
The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

Hot Hot Hot Hot!

Midsummer is really coming, the north is a wide range of dry heat, less than 42 °C can not enter the top ten of the national temperature list, the south is even more sultry upgrade, a wave of heat waves, as long as people out of the air-conditioned room, half of their lives are hot.

But there is such a province in China, the average temperature is 23 °C, the air conditioner is here to furnish, and you even have to worry about cold.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

Without a little suspense, this "no summer" province is:


The only province in China that does not have plains!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

When all parts of the country were wailing because of the high temperature, the people of Guizhou looked at the green mountains and green waters in front of them, enjoying the summer breeze of 23 °C, and there were no waves in their hearts.

Therefore, people who know how to travel like to go to Guizhou for three or five days; If you can enjoy it, you can stay directly for 2~3 months!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

△ Maling River Grand Canyon

What are the coolest and most fun places in Guizhou? Today, I will introduce it to you~


Go to Libo and see the greenest landscape!

In recent years, Libo has gradually been seen by everyone. This "emerald on the belt of the earth" is cool and pleasant, condensing the essence of the beauty of the whole Guizhou.

Walking here, all kinds of greens are overlapped: peacock green, emerald green, blue-green...... Every touch of green is refreshing.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

Rippling on the Mandarin Duck Lake, the lake water is as blue as jade, walking under the Tiansheng Bridge, full of negative ions rushing in the face, and the breeze is cool......

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

△ Libo Big Seven Hole © Picture Worm: Vain

The size of the seven-hole water is adjusted to the blue, set the hole, the forest, the lake, the waterfall, the stone, the water and a variety of landscapes in one, exquisitely beautiful, so that the tourists are always fresh, known as "super bonsai".

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

△ Small seven-hole © picture worm: pick up the moon and pick up the light

It took away the summer irritability and was very refreshing.

Coordinates: Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province Scenic spots: Small Seven Holes, Water Forest, Big Seven Holes Scenic Area, Mandarin Duck Lake, Guizhou Maolan National Nature Reserve


Go to the Wumeng Prairie,

Blow natural big air conditioner!

The coolest province in China is Guizhou, and the coolest city in Guizhou is Liupanshui, the "cool capital of China"! The most worthwhile place to visit in Liupanshui is the Wumeng Grassland.

The Wumeng prairie is like a natural air conditioner, with an average annual temperature of only 11.1 °C.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!
The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Diagram worm

Wumeng Grassland is also one of the plateau grasslands with the highest altitude and largest area in southwest China, and has been rated as "China's Top 10 Best Resorts".

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Xiaohongshu: It's been quiet

Half of the grassland is blue sky and green land, half is a vast sea of clouds, and there are cattle and sheep shuttling through the verdant grassland. If you're lucky, you'll be able to see the magical Buddha light of the grassland.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

Coordinates: North of Pan County, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province

03Go to Huangguoshu Waterfall and feel the coolness of a thousand miles!

As the "largest waterfall in Asia", Huangguoshu Waterfall must be a must-visit destination in Guizhou. The area around the waterfall is extremely cool, and every breath is so cool and refreshing.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

There are Huangguoshu waterfalls here, the main waterfall is lined with the sky, and the momentum is as fierce as a dragon.

The flowing water is like a jade belt, which adds a touch of softness to the magnificence.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture worm Bichuan

You can also go to see the widest waterfall - Steep Slope Pond Waterfall; Go and see the most beautiful waterfall - Silver Chain Falling Pond Waterfall.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

△ Steep slope pond waterfall © Picture worm: drizzle moistens the breeze

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

△ Silver Chain Falling Waterfall © Picture Worm

Location: Zhenning County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province


Go to Fanjing Mountain and be a free fairy!

In Tongren, Guizhou, a fairy mountain rises from the ground, standing in the vast sea of clouds, like a cold "city in the sky", this is "the first mountain in Guizhou", Fanjing Mountain.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Diagram worm

The Zen mist rises from the valley, and the climbers are buried in the sea of fog and clouds, and it seems that they can touch the sky with their hands, making people feel like they are in a fairyland, standing in the sky.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

After climbing the 8,000-step "Buddha Country Ladder", you can reach the top of the fairy mountain. The temperature here is even lower, remember to bring a jacket to prevent colds~

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

Coordinates: Fanjing Mountain Scenic Area, Jiangkou County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province Transportation: In the peak season, there are many passenger vehicles sent to Fanjing Mountain at Tongren North Bus Station (200 meters in front of Tongren Railway Station) every day. In the off-season, you need to take a car to Jiangkou County Bus Station, and then transfer to Fanjing Mountain.


Go to Qianhu Miao Village and see the secret land of Taoyuan!

Guizhou's Xijiang Thousand Miao Village is the largest Miao Village in the world and is known as the Miao Capital.

