wutongmei's social platform, saying that he wanted to expose her photos and privacy, making her infamous, and saying that he wanted to ruin her life with his own hands.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Sycamore Sister's post

Wutong Sister is in adolescence, personal safety was actually threatened, she was once panicked and uneasy, the first time to tell the matter to her mother Jia Jingwen.

Jia Jingwen was also nervous about her daughter's encounter, but she did not hide it, but chose to call the police to avoid her daughter being hurt again. The reason why Wutong Mei announced this news on the social platform is to remind netizens to be vigilant in life so as not to encounter the same thing.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Jia Jingwen and daughter Wutong Sister

Although Wutong Sister was only verbally intimidated, this matter still triggered a heated discussion among netizens, and some people left a message saying: "No wonder celebrities don't like to disclose the appearance of their children, even if they are taken out of the house, they will cover up very tightly." ”

In the past, some people did not understand, and felt that celebrities overprotected their children, just to create a sense of mystery, or some pretentiousness, thinking that their children were delicate.

But this is not the case, the star protects his family or children, it is indeed for security reasons, which is also related to the kidnapping of the daughter of The artist Bai Bingbing, who sensationalized Taiwan 24 years ago.

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When it comes to Bai Bingbing, many young people may not know much, but in the 90s of the last century, she was definitely the top of Taiwan's entertainment industry.

In 1991, "Family with a Fairy Wife" starring Bai Bingbing not only set off a ratings boom in Taiwan, but also swept the mainland for a time, and Bai Bingbing also became a popular female star on both sides of the strait and three places.

Because of her beautiful and cute appearance and witty and humorous performance style, in addition to her identity as an actor, Bai Bingbing has also become Taiwan's most famous "queen of the show" and is a well-known female artist in Taiwan.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● White ice

However, compared with Shun's career, Bai Bingbing's marriage is very unfortunate, her husband is the well-known Japanese manga artist Kajiwara Kajihara Riding, but this person is very unfaithful to the feelings, and during Bai Bingbing's pregnancy, he frequently went to nightclubs.

Her husband's indifference and lack of return at night made Bai Bingbing very painful, and at first she chose to be patient, feeling that there was no big problem of principle, so she temporarily maintained the family.

This is also a common problem for most women, but whenever there is a slight room, they do not want to casually file for divorce, but often the more patient they are, the more indulgent the other party is.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● White Ice Ice and Kajiwara Ride

Kajiwara rode like this, the wife's tolerance did not make him change his mind, but more and more intense, and then he openly cheated, had no sense of responsibility for being a husband, and completely disregarded the fetus in his wife's womb.

The husband's behavior completely disappointed Bai Bingbing, and when her daughter was not yet born, she resolutely filed for divorce and ended the painful marriage with actions.

After the divorce, Bai Bingbing returned to Taiwan with a pregnant belly, which shows that Bai Bingbing is also a bold woman, at least knows how to stop losses in time.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Bai Bingbing and daughter Bai Xiaoyan

Fortunately, fate is not thin on Bai Bingbing, so that she has become a well-known female star after experiencing various twists and turns, although she is a single mother, but because of her rich income, the mother and daughter duo also live a carefree life.

But all this came to an end on April 14, 1997.

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At noon that day, Bai Bingbing was recording in the recording studio as usual, and suddenly she received a call from a strange man, who said in a somber tone: "Your daughter is in our hands, if you want to see her, you will come to the Guishan cemetery alone." ”

Bai Bingbing, who put down the phone, did not react until her colleague next to her asked her: "Is there something wrong with your daughter?" ”

Bai Bingbing woke up like a dream, and quickly called a male colleague and himself to the cemetery, but when he arrived at the ground, he found that there was no one here, and there was some desolation.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Bai Bingbing took a group photo with her parents and daughter, a once happy family

Then the two people began to look around the cemetery for suspicious clues, for two hours, only to see a package on a step, and the white ice ice after opening the package completely collapsed.

I saw a bloody finger in the package, three nude photos of my daughter and a letter that read: "Mom, I have been kidnapped, they want $5 million, you come to save me, don't call the police." ”

The handwriting is very sloppy, and there are typos, but it is conceivable that Bai Xiaoyan should have written this letter with severe pain after being cut off her fingers.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Bai Xiaoyan's letter

Bai Bingbing panicked in an instant, was it to directly give the kidnappers a ransom? Or the alarm? Her daughter's life was in danger at any time, she didn't have time to think too much, and she couldn't raise so much money for a while, so she chose to call the police.

After receiving Bai Bingbing's report, the police quickly set up a special case team and mobilized more than 700 police officers, hoping to rescue Bai Xiaoyan and arrest the kidnappers as soon as possible.

Bai Bingbing was overly frightened and worried, the whole person was haggard, and even lost her judgment, she always prayed for her daughter to return safely.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

Originally, the police were very well deployed, and if they could act according to the plan, the possibility of Bai Xiaoyan being rescued was very large. Unexpectedly, the police's mobilization of the masses actually attracted the attention of the media.

At that time, Bai Bingbing had a great influence in Taiwan, and was even known as "Yamaguchi Baihui of Taiwan", and the kidnapping of her daughter was absolutely explosive news.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● White ice when you were young

On the one hand, human lives are at stake, and on the other hand, news that will trigger a "tsunami" effect, will the media keep the bottom line?

The answer is: "No".

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On the night of April 14, Bai Bingbing's phone was almost broken, but none of the kidnappers were questioned by media reporters about the progress of the case.

