
Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

author:Teacher Lu shared
Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

I don't know when it started, the operation of "showing off wealth" became popular on the Internet.

According to the statements of some netizens, those with a monthly income of less than 10,000 yuan and no millions of savings in their families belong to the ranks of the poor and are not worthy of marriage and children.

However, according to the data given by the National Bureau of Statistics, in the past 2023, the annual per capita disposable income of residents in the country will only reach 39,218 yuan.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

And this is still the average amount, specific to individuals, some people's annual per capita disposable income may be less than 10,000 yuan.

So in such a situation, how many families can come up with 500,000 yuan at one time?

1. Domestic bank deposits

In addition, according to the central bank's survey of bank deposits, depositors with deposits in the mainland did not reach 500,000 yuan, accounting for only 99.63% of the total number of depositors.

If a depositor is regarded as a family, that is, among the bank depositors, the family that can take out a one-time deposit of 500,000 yuan accounts for only 0.37%.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

According to the calculation of the proportion of 0.37%, under the premise of having a population of 1.4 billion, there are about 680 households that can take out 500,000 yuan in bank deposits at one time.

Is this ratio beyond the imagination of some netizens?

After all, housing prices are so high now, and in some places, a toilet in the house may cost 500,000 yuan to buy.

Even such a house is being bought by many people, how can a family with 500,000 yuan at a time be so small?

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

"Money is not everything, but no money is everything." This sentence is regarded as the truth by many people, and they have been looking for ways to increase their income.

And compared with many countries that hold the concept of advanced consumption, Chinese are more likely to accept putting money in the palm of their hands and have the habit of saving.

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Especially during the epidemic, due to the suppression of economic activities such as investment and consumption, and the fact that many people have a sense of crisis in their lives, they attach more importance to saving money.

Taking the statistics of the first quarter of 2020 as an example, domestic RMB deposits increased by 8.07 trillion yuan, an increase of 28% compared with 631 million yuan in 2019.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

In 2023, although RMB deposits will increase by 25.74 trillion yuan for the whole year, they will increase by 510.1 billion yuan year-on-year.

At this time, the epidemic has been open for a year.

In fact, it should be seen from here that when they are not affected by the epidemic, a large number of people will be more inclined to choose consumption than saving money.

As for the content of consumption, in addition to some scattered expenses in daily life, there are also several "big heads" that involve housing, medical care, education, etc.

To be able to cover the expenses in these areas, you must have a decent income.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

The relevant personnel of the National Bureau of Statistics once said that from the perspective of a typical family of three, there are about 140 million families with an annual income of between 100,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan.

Families with an annual income of more than 500,000 yuan account for about 0.9% of the total number of households in the country, or about 6.2 million households.

It's just that among these families, there are only a handful of people who can have a deposit of 500,000 yuan.

So, how did this result come about?

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Second, it is difficult to make deposits, what is the difficulty?

"Is it because I don't want to save money? I have no money to save at all", "It's good if I don't have moonlight, I still save money, save a yarn", "Don't talk about 500,000 deposits, I want to lie flat with 300,000 deposits"......

This is the comment of some netizens when the topic of investigating deposits was raised online.

Almost all netizens showed two words nakedly - no money.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Of course, there is definitely a difference between the Internet and reality, and there are many people who will not disclose their real income on the Internet.

Therefore, such an evaluation can only be used as a reference for auxiliary lines.

However, it is undeniable that compared with the handful of high-income groups, the annual income of the vast majority of people is low, and even does not reach the per capita disposable income value calculated every year.

Especially due to the impact of the epidemic, the unemployment rate has been high in recent years, and many people have difficulty finding jobs.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

The key is that among those who can't find a job, many of them are still the pillars of the family. It is in the stage of life of the old and the young.

In such a situation, even if you have some savings before, you may eat up your old capital before you can find a new job.

From this point of view, the poor employment environment is one of the reasons for the difficulty in saving.

Of course, this does not mean that if you have a job, you will be able to save 500,000 yuan.

The reason mentioned earlier is that in daily life, it is impossible for people not to make any consumption.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

In particular, some young people, influenced by the so-called "advanced consumption" and "hedonism" concepts in Western countries, have used their income to eat, drink and have fun, and have not developed a sense of savings.

Take the per capita consumption expenditure of residents in the country before the epidemic appeared, which was 19,853 yuan in 2018 and increased to 21,559 yuan in 2019.

After the epidemic came, the per capita consumption expenditure of residents across the country in 2020 fell to 21,210 yuan.

As the epidemic is gradually under control, from 2021 to 2023, the per capita consumption expenditure of residents across the country will continue to show an increasing trend, reaching 26,796 yuan in 2023.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Using this data, compared with the annual per capita disposable income of 39,218 yuan in 2023, you will find that the remaining per capita disposable income is only about 10,000 yuan.

