
Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

author:Shushan History Road
Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission


Li Shimin, the great emperor of the Tang Dynasty, quietly handed over an elite special forces unit to his old comrade-in-arms Cheng Yanjin before his death, and gave him an extremely secret mission.

Why did Li Shimin choose to entrust such an important mission to Cheng Yanjin at the last moment of his life? What secrets are hidden behind this special forces and what exactly is their mission?

Today, we will take you to uncover this unknown historical truth and explore the important role of Cheng Yanjin and the special forces in Li Shimin's last wishes.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

1. The wind and rain are coming: Li Shimin's worries in the last years

In the summer of the twenty-third year of Zhenguan, Chang'an City was shrouded in a stuffy heat. The bustling capital is still bustling with traffic on the surface, but attentive people can already detect a hint of an unusual atmosphere.

In the palace, a worrying news is quietly spreading: Li Shimin, the wise and martial emperor of the Tang Dynasty, has fallen ill. Li Shimin, the emperor who created the prosperous era of Zhenguan, now has to fight hard against the disease.

His body deteriorated, but his mind became clearer. Li Shimin, who was lying on the sickbed, had a deep gaze, as if he had traveled through time and space, and saw the various challenges that the Tang Empire might face in the future.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

What he is most worried about is whether Datang's country can be stable after a hundred years. Although the crown prince Li Zhi is benevolent and filial, he is young after all, and there are many ambitious people in the court.

Li Shimin is well aware that the process of power transfer is often the most dangerous moment. One carelessness may lead to the loss of previous achievements and even a river of blood. At this moment, Li Shimin thought of a person, a general he had always trusted very much - Cheng Yanjin.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

2. Knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy: Cheng Biting Jin's legendary life

Cheng Biting Jin, this name was a household name in the Tang Dynasty. His life experience is legendary, from an unknown bandit to becoming Li Shimin's most trusted general, and the ups and downs are enough to write a wonderful novel.

Cheng Biting Jin's original name was Cheng Zhijie, the word Yizhen, and he was a bandit in Taihang Mountain when he was young. In that troubled era, he led a group of outlaws, robbed homes and houses, and did all kinds of evil.

However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently. When Li Shimin led the army to conquer Wang Shichong, Cheng Zhijie saw the opportunity and led his troops to defect. Li Shimin has always been good at employing people, and he keenly saw Cheng Zhijie's talent.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

Although Cheng Zhijie came from a humble background, his bravery, good fighting, and resourcefulness are exactly what Li Shimin needs. So, Li Shimin hired the former bandit leader exceptionally and gave him a chance to reform himself.

Cheng Zhijie did not live up to Li Shimin's expectations. In the ensuing battles, he made many achievements. Especially in the "Xuanwumen Change", Cheng Zhijie made great contributions.

He led his subordinates to control the key arteries of Chang'an City, providing important support for Li Shimin's seizure of the imperial throne. Since then, Cheng Yanjin has become one of Li Shimin's most trusted generals.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

He was not only brave and good at fighting, but also won the favor of Li Shimin with his witty and humorous character. At court meetings, when other ministers were trembling, Cheng was often able to say some hilarious words to ease the tension.

It is this kind of ability to be literate and martial, to be able to laugh and to strategize, that makes Cheng Yanjin's position in Li Shimin's heart more and more important. Now, at the last moment of his life, Li Shimin decided to put the future of Datang in the hands of this former bandit.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

3. Secret mission: Li Shimin's final layout

One afternoon in the twenty-third year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin secretly summoned Cheng Yanjin. At that time, the palace attendants were dismissed, leaving only Li Shimin and Cheng Yanjin. Li Shimin summoned Cheng Yanjin to the couch and explained an extremely important task to him in a low voice.

"Biting the gold, I know my time is running out." Although Li Shimin's voice was weak, it still revealed an unquestionable majesty, "I have an important task to hand over to you. Cheng Yanjin knelt in front of the bed and listened with a solemn expression.

Li Shimin continued: "After a hundred years, you will lead the flying cavalry battalion and escort the prince into the palace to succeed to the throne. No matter what happens, make sure the prince is safe, understand? "

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

Cheng Yanjin nodded heavily, "The minister understands, please rest assured." The ministers should do their best to fulfill His Majesty's entrustment. "

Li Shimin smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, I believe in you." Remember, this task must not be known to others, including the eldest grandson Wuji and Chu Suiliang. "

Cheng Yanjin solemnly agreed. When he left Cuiwei Palace, the expression on his face became even more solemn. He knew that he was not just shouldering a simple escort task, but a major mission related to the future of the Tang Dynasty.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

Fourth, the sudden change of the situation: Li Shimin's death and the transfer of power

On the second day of the fifth month of the twenty-third year of Zhenguan, a news came that shocked the entire Tang Dynasty: Li Shimin, the wise and martial Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, died. Chang'an City fell into mourning. However, in this sad atmosphere, a game about the future of Datang is quietly unfolding.

Cheng Yanjin didn't have time to grieve. He immediately took action, mobilized all the men and horses of the Flying Cavalry Battalion, and began a mysterious operation. Under the cover of night, this elite force quietly left Chang'an City.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

Their route was very secluded, avoiding the main roads and opting for off-the-beaten-path mountain trails. At the same time, changes are also quietly taking place in Chang'an City. The guards in some key positions were quietly replaced by Cheng Yanjin's cronies.

The gates were also inspected more strictly, as if to guard against something. Just before people could react, Cheng Yanjin led the flying cavalry battalion to move quickly.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

They took control of the palace's main thoroughfares, and at the same time sent small teams to the residences of various important ministers to convey a series of secret orders.