Bai Bingbing pleaded bitterly: "Don't report, in case the kidnappers are alarmed, my daughter's life will be in danger." ”

But Bai Bingbing's tears and Bai Xiaoyan's safety did not stop the media, and the next morning Taiwan's "Ta Kung Pao" preemptively reported the news in the most conspicuous position.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Image source: Asian Crime Investigation Archives - Taipei Serial Murder Case

Subsequently, the most frightening thing happened to Bai Bingbing and the police, and dozens of media in Taiwan and nearly a hundred reporters poured into the vicinity of Bai Bingbing's home. On the same day, the hotel opposite Bai Bingbing's home was contracted by the media.

In order to get first-hand information, media reporters stayed 24 hours a day, constantly paying attention to the report, and as long as the kidnappers called, they would record everything in detail.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

Seeing that things were a little out of control, Bai Bingbing cried and begged the reporter: "We are just orphans and widows, you can't bully us like this." ”

But it was useless, the media would only intensify the rendering, for a time the major newspapers in Taiwan reported the news of "Bai Bingbing's daughter was kidnapped", and in just one day, it was full of storms and rain, and everyone knew it.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Image source: Beijing Satellite TV "Archives"

On the evening of April 15, the kidnappers finally called, and the police tensed their nerves and tried to locate the kidnappers, only to hear the kidnappers ask in a sinister tone: "Is the money ready?" ”

Bai Bingbing was already crying uncontrollably, and she said reluctantly and calmly, "I want to listen to my daughter's voice." ”

Ten minutes later, bai Xiaoyan's voice reading the newspaper came from the other end of the phone, Bai Bingbing almost collapsed, and a thought popped into his mind: "Is it possible that my daughter has been killed?" ”

But the kidnapper did not give her the opportunity to inquire, so he hung up the phone angrily, because the call time was too short, and the location of the kidnapper was not accurately located.

The rest of the time was still a long wait, and every minute was a painful ordeal for Bai Bingbing.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Journalists with long guns and short guns

On April 17, the kidnappers called again and demanded that Bai Bingbing pay the ransom. Under the protection of the police, Bai Bingbing took a cart of US dollars to the location designated by the kidnappers.

But unexpectedly, they walked in front, and the back was full of media interview cars, and what was even more exaggerated was that two radio stations actually drove broadcast trucks and reported the whole thing.

Newspapers, media vehicles, and television stations reported that the city was full of storms, how could the kidnappers not know, and the helpless police scolded the reporters, but to no avail.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

Seeing such a position, how could the kidnappers appear, and in the next four days, the kidnappers changed the exchange location seven times in succession, but each time the media followed closely, and finally the kidnappers did not appear.

Bai Bingbing's anxiety has reached the extreme, she has an ominous premonition, maybe her daughter is really killed, just 14 days after Bai Xiaoyan's disappearance, Bai Bingbing's premonition unfortunately came true.

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Since Bai Xiaoyan's disappearance, the kidnappers have repeatedly contacted Bai Bingbing to arrange the location where she paid the ransom, but the police have found nothing in the past two weeks, and even the hostage is dead or alive.

Fast forward to April 28, some citizens found Bai Xiaoyan's body, which was full of bruises, which was shocking.

After forensic verification, Bai Xiaoyan was severely beaten by the gangsters before her death, so that her internal organs were broken, and she was also raped by the gangsters, which was extremely tragic.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

At the moment of seeing her daughter's body, Bai Bingbing cried to the point of almost fainting, and all the waiting and illusions of these 14 days were shattered.

But what makes people even more angry is that just after confirming Bai Xiaoyan's death, the media did not let go, in order to win attention, they reported Bai Xiaoyan's case in a large way, and even published nude photos of the victims, completely disregarding the feelings of the family and having no morality to speak of.

After the ticket tearing, the three kidnappers were still at large, and the three of them continued to commit crimes in the process of fleeing, which caused panic among the people of Taiwan.

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● Three suspects. Image source: Asian Crime Investigation Archives – Taipei Serial Murder

In August of that year, some citizens reported to the police that they had seen two men riding motorcycles, and their appearance was very suspicious. These two were two of the kidnappers, Lin Chunsheng and Gao Tianmin.

The police rushed to the scene, but what they did not expect was that the media also learned of the news and rushed to the scene. The surrounding scene was impassable and chaotic, and finally allowed the kidnappers to escape.

Since her daughter was killed, Bai Bingbing's life has fallen to the bottom, for a long time she did not go out, washed her face with tears all day, and her friends took turns to accompany her at home, afraid that she would do something stupid.

Bai Bingbing looked at her daughter's photo every day, and she also secretly swore in her heart: "Daughter, my mother will definitely catch the gangsters and avenge you." ”

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

A year later, the gangster Chen Jinxing was finally arrested and brought to justice, and during interrogation, he actually said: "Bai Xiaoyan died unjustly, Bai Bingbing's suffering also deserved, who let her call the police." ”

But in the end, the tragedy occurred because of the white ice alarm? Looking back now, the media has an unshirkable responsibility, and their overwhelming reporting has accidentally become the "accomplice" of criminals.

Therefore, some people said: "Bai Xiaoyan's death, the media's actions should be reflected most." ”

Why don't celebrities dare to just post their children? Only because 24 years ago, a tragedy that caused a sensation in the Chinese world 1234

● If Bai Xiaoyan is still alive, she has now passed a year of confusion

Today, Bai Xiaoyan has been gone for a full 24 years, and with the development and growth of the country, not only the economy has taken off, but the law has also become more sound, and the law and order have become better and better.

Now artists live very transparently, and are willing to share their private lives with the public, including sharing children's bits and pieces, taking children to variety shows and so on.

But there is no absolute peace in this world, and I hope that media practitioners can stick to their professional bottom line, do not over-exaggerate the privacy of artists, especially do not disturb their families, and do not let the tragedy repeat itself.

Click "Watching" and "Praising" and be wary of our distance from evil. Text/Morning And Night

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