
The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

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The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people
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The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

In Hengdian, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, a special group has quietly risen, attracting a lot of attention. They are not high-profile stars, but they can earn 3,000 yuan a day in this highly competitive film and television industry.

In this group, there are people who are unknown, and some people never even appear in front of the camera. Who are they? Why are there such great returns? With these questions in mind, let's walk into Hengdian and uncover the mystery behind this exciting and controversial profession.

In this place, known as the "Dream Factory", we will explore a little-known world, where there are beautiful women, a paradise for lazy people, and countless people's dreams collide with reality.

In 1996, a project to change the pattern of Chinese film and television was launched in Hengdian Town, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. In order to shoot the epic film "Opium War", the town established its first film and television shooting base.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

This decision was like a seed that took root in the years that followed, and eventually grew into a towering tree in China's film and television industry.

Just a year later, Hengdian once again ushered in a major opportunity. In order to shoot the historical blockbuster "Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin", a magnificent Qin Palace was erected in a 1:1 ratio.

This magnificent building not only provides the perfect backdrop for the movie, but also becomes one of the landmarks of Hengdian Film and Television City.

Since then, Hengdian's development has been booming. Architectural complexes of various dynasties, different regions, and various styles have been completed one after another, providing a variety of shooting scenes for countless film and television works.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

Hengdian is no longer just an ordinary town, it has been transformed into China's largest film and television base.

With the vigorous development of the film and television industry, Hengdian's reputation spread farther and farther. It not only attracted many crews to come to shoot the film, but also became a pilgrimage place for countless young people with dreams of being actors.

However, behind this glamorous film and television city, there is also a little-known group - extras.

These unknown extras are the passers-by in the movie, the thousands of troops in the war scenes, and the vast number of people in costume dramas. They may never be the protagonists, but without them, even the grandest spectacle is difficult to present.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

It is the existence of this special group that adds a unique charm to Hengdian Film and Television City, and also lays the groundwork for the story we will explore next.

Hengdian Film and Television City, known as the "Hollywood of the East", gathers about 200,000 extras. This large group is like a miniature version of society, encompassing people from all walks of life and different age groups.

Here, you may meet veteran teachers who have just retired, who use group performances as a kind of life adjustment, reliving the energy of their youth in front of the camera. You may also meet college graduates who have just graduated, with the dream of becoming a star, looking for opportunities to stand out in the sea of group performances.

Still others, perhaps just to escape the pressures of real life, have found a temporary shelter in Hengdian.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

The number of beautiful women in Hengdian is staggering. Although they may not be able to compete with A-list stars, they are still radiant in the eyes of ordinary people. The existence of these beauties has made Hengdian a "paradise" in the eyes of some single men.

However, the reality of this "paradise" is not as rosy as imagined.

The low threshold of the group performance industry - only 10 yuan can apply for an actor certificate, which leads to a situation where supply exceeds demand. Every day, countless group performers squeeze their heads to get a chance to show their faces, but opportunities are always rare.

Long-term disappointment and frustration have made some group performers gradually form the habit of "lazy people". They only cheer up when they have a scene to film, and in their free time they hang around and make friends.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

Some people even make finding a girlfriend another goal of coming to Hengdian, but in this place full of beautiful women, this is no less of a difficult task.

However, not all of them are content with mediocrity. In this place full of dreams and reality, there are still many group performers who unremittingly pursue their acting dreams.

They worked their acting skills and threw themselves into each role, hoping to one day be favored by the director.

Everyone who comes to Hengdian has their own story. Some people find a new direction in their lives here, while others gradually get lost in the prosperity of Hengdian. In any case, it is still a "dream factory" in the hearts of many people, attracting a steady stream of dreamers.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

In this world of group performances, we have seen the multifaceted nature of human nature, and also witnessed the fierce collision between dreams and reality.

With the popularity of smartphones, the way Hengdian extras work has changed dramatically. Once upon a time, crews recruited group performers who also needed to shout loudly or rely on professional intermediaries, which was inefficient and full of uncertainty.

Today, all of this is history.

Nowadays, group performers only need to tap the mobile phone screen and open the special software, they can understand the employment needs of each crew in real time and quickly sign up for participation. This efficient recruitment method allowed the group performers in Hengdian to bid farewell to aimless waiting and ushered in a new era of "handheld office".

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

In order to increase the chances of getting a job, some group performers will even use multiple mobile phones at the same time, hoping to stand out from the fierce competition. Every morning, the first thing the ensemble performers do when they wake up is to check their work information on their phones, for fear of missing any opportunities.

