
66 counties embezzled 1.95 billion yuan in student nutrition meal subsidy funds, with an average of nearly 30 million yuan per county

author:Elegant full moon up

#护苗有我2024#据界面新闻报道, at the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, Hou Kai, Auditor General of the National Audit Office, pointed out in the "Audit Report of the State Council on the Implementation of the Central Budget and Other Financial Revenues and Expenditures in 2023" that in terms of student nutrition meal subsidy funds: "Some were directly misappropriated, and 66 counties used 1.951 billion yuan to repay government debts, grassroots "three guarantees" and other expenditures. Some were squeezed out in disguise, with 41 counties and 1,533 schools occupying 270 million yuan in disguised form by lowering feeding standards and fictitious procurement business. Some were colluded to arbitrage, and the education departments of the five counties conspired with the bid-winning suppliers to extract 42.1602 million yuan through supplier dividends, donations, etc., for the distribution of benefits. ”

66 counties embezzled 1.95 billion yuan in student nutrition meal subsidy funds, with an average of nearly 30 million yuan per county

The 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress

No matter how hard you are, you can't be miserable for your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education. Children are the future of the motherland, and as a county parent official, there are 66 counties that take money from the children's mouths to pay off debts or divert it for other purposes. Forty-one counties withheld children's food money in disguise. There are also 5 counties that are even more outrageous, and they conspired with the winning suppliers to obtain 42.1602 million yuan through supplier dividends, donations, etc., for the distribution of benefits. Use the children's food money to give themselves benefits, these leaders also have children! I can't imagine what kind of hard-hearted person it is, how to do it.

66 counties embezzled 1.95 billion yuan in student nutrition meal subsidy funds, with an average of nearly 30 million yuan per county

Hou Kai, Auditor General of the National Audit Office

As the saying goes: there is a way to steal. Even robbers have their own bottom line, and they can't do anything to the poor, widowed, and lonely, because even the robbers will feel that they have a bad conscience by doing such things. But some parents have a conscience that is not as good as that of robbers. You said that this time the National Audit Office has audited how many counties have been audited for students' nutritious meals, and I will tell you that it is 159 counties in 13 provinces. There are 112 counties that have been audited to deal with children's nutritious meals, and 70.4% of the counties have problems. For the relevant personnel in these 112 counties, especially the relevant personnel in the five counties who used the money for children's nutritious meals to pay for their own benefits, it is really not enough to kill the people to be angry.

66 counties embezzled 1.95 billion yuan in student nutrition meal subsidy funds, with an average of nearly 30 million yuan per county

Screenshot of Douyin

It is suggested that the state discipline inspection departments should quickly be stationed in these 112 counties and bring to justice as soon as possible those who dare to embezzle, misappropriate, or even take money from students' nutritious meals to pay their own benefits. We fully understand that in the three years of the pandemic, local governments have spent a lot of money for people's health, and some local governments are seriously indebted. But no matter how poor you are, you can't take money from the children's mouths, that's our future, how should these children evaluate the behavior of these uncles and uncles as parents when they grow up.

66 counties embezzled 1.95 billion yuan in student nutrition meal subsidy funds, with an average of nearly 30 million yuan per county

Interface News Report

This time, I would like to thank the National People's Congress and the National Audit Office, and thank Jiemian News for exposing these so-called parents who pick money from their children's mouths. Since the state has agreed to expose them, it is time for the country to be determined to put things in order. No matter what you say, no matter how difficult it is, it will never be tolerated to embezzle your child's food money. What a good policy the state has given to children with nutrition subsidies, but it is always a bad sheep to withhold the money given by the state to children.

66 counties embezzled 1.95 billion yuan in student nutrition meal subsidy funds, with an average of nearly 30 million yuan per county

National Audit Office

From the recent expulsion of Li Shangfu and Wei Fenghe from the party and the military and their transfer to military courts, to the heavy blows of the State Audit Office, which exposed so many problems in auditing at one time, all this demonstrates the state's determination to rectify corruption. We believe that the country has strength and the people have hope. We, the self-media, must cooperate well with the country's efforts to rectify corruption, and cheer for the country's efforts to rectify corruption. At the same time, he called on the majority of self-media authors to cooperate with the country to promote anti-corruption work, come up with more ideas, complain less, and jointly maintain a good situation of stability and unity [come on]. #济宁头条 ##70后的头条生活#

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