
Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

author:The sky and clouds and shadows hovered together

Zhang Yujian's peak moment was the day he became Wu Qian's ex-husband!

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

Wu Qian is beautiful, and she is still a top student at Wuhan University, oh my God, how can such a perfect woman look at this kind of person!

Zhang Yujian, if you don't mention this name, I can't even remember this person, and if I mention it, I only know that it is Wu Qian's ex-husband, and I don't know what kind of drama he looks like. I still don't understand why Zhang Yujian wants to go with this kind of character!

The problem is that the man still thinks he is quite popular, and he has always set up a single persona, which is really interesting, the only drama I have seen him play is played by him and Wu Qian!

I don't like the whole world, I just like you. This man is really because the character in the play is so good, he gave Wu Qian a false impression and didn't act. gave birth to a baby and saw that this irresponsible man, the one they played was still very good-looking, and Wu Qian seemed to be with him after that drama!

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

I've seen the news before, saying that a certain popular little flower likes a certain male star very much, and he has to give birth to a child when he is unexpectedly pregnant, but the man is unwilling, so he has been secretly married and had children! It's just the two of them [laughing and crying]

The child was announced after the divorce, and it was indeed a hidden marriage in the early days, because the man was unwilling to set up a single person...

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?
Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

Brother Security's smile says it all, Brother Security: I thought that if I was behind him and he couldn't see the smiling [Dog Head] surrounded by a group of uniforms and there were no fans around, I would only think that I had committed a crime and was caught red-handed [covering my face]

This is Zhang Mingen, I remember...... Who is Zhang Mingen? Xu Lu's ex-boyfriend, who is Xu Lu? Zhen Huan's Yurao Yurao If you don't know, then our friends don't have to do it!

I hate this kind of face brushing, usually the program team gives them a card budget in front of the camera, and then watches the celebrities run out of money to brush their faces, and these passers-by become blood bags. But is such a big show really worse than a few hundred and thousand, and are celebrities worse than this? [Cool]

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

The star is so rich and still makes people do business at a loss, although there is only 4,000 yuan on the show, you can't change to a hotel that is less than 4,000 to live in, and you want to live well and don't want to pay for it, which is really embarrassing [embarrassed laughter]

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?
Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

Celebrity bargaining is really unfavorable, it's already so easy for them to make money, and they have to bargain with ordinary people, and they have to bargain with ordinary people with a daily income of 208w. 208w How long do ordinary people have to earn without eating or drinking, these people are so thick-skinned!

If the funds are not enough, you can negotiate with the program team and do tasks to earn funds, instead of deducting these two dates from the people!

Celebrities record variety shows, and in the end, when they run out of money, they will find a program group. I've never seen them really come up with money, so I saw Xi Mengyao and He Youjun arguing at the stall, two pieces a piece, really ruining the good feeling, they are so rich, and they are still worried about this bit of mosquito meat with the poor [picking their noses]

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

It reminds me of 0713, never bargaining, serious and down-to-earth, a lot of work, a lot of money, this is a real example! Without any halo, the reemployment men's group never brushes their faces, they only give more!

This is the reason why 0713 was able to re-enter the public eye in the first place, a few variety show brothers have never "brushed" their faces, and they have never brushed their faces when they are so poor that they spend hundreds of dollars a day, either out of their own pockets, or fighting wits and courage with the program team!

There was a period before the Chinese restaurant, Huang Xiaoming also wanted to directly ask others to send a chair or something, and was educated by Xiaoyanzi, she said why should people give you special, just because of your identity as a star, you rely on this identity to open a mouth that ordinary people will not open!

I have brushed up on celebrities who are looking for passers-by to eat because of the show, it is Wang Zulan and Fan Xiangyan, who can't get in at the door of the corridor, and the passers-by who enter the door ignore them when they see them, and they also think that passers-by don't know them It's incredible, and they look unhappy [dog head]

Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?
Those celebrities who think they are very popular but are slapped in the face by reality, don't know what is noble?

The main reason is that Chinese people take celebrities too seriously, which makes them have a natural sense of superiority. I thought it was higher than ordinary people, and the quality was poor!

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