
Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

author:LOHAS Canada After the latest population data came out, Canadians were not calm: Canada's population in the first quarter of 2024 broke a record of more than 41 million! Nine months ago, Canada's population had just crossed 40 million.

In the face of a surge in immigration, strained health care resources, and soaring housing prices and taxes, a large number of Canadians launched a multi-city nationwide demonstration on July 1 National Day, "Take Back Canada," with the aim of overturning existing immigration policies.

Ottawa, the capital of Canada:

Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

Picture from: x July 1, 2024

Toronto, Canada's largest city:

Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged
Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

Picture from: x July 1, 2024

The crowd shouted "Trudeau must step down".

Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged
Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

Picture from: x July 1, 2024


Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

A large number of police officers were mobilized during the demonstration:

Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

Picture from: x July 1, 2024

In the first three months of 2024, Canada will add 240,000 people, of which more than 120,000 are temporary residents, including international students and refugees. The ethnic Indian population has topped the list since 2021 and from 2007 to 2013, while Filipinos ranked first between 2014 and 2020. Together, India and the Philippines have accounted for nearly a quarter of the total number of new Canadian citizens since 2005; The Chinese ranked first in 2005 and 2006.

The "Retake Canada" campaign first came into the public eye in April and May of this year, with organizers calling for it on social media platforms such as Reddit. On May 18, the campaign officially launched a website called "Take back Canada" calling on "Canadians to take back Canada together" with the slogan "They shouldn't steal our future."

Cities involved in the demonstrations included Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Edmonton, Vancouver, Calgary and Kitchener.

The organizers explained that their argument is not to say "one size fits all" for all types of immigrants, but to oppose those actions and phenomena that sacrifice the interests of Canadians, including driving down wages, raising the cost of living, fueling crime, threatening the safety of women and children, and conniving at immigration policies that allow a group of unqualified immigrants who "refuse to integrate into Canadian culture and try to change their local culture" to land.

Socialite Hilton revealed her boarding school experience: she was forced to be drugged and stripped naked

Who would have thought that Paris Hilton, a wealthy socialite and the queen of Internet celebrities, would reveal the unknown scars behind the gorgeous...

Paris Hilton, a 43-year-old American socialite who is one of the heirs of the Hilton Group, was invited to the House Ways and Means Committee to testify before a hearing on child welfare and testify about the sexual abuse she suffered in boarding school as a teenager.

In her words, "At the age of 16, I was locked in a boarding school in Utah, where there was no cure, only endless darkness and abuse."

As soon as this remark came out, it directly detonated the media, and the information swiped the Internet social media.

Vancouver and other cities have joined forces to "retake Canada" against immigration policies! Celebrities were forcibly drugged

帕丽斯·希尔顿 (截图自:Global News, June 30, 2024)

Hilton described being taken out of bed one night when she was 16 years old, while her parents "had no idea" of what was really going on inside the school and were "constantly deceived and manipulated by the staff."

Hilton was reportedly sent to boarding school for ADHD. One of her boarding schools, Provo Canyon School, was sold in 2000, and the foundation has reportedly taken a stand, saying it could not comment on what happened before the sale.

Hilton's self-disclosure was a nuclear bomb when she said she was sent to a private juvenile correctional facility in Utah as a teenager and was "forcibly drugged and sexually abused by staff." "I was violently restrained, dragged into the hallway, stripped naked and held in solitary confinement". "[Boarding school] programs promise healing, growth, and support, but they don't allow me to speak, move freely, or even look out the window for two years."

Hilton believes the situation in boarding schools and juvenile detention facilities in the United States has not changed much from 27 years ago, when she heard that a 12-year-old became pregnant after being sexually abused. She said that more than 50,000 children in foster care are housed in residential treatment facilities in the United States each year, and she hopes that by telling her story, she will persuade lawmakers to consider strengthening community resources to ensure that vulnerable children stay away from these facilities.

As the daughter of a wealthy family and the queen of Internet celebrities, who would have thought that she would also be abused? They have been sexually abused, beaten and even deprived of their names.

Fortunately, Paris Hilton was not defeated and devoted himself to giving a voice to abused children. In this way, her life went from darkness to light.

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