If you calculate according to this remaining situation, if you want to save enough 500,000 yuan, it will take most of your life.

This does not take into account the households of some people whose disposable income does not reach the national per capita level and who have high consumption intensity.

It is likely that at the end of the year, not only will there be no money left, but there will also be arrears.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Therefore, there is no reasonable planning for one's income and expenditure, which causes the balance of income and expenditure to tilt in favor of expenditure, which is also the reason why people cannot save money.

But it's worth mentioning that it's not just irrational spenders who can't save money.

Many rational spenders are the same, and the amount of money on the deposit looks quite pitiful.

If you want to say why this phenomenon exists, it is related to several large-scale consumption items that are difficult to escape in life.

The first of these, which many people may have thought of, is - housing.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

During the period from 2015 to 2018, housing prices in various cities in China rose sharply.

Many residential houses with 5 or 6,000 yuan per square meter at the opening price have risen by more than 2-3 times per square meter.

Even today's housing prices have a gradual downward trend compared to the years when they soared.

However, the proportion of the decline is small, and the total price is still very high.

Therefore, for many families, the income may not be very bad, but after buying a high-priced house, the day when they have savings will be farther away.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Especially for those who originally had no family foundation, they relied on their personal efforts to have a stable job in a big city, and then bought a house and settled down.

The down payment may be borrowed with the help of the family, and although the money earned later, it needs to be used to pay off the arrears and the mortgage.

However, if you can pay off all the arrears and the mortgage is paid in advance, you will basically be able to save money.

But judging from the current domestic situation, it is obviously not easy to do this.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

According to the information released by the "2023 China Sub-health Data Analysis Report", more than 70% of people in mainland China will be in a sub-health state in 2023.

And among these sub-healthy people, the age distribution is in the group of 18 to 45 years old, accounting for 57%.

And this part of people, according to the normal trajectory of life, is in the important stage of life to earn money and support their families.

Once these people go from a sub-healthy state to a sick state.

will change from the role of the "pillar" of the family to the object of being taken care of and constantly spending money.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

In addition, the problem of aging in China is also very serious, and most of the elderly will have underlying diseases.

If it is an officially retired elderly, it will be relatively better if there is medical insurance, and part of the cost can be reimbursed for medical treatment.

In addition, the pension can also meet the daily expenses, which can make the financial pressure on the children less. , and then have the opportunity to save money.

However, there are many elderly people in rural areas, not only do they have no savings and pensions, but they may even give up the annual medical insurance for urban and rural residents in order to save money.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

In this way, once the disease is suffered, the children not only have to contribute, but also need to contribute, and the financial pressure will be relatively great.

That's why more and more people are reluctant to give birth to a new life.

Because I am worried that after having a child, I will no longer be able to take care of my parents.

After all, bringing children into this world requires good maintenance.

At the same time, children can grow up without illness and disaster, and at the same time, they can also receive a good education, so as to lay a good foundation for a happy life when they grow up.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Many parents who are well aware that education can change the destiny of their lives are willing to invest in their children, and may spend tens of thousands of dollars every year on hobby training alone.

According to the "China Fertility Cost Report 2024", the average cost of raising a child in China from the age of 0-17 is 538,000 yuan.

In the case that the child can be admitted to university, the cost of raising the child will continue to increase, and the average cost of the child's undergraduate graduation has reached 680,000 yuan.

3. How to increase your deposit

Presumably, everyone can see that for the vast majority of ordinary families, the money earned may not keep up with the money spent.

Yang Ma "touch the row"! The results have come out: the number of families in China who can come up with 500,000 at a time is beyond imagination

Of course, the rich have the life of the rich, and the poor have the way of life of the poor.

For those who want to save money, it is more important to learn to balance their income and expenditure and avoid irrational consumption that leads to making ends meet.

In addition, in view of some more realistic problems such as difficult employment, high housing prices, and high medical costs, the state implements corresponding policies to regulate and improve them, which is the main means.


The amount of savings can, to a certain extent, reflect a family's ability to resist the blow of money when it encounters unexpected events.

However, the number of families that can save more than 500,000 yuan is very small.

The vast majority of households are less resilient to risks when it comes to savings.

However, if we want to change this situation, it is far from enough to rely on individual hard work, and we also need the state to guide through reasonable policies to strengthen the economic foundation of more families.


The Paper·2022-03-29 How many families have a deposit of 500,000 yuan? The conclusion is surprising》

CCTV 2019-01-21 "China's 140 million families have an annual income of 100,000-500,000 yuan, and the middle-income group exceeds 400 million"

Yangtze Evening News2024-02-22 "China's Fertility Cost Report: The average cost of raising a baby to graduate from undergraduate is 680,000"

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