This new mode of working, although it has improved efficiency, has also intensified the competition among group performers. In Hengdian, countless "hand speed races" are staged every day, and behind this is the hard story of the group performers' struggle for survival.

Although technology has changed the rules of the game, the situation of ensembles has not fundamentally improved. Their incomes remain precarious and their lives remain challenging.

In this new era full of opportunities and challenges, the group performers are trying to adapt, hoping to find their own place in this technological revolution.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

Under the bustling appearance of Hengdian, there is a group of special extras - stuntmen. They are an indispensable part of film and television production, but they are rarely recognized by the audience.

This group is divided into two main categories: martial arts doubles and naked substitutes.

Martial arts stand-ins are the behind-the-scenes heroes of action scenes. In order to present thrilling fight scenes, they often need to complete some difficult and even dangerous actions. Although they rarely have the opportunity to show their faces, their efforts add an indispensable visual impact to the film and television production.

With a love for the art of movement, many martial arts stand-ins persevere on this challenging path, hoping to be recognized and rewarded for their efforts.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

And naked substitution is another special kind of existence. They mainly do the work for some stars who don't want to appear in person in specific scenes. Although this job is relatively safe, it requires extremely high psychological qualities.

After all, showing one's body in front of the public may even involve some sensitive issues, which requires a strong psychological endurance.

Surprisingly, in Hengdian, the pay of naked substitutes is often surprisingly high. It is reported that some actors who specialize in naked replacement work can earn up to 3,000 yuan a day, and their monthly income can even reach tens of thousands of yuan.

That's even more than some martial arts stand-ins who risk their lives. It is this high remuneration that attracts many people to join this special group.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

However, behind the high income, there is huge psychological pressure and social controversy. Many nude substitutes have to face incomprehension from family and friends, and even social discrimination outside of work.

Many of them struggle to balance dreams and reality.

Some nude substitutes say they are not ashamed of it, but rather see it as a career choice. They believe that as long as they don't break the law and can support themselves, it is a job worthy of respect.

But at the same time, they also admit that the psychological pressure of this job is huge and requires strong self-regulation ability.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

Whether it is a martial arts stand-in or a naked substitute, they are an indispensable part of the big stage of Hengdian. Their existence allows us to see the other side behind the film and television industry, and also allows us to have a deeper understanding of the profession of "actor".

In this place of opportunities and challenges, everyone is pursuing survival and dreams in their own way.

Hengdian, a place known as the "Dream Factory", is playing out countless stories of dreams and reality colliding every day. Here, about 200,000 extras have different dreams and face their own challenges.

Among them, there is an embarrassing legend: a girl with a dream of stardom came to Hengdian to become an extra. Despite not having a professional background or connections, she firmly believes that if you work hard, you can get the opportunity to play an important role.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

So, she began to hone her acting skills day and night, dedicating herself to each role. However, frequent role shifts and over-engagement eventually led to a gradual deterioration in her mental condition.

Although her acting skills have improved significantly, she has never been able to get important roles as she would like. Eventually, she was taken back to her hometown by her family to recuperate, and her dreams were shattered.

This story reflects the reality of many Hengdian group performances. Most of the ensembles are neither professionally born nor talented, but simply come here with a love for acting.

However, the reality is often harsh. Even after years of struggle, many people still can't make it to the ranks of professional actors, let alone become stars.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

In Hengdian, there are beautiful women, but there are very few who can really get ahead. Some people, after realizing that their dream of stardom is difficult to achieve, begin to think about finding a partner in a group performance of beautiful women.

However, this is also a difficult task, as most of these beautiful women are still struggling for their acting dreams.

Life in Hengdian is fast-paced and chaotic, and group performers often have to travel between different crews. Today may be a palace maid in a costume drama, and tomorrow may be a passerby in a modern drama.

This frequent role change is not only a test of acting skills, but also a severe challenge to psychological quality.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties everywhere, "naked substitution" earning thousands a day, a paradise for single lazy people

However, even in the face of various difficulties, there are still many group performers who stick to their dreams. They believe that if they persevere, they will one day get a chance. There are also those who choose to transform into martial arts stand-ins or naked substitutes in order to find their place in this highly competitive industry.

In this place, known as the "paradise for bachelors and lazy people", everyone is interpreting the meaning of "chasing dreams" in their own way. Some people sink, some persist, some transform, but no matter what, they are all part of this huge group, constituting the most real and moving scenery of Hengdian.

The story of Hengdian group performance allows us to see the most real side of the film and television industry, and also makes us think more deeply about the relationship between dreams and reality.

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