
Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

author:Elegant full moon up

#长文创作激励计划#以色列凭一己之力成为当今全球焦点, in order to let everyone understand the history of Israel in the least amount of time, Full Moon has collected books such as "Old Testament Bible", "History of Israel", and "Three Thousand Years of Jerusalem" to help everyone quickly understand the history of Israel in the form of stories. Without further ado, let's start talking about history.

1. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

The book of Genesis says that God created the heavens and the earth in five days, and on the sixth day he created Adam in his own image to rule over God's garden of Eden in the east. Later, God forgave Adam for being alone, and made a woman from Adam's rib named Eve. So Adam and Eve lived happily in the Garden of Eden. Later, Satan the Devil turned into a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of wisdom in the Garden of Eden, so Adam and Eve immediately became wise, and they also knew what to be ashamed of, so they made a straw skirt and put it on. When God found out that they had eaten the forbidden fruit, he said, "You two are not real!" He drove them out of the Garden of Eden, and made them reflect on their sins, and then return to the Garden of Eden.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden

Full Moon said: China's Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi also oppose the so-called wisdom of human beings, in order to return to the Garden of Eden, human beings go the opposite way and continue to develop wisdom, don't you know that the more wisdom you have, the more you can't return to the Garden of Eden. This myth and legend is equivalent to Chinese myths and legends: Pangu opened the sky, and Nuwa created man.

2. Noah's Ark

So Adam and Eve could only have children and multiply on earth. After some time, God remembered that Adam and Eve had come, and he went to see it. Looking at the descendants of Adam and Eve: "I am a good person, not only did I not reflect on my sins properly, but I did not learn well day by day, and I deceived me, what is this?" Forget it, destroy these pesky guys and practice the trumpet again! God carefully found that among the descendants of Adam and Eve, there was a young man named Noah who was good, believed in God, and had a heart of repentance, so God was merciful and quietly told Noah to prepare a big boat, with his wife and children, and all kinds of animals and plants, so God created a great flood and drowned all those unrepentant human beings, leaving Noah's family.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes


Full Moon said: Regarding the Great Flood, all civilizations in the world have recorded it, and it can be seen that 4,000 years ago, there was really a great flood that destroyed the world. This era should be the Yao Shunyu period relative to the mainland, and this myth and legend is equivalent to the legend of the mainland: Gonggong angrily touched the Zhou Mountain, Nuwa made up for the sky, and there was a historical legend that Dayu controlled the water.

3. The origin of God's Promised Land and the Hebrews

After the Flood, Noah's three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, each took their wives and traveled around the world to multiply. There are more and more descendants of Shem, and Jews and Arabs today claim to be descendants of the Semitic tribe. You said they were all family, what kind of fight. Among Shem's descendants was a young man named Abram, who was particularly devout to God, and one day Abram received God's instructions to move with his people to a certain place, and said that there was honey and milk flowing everywhere.

So Abram crossed the Euphrates with his people to Canaan, which is the area of present-day Israel and Palestine. It can be seen that Abram was a nomadic herder in the vicinity of Iraq. For the Canaanite natives, Abram was an outsider, and they were called "Hebrews," which means "those who came from across the river." This is how the Israelites said that Canaan was God's Promised Land to them.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Abraham came to Canaan

When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared again and made a covenant with Abram to change his name to Abraham, which means "father of nations" in Hebrew, meaning that his people would be all over the world. At the same time, God wanted all men in Abraham's descendants to be circumcised, that is, to have believers uniformly marked on the flesh to prove that they were God's chosen people.

The so-called male circumcision, in today's words, is circumcision, scientific name: circumcision, there is nothing mysterious. The benefit is to prevent the dirt hidden in the foreskin from causing diseases, and the other is to enhance the resistance of the penis to friction, which helps to enhance the male masculine. On the eighth day of life, the family of an Israeli boy is now circumcised. During World War II, Hitler also identified Jewish males by the presence or absence of this surgery. It was from Abraham onwards that the Jews began to become a distinct ethnic group, they spoke Hebrew and men were circumcised.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Jewish circumcision

Full Moon said: The Jews finally ended their early nomadic life and began a settled life. As a result, Canaan became what the Jews called "God's Promised Land." This period is probably equivalent to the period when Xia Qi, the son of Dayu, lived in mainland history. Probably between 2100 BC and 2000 BC. In other words, when the continent began to have emperors, the Jews had a unified ethnic group, and Abraham was equivalent to the tribal chieftain.