In this secret mountain paradise, you can enjoy the coolness while feeling the tranquility of returning to nature.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture worm: Hunan Haotian

In a paradise hidden in the depths, you can walk on the retro wind and rain bridge and watch the river flow leisurely.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Figure: Counter-Strike

You can also go to see the thousands of stilted buildings, which are built along the mountain and the river, forming a magnificent building complex. It was also excellent to stay here for a few days~

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture worm: Zhao Feng travel photography

Coordinates: Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, Xijiang County, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, China


Go to Wanfeng Forest and see the beauty of karst!

Some people say that if you don't go to Wanfeng Forest, you don't know the beauty of karst.

Xu Xiake once praised it, and "China National Geographic" rated it as one of the "five most beautiful peaks and forests in China", and was also praised as "the wonder of the world"!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Figure Worm: Burning Strivone

There is no scorching heat in summer, and the average temperature in July is 23 °C, which is a blatant "oxygen bar" and "natural air conditioner".

And if you come to Wanfeng Forest and find a comfortable homestay, the floor-to-ceiling glass windows allow you to see a colorful landscape painting without leaving the room.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Bug: DiSanYaan sees the world

You can't miss these summer resorts: Wanfeng Lake on the Li River in Yangshuo; the famous natural cave, the Ten Thousand Buddha Cave; "Chinese Swan Castle" on a small island in Wanfenglin, Jilong Fort.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

△ Geelong Fort © Picture Worm: Black horses chase deer

Coordinates: southeast of Xingyi City, Guizhou Province


Go to the Grand Canyon of the Maling River,

The coolest summer!

The mountains and rivers are cool, and the canyons are even cooler! In the canyon, there are mountains, rivers and waterfalls, and you can't get cool if you want to. Drifting between canyons is the happiest activity in summer.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Diagram worm

If you want to go to the canyon, you must go to the "most beautiful scar on earth", the Maling River Grand Canyon. Waterfalls on both sides of the river pour down, like a leaking crack in the ground, rare in the world!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Diagram Worm: Southwest Ranger

In the upper reaches of the Maling River Gorge, there is also the clear and beautiful Qingshui River Grand Canyon, which integrates the majestic, strange, dangerous, beautiful and secluded, the waterfalls on both sides of the canyon are grouped, and the karst wall hanging is very spectacular.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

@抖音: Walking countryside

Coordinates: 5 kilometers east of Xingyi City, Guizhou Province


Go to the Weaving Gold Cave and see the coolness of the magic axe!

Guizhou's peculiar karst landform has made it a "cave province".

In particular, the "King of Chinese Caves" Zhijin Cave, walking in is like being in a natural refrigerator, cool to home.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture worm: Blue Seven Stars

The return of Huangshan does not look at Yue, and there is no cave outside the Zhijin Cave. As "China's most beautiful tourist cave" and a global geopark, the majesty of this cave kingdom will surprise you again and again!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture Worm: Maple Grove June

The cave is full of stalagmites, stone buds, bell flags, etc., covering almost all karst landscapes, and is known as the "karst museum". Walk all the way down and absolutely blow your eyes.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture worm: Fei Rui Studio_Sugar Xiaoyan

Coordinates: Guanzhai Miao Township, Zhijin County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province


Go to Zhenyuan Ancient Town and live a cool little life!

If you want to stay in Guizhou for a few more days, then go to the cool, quiet and leisurely Zhenyuan Ancient Town!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture Worm: A cold summer day

The meandering Wuyang River runs through the city, dividing the ancient town into north and south banks. Under the steep green peaks, there is curling clear water, pink walls and tiles. As far as the eye can see, everything is green.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!


At night, the red lights on both sides of the strait here are lit up one by one, there is no silence, but there is a strong atmosphere of fireworks in the world.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Picture worm: Xiaozhou photography

Coordinates: Yuanxian Town, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province


Go eat delicious food and live a dose of Guizhou's addiction!

In addition to touring the mountains and rivers, of course, you must also try Guizhou food! Go eat the ubiquitous sour and see how many surprises are hidden in the old godmother's hometown.

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

Guizhou's sour soup is the first major feature, and the sour taste has been developed to the extreme, making sour soup fish, sour soup silk dolls, sour soup powder, sour soup beef......

Take a sip and instantly have a great appetite, which can be described as "no acid is not a feast".

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Diagram Worm: Immortal Plate Plate

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

There are also noodles that are not the same for 360 days: Zunyi mutton noodles, beef noodles, Wang intestine noodles, bean curd noodles......

and then to a variety of snacks: crispy duck, artichoke baba, hot pot, cake porridge, sweet flower cake...... FOODIES CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE A BIG STOMACH OF 520G!

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!

© Figure worms: zigzaghs

In the summer, it's time to go to Guizhou!

Behold the turquoise waters, the mountains that go into the clouds;

Go to see the cliff canyon and gorgeous karst cave;

Go to see the ancient town like a paradise of secret land;

Then eat the sour and appetizing Guizhou flavor.

A summer without summer is waiting for you in Guizhou~

The only province in China that has "no summer", only 23°C in midsummer, and air conditioners are all furnishings!


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