Under the tight control of the Flying Cavalry Battalion, the situation in Chang'an City remained stable and there was no unrest. Cheng Yanjin personally escorted Li Zhi into the palace to ensure that he succeeded to the throne smoothly.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

5. The new monarch of the Tang Dynasty: Li Zhi's accession to the throne and early reign

In the first year of Yonghui (650), Li Zhi officially ascended the throne as emperor and was for Tang Gaozong. The new monarch, who is only twenty-one years old, faces enormous challenges and pressures.

The huge empire left by Li Shimin needs a pair of steady hands to take the helm, and whether Li Zhi can handle this important task has become the focus of attention from the government and the opposition.

After Li Zhi ascended the throne, Cheng Yanjin did not leave the palace and returned to the palace, but acted as Li Zhi's personal bodyguard to ensure a smooth transition to the emperor's throne. Under the escort of Cheng Yanjin, Li Zhi began his reign.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, Li Zhi showed extraordinary decisiveness and courage. He first confirmed Cheng Yanjin as the secretary of the military department, and gave him the honorary title of "Kaifu Yi and Three Divisions".

This move is not only an affirmation of Cheng Yanjin's contribution in the process of power transfer, but also a declaration to the government and the opposition that Li Zhi controls the flying cavalry battalion. Immediately afterwards, Li Zhi began to adjust the structure of the imperial court.

He reused a group of young officials, such as Li Yifu, Xu Jingzong and others, to inject new vitality into the imperial court. Most of these young officials came from poor families, and their rise broke the long-standing monopoly of the family and caused a lot of shock.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

However, Li Zhi did not completely abandon the older generation of ministers. He still relied on the eldest grandson Wuji, Chu Suiliang and other important ministers of the Li Shimin period to balance the power within the imperial court. This strategy of employing people by combining the old with the new shows Li Zhi's superb political means.

In terms of policy, Li Zhi continued some of Li Shimin's policies, but also made some changes. He ordered the reduction of taxes on peasants and the encouragement of agricultural production. At the same time, he also vigorously developed the Silk Road trade, making Chang'an City prosperous again.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

In foreign policy, Li Zhi adopted a relatively conservative attitude. He temporarily halted his expansion and focused instead on consolidating his existing territory. Although this decision caused dissatisfaction among some ministers of the main war faction, it won a short period of peace for the Tang Dynasty, which was conducive to the recovery and development of the domestic economy.

However, these policies of Li Zhi were not all smooth sailing. Some conservative ministers were critical of the new emperor's approach, arguing that Li was too radical and could shake the foundations of the Tang dynasty.

Especially for the reuse of young officials from poor backgrounds, this has caused strong dissatisfaction among the family. In order to quell these grievances, Li Zhi took a series of measures.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

He held frequent court meetings and listened to the opinions of all sides. At the same time, he also personally visited various places to understand the people's situation, and these actions won a lot of support. In this process, Cheng Yanjin played an important role.

As Li Shimin's old minister, Cheng Yanjin has become a bridge between the old and new generations. On the one hand, he firmly supported Li Zhi's new policy, and on the other hand, he also actively mediated the contradictions between new and old officials, making important contributions to the stability of the imperial court.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

However, as time passed, a new political force began to rise - that was Li Zhi's concubine Wu Zetian. With his outstanding intelligence and charm, Wu Zetian gradually won the favor and trust of Li Zhi. She began to participate in the government and gradually formed her own political power.

The rise of Wu Zetian aroused the vigilance of the ministers of the DPRK and China. Especially the eldest grandson Wuji, Chu Suiliang and other old ministers, they were uneasy about Wu Zetian's growing influence. For a time, there was an undercurrent surging within the imperial court, and the forces of all parties began to reshuffle.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

In this complex political environment, Li Zhi has shown an extraordinary ability to balance. On the one hand, he continued to rely on his ministers, and on the other hand, he also gave Wu Zetian more power. Although this practice temporarily maintained the balance of the imperial court, it also planted the seeds of political struggle in the future.

In the sixth year of Yonghui (655), a major political event shook the entire government and the opposition. Li Zhi suddenly ordered the deposition of the Empress Wang, and established Wu Zetian as the queen. This decision caused an uproar in the DPRK and China, and many ministers openly expressed their opposition. However, at the insistence of Li Zhi, this decision was eventually implemented.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

After Wu Zetian entered the Middle Palace, her political influence expanded rapidly. She began to promote her cronies on a large scale and gradually took control of the government. This situation caused more dissatisfaction among the ministers, and the contradictions within the court further intensified.

Faced with this situation, Li Zhi took a more cautious approach. On the one hand, he continued to support Wu Zetian, and on the other hand, he also tried to appease other ministers. However, as time passed, Li Zhi's physical condition began to deteriorate, and his control over the government gradually weakened.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission

In the tenth year of Yonghui (659), Li Zhi was too ill to take care of things, and Wu Zetian began to deal with the government in the name of "weighing the system". This marked a major change in the political pattern of the Tang Dynasty, and also laid the groundwork for Wu Zetian to take power in the future.

Despite this, during Li Zhi's reign, the Tang Dynasty still maintained a prosperous situation. He successfully consolidated the foundation laid by Li Shimin, created the Zhongxing rule of the Tang Dynasty, and laid the foundation for the long-term stability of the Tang Dynasty.

Before Li Shimin died, he handed over a special force to Cheng Yanjin and asked him to carry out a secret mission


Li Shimin's secret layout not only ensured the smooth transfer of power in the Tang Dynasty, but also laid the foundation for the revival of the Tang Dynasty.

Cheng Yanjin faithfully carried out Li Shimin's last wish and became a key figure connecting the two generations of emperors. All this confirms Li Shimin's foresight and deep concern for the future of Datang.

It is this wisdom and strategy that has allowed the Tang Dynasty to last for more than 200 years and has left a strong mark in Chinese history.