4. The origin of the twelve branches of Israel and the Jews

After Abraham's death, his son Isaac became chief, and Isaac had two twin sons, one named Esau and the other named Jacob, who fought against each other for the chieftaincy. Eventually, Jacob was forced to leave Canaan and go to the region of Haran, where his uncle lived, in present-day Syria.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Jacob married a bunch of wives and had twelve sons in Haran, and these twelve men became the patriarchs of the twelve tribes of Israel. From this point of view, Israel really shouldn't attack Syria, how can the kind old lady's uncle's house be said to fight. Later, Jacob had a conflict with his uncle, so Jacob decided to return to his hometown with his family.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Jacob wrestles with the angels

On the way back, Jacob met an angel and he wrestled with the angel, and when the gods saw that they could not beat Jacob, they touched Jacob's leg with his divine power, and Jacob's leg became lame, but Jacob eventually won the wrestling match. After the fight, the angel gave Jacob the name "Israel," which means "one who fights against God." From then on, Jacob's descendants called themselves "Israelites," and this is where "Israel" came from.

The full moon said, "The Jews today are all from these twelve branches, and James is their ancestor." Israel is also the Hebrew word for "one who fights against God." Israel's history is full of myths, but they never tire of it. This era is equivalent to the "Shaokang Zhongxing" period of the Xia Dynasty in China, probably between 2000 BC and 1900 BC.

5. The Israelites left Canaan and entered Egypt

Of Jacob's twelve sons, his favorite son was named Joseph, so Jacob's other sons were jealous of Joseph, so they joined forces and sold Joseph to a caravan that went to Egypt to do business. After Joseph came to Egypt, with his clever head, he finally became the second person in Egypt, and he also married a wife and had children in Egypt.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Joseph was sold to Egypt by his brothers

Years later, Joseph's brothers were fed up in their hometown and wanted to go to Egypt to join Joseph, who eventually forgave them, and Pharaoh of Egypt allowed Joseph to bring his people to settle in Egypt. So, the Israelites left Canaan and went to Egypt to join their wealthy relatives.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Joseph took in his brothers in Israel

However, hundreds of years later, as the Jews in Germany, as the Israelites grew in Egypt, the Egyptian pharaoh began to fear that the Israelis would pose a threat to the Egyptian regime, so they began to suppress and exploit the Israelis, and the Israelites became slaves of the Egyptians. It has to be said that the Egyptian pharaoh was still very prescient, which is stronger than the Palestinians.

Full Moon said: If it should be mixed, it will be mixed well wherever it is. Jealousy and viciousness only reduce one's own intelligence. Joseph repaid his grievances with virtue, but the descendants of the twelve brothers plundered the Egyptians so much that they were almost overwhelmed by the Egyptians themselves. It's a lot like Germany during World War II.

6. Moses, the Passover, and the Exodus

In order to destroy the Israelites, the Egyptian pharaoh ordered that all newborn male babies of the Israelites be drowned. It was also at this time that a boy was born in an ordinary Israeli family, and the couple did not dare to keep him, but they could not bear to let their child drown in the Egyptians, so they put it in a box and floated down the Nile, leaving it to fate.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

The Egyptian princess picks up Moses

Coincidentally, on this day, Pharaoh's daughter was bathing by the river, picked up the baby boy, adopted him, and named him Moses. Moses grew up in an Egyptian palace and enjoyed the treatment of a prince, but as an adult, he finally learned of his origins. Later, Moses received a revelation from God on Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula. God wanted him to escape from Egypt with his people, and God gave Moses some divine powers to help him in his mission.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Moses received a revelation from God at Mount Sinai

But Pharaoh was unwilling to let them go, so God punished Pharaoh and caused nine great plagues in Egypt, which made Egypt miserable. But Pharaoh was still stubborn and refused to let him go, so God sent the tenth plague to kill all the firstborn sons and cattle of the Egyptian families. On the 14th day of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, God asked Moses to lead the Israelites to slaughter the lamb and anoint it with blood on the door, so that when the angel struck the firstborn son of the Egyptians, he saw the house of blood passing through the door, which was called the Passover, and the Jews made this festival the "Passover."

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

The Israelites celebrated the Passover

Pharaoh finally couldn't bear it anymore and told Moses to leave with his people. But before the Israelites had gone far, Pharaoh repented and sent his pursuers after them. On the edge of the Red Sea, the pursuers caught up with the Israelites, and Moses, with the help of God's power, used his divine power to split the sea and let the Israelites cross the sea. This is the famous "Exodus", which shows that Israel and Egypt are also feuding.

Minimalist Israeli history, telling the history of Israel in the form of a story, so that you can read it in 10 minutes

Moses split the waters of the Red Sea and extricate himself from Egypt

The full moon said: This God is also ruthless enough, saving people by killing people, it can be seen that this God is not the God of all people in the world, but only the family god of the house of Israel, this God, so narrow-minded, how to protect the people, I don't know where to believe in him. Israel's "Passover" is not to kill me, but to kill others! Such a selfish holiday, but that's fine. This period is roughly equivalent to the late Shang Dynasty on the mainland, between 1300 and 1200 BC, not far from King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou and Jiang Ziya. Limited space and energy, that's all for today, and interested netizens will see the following story about Israel tomorrow. #济宁头条##70后的头条生活#

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