
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

The only county in China where you can only enter with a ticket

Have you ever heard that you need to buy a ticket to enter the scenic spot, but have you ever thought that you also need a voucher to enter the county? Today, the travel fungus is willing to enjoy the mysterious county seat with you - Motuo County.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

See, this is Motuo, located in the embrace of Nyingchi City, Tibet Autonomous Region, and is the only shining pearl on the land of China embedded in the southern slopes of the Himalayas.

This is the last uncarved and untouched pure land in China. Due to its remote location, Motuo was able to retain its most primitive natural features and cultural customs, as if it were an independent fairyland.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

In the past, Motuo used to maintain its tourism operations through the ticket system. However, since last year, Motuo has opened its arms and lifted the fee policy, and the mysterious county has finally opened its doors to the world to welcome tourists from all over the world.

This will certainly inject new vitality into Medog's tourism industry and promote its vigorous development, which is indeed a great joy for everyone. Now, with open arms, Motuo is looking forward to joining you on this mystical journey and feeling the primitiveness and purity.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

The last county seat in China to open to traffic

Before 2013, the land of Metuo, like a secret place of independence, was known as "the most difficult place to reach in China".

This is not only inaccessible to planes and trains, but also by car. Due to the unpredictable climate of Metuo, earthquakes, landslides, landslides, and mudslides have become the norm. The complexity of the terrain is breathtaking, with steep mountains and rocks as hard as iron.

Therefore, the construction of roads in Medog is not a single difficulty, but a series of great problems that are difficult to overcome.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

However, the state has never wavered in its determination to build the Medog Highway. After 52 years, from 1961 to 2013, the 117.28-kilometer-long Zhamo Highway was finally opened.

Behind this first highway in Motuo is the heroic sacrifice of more than 200 workers, and it is the brilliant achievement of thousands of people after half a century and countless attempts and failures.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

The mysterious "island of the plateau"

At one time, Motuo seemed to be isolated from the world, like an independent "plateau island", with few human tracks.

However, with the opening of the highway, this secluded island has finally unveiled its mysteries and revealed its stunning beauty.

It is like a shining pearl embedded in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, like a fairyland on earth, which is breathtaking.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

When you walk into this land, you will understand why it is often said, "There is only one Motuo in the world, and Motuo has the whole world." ”

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Although it is located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it is only 900 meters above sea level, as if nature has taken special care of this land.

Here, you don't need to worry about the lack of oxygen, you can breathe in the fresh air and feel the gentleness and tranquility of this fairyland.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Motuo is a natural landscape painting.

There are continuous snow-capped mountains, and there are also green mountains and green waters.

Whether it's majestic snow-capped peaks, vast meadows, waterfalls, springs, or tropical rainforests, you'll find them here.

In addition, there are a variety of wild animals shuttling through the forest, and the tea plantations deep in the mountains exude a faint fragrance of tea, and there are tropical fruits such as pineapples and bananas dotted in between, adding a touch of unique flavor to this land.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Walking into Motuo is like walking into a poem, a painting. The magnificence of the scenery is unforgettable, and you can only truly appreciate the beauty of the place when you experience it yourself.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Standing on the edge of the Brahmaputra Grand Canyon, you will be shocked by the bottomless canyon;

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Standing on the top of Mount Doxiongla, you will be enchanted by the misty peaks;

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Standing at the foot of Nanga Bhava, you will be impressed by the majestic and domineering peak.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

In addition, there are some natural wonders that make you want to linger. The big bend of Guoguotang, named after its shape resembling a lollipop, is where the turbulent river water forms a 360-degree bend, which makes people marvel.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

And those large and small waterfalls are connected to a primitive, simple and mysterious area, making people feel like they are in a paradise.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

Metuo's cuisine is also a major feature here. Most of the ingredients here come from nature, and the cooking methods are simple but delicious. Stone pot chicken, stone pot beef and other Motuo specialties are even more memorable.

Motuo, a place that makes people sigh. It has both heavenly and beautiful views and hellish and steep roads.

It's this experience of heaven and hell that makes Motuo such an unforgettable place.

If you ask travel mushrooms, is there any other place in the world that amazes people so much? Well, Motuo must be on the list.

The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!
The only county town in China that can only be entered by buying a ticket, the scenery is not inferior to Daocheng, and the water color is comparable to Jiuzhai!

【The most important】

Since Medog is a sensitive area, it is necessary to apply for a border permit in advance.

【Best Time】

There are two best times to visit Metuo, from April to May and from September to November. During this period, the climate in Medog is suitable, and from December to March of the following year, due to heavy snow closures, vehicles cannot enter and exit Metuo, while June to August is the rainy season, with heavy precipitation, prone to landslides and mudslides, and there are many locusts, so it is not recommended to go.

【About access】

Self-driving: Although there are 2 highways leading to Metuo from Zamo Highway and Paimo Highway, but Paimo Highway is not passable at present, so if you want to come, you can only take Zamo Highway from Bomi, about 7-9 hours away from Nyingchi, double in and single out, enter Motuo to choose even number of days, go out can only choose the original way to return, pay attention to the planning time.

Shuttle bus: At present, there is only one shuttle bus from Nyingchi to Motuo, which needs to be taken to Bayi Town, the capital of Nyingchi, at 182 yuan/person, departing at 8:00.

【About prices】

It will be a little higher than Nyingchi, and you can prepare some food in advance.


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