
Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

author:Cicada said

In 1989, Saudi Arabia had oil reserves of 260 billion barrels.

In 2005, Saudi Arabia had oil reserves of 264 billion barrels.

In 2014, Saudi Arabia had 267 billion barrels of oil reserves.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

From the above data, it can be seen that even if Saudi Arabia extracts a large amount of oil every day, the total amount does not decrease but increases, some people may say that Saudi Arabia has detected more oil fields in the future, and the new oil reserves are greater than the consumption, which makes some sense, but maybe oil is a scam of the century.

As for the causes of oil, friends who "surf" on the Internet basically know that the current mainstream theory is organic.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

In other words, a large number of ancient corpses were buried in the ground, and it took a long time to form oil, and human beings have consumed oil too fast since the Industrial Revolution, so that we will soon consume the accumulated oil, and the most heard is that Western experts say that "oil can be used for another 50 years".

Modern instruments have shown that the composition of oil is indeed similar to that of biological components, and that the sedimentary rocks of oil fields contain biological remains, so this view was once mainstream.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

But then the question arises, is there really so much life on Earth?

Although we can't travel back in time to ancient times, we can get a glimpse of the whole leopard from the ancient ruins, taking Saudi Arabia's Ghawar oil field as an example, its reserves exceed 70 billion barrels, after a series of calculation formulas backwards, even if the oil conversion rate is 100%, the Ghawar oil field needs at least 27 trillion cubic meters of biological corpses, where are so many corpses in the local area?

After a series of calculations, scientists discovered the irrationality of the organic theory of petroleum, so now the inorganic theory has become popular.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

The core idea of mantle-source oil and gas theory is that the producer of oil is the mantle, and at the beginning of the formation of the earth, a large number of hydrocarbons were locked inside, forming a hydrogen stream under pressure.

Over time, hydrogen flows began to penetrate into the outside world, forming oil and gas, and of course, not only hydrogen but also a large amount of carbon in the earth's interior.

If oil really comes from the earth's mantle, then in addition to oil deposits, other types of mineral deposits will be created, such as carbon dioxide gas fields.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

If carbon dioxide fields can be found, can we prove that the oil really comes from the mantle?

There really is such a thing.

In 1995~2005, China found 6 carbon dioxide gas fields in the eastern fault zone, such as Huangqiao Town, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province, is the largest carbon dioxide gas field in China, with a purity of up to 98.7% and reserves of up to 60 billion cubic meters, which are widely used in welding, metal processing, food and beverage and other fields after mining.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

To find direct evidence that the oil came from the mantle, it is to sample the mantle, the deepest mine in South Africa is 4,530 meters, and the deepest in the Soviet Union, Kola ultra-deep borehole, is 12,262 meters, but the closest point to the surface of the mantle is also 33 kilometers deep, and humans can only touch the surface of the earth's crust at present.

Although we cannot sample the mantle directly, the intense geological activity in the Earth's interior can occasionally transport mantle samples to the outside world, such as mantle peridotite found in volcanic basalt around the Songliao Basin, and after some comparison, it was found that the color mass spectrum was exactly the same as that of oil in oil and gas reservoirs.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

In addition, if oil is produced from the remains of ancient animals, then all the oil extracted on Earth is at least a million years old, and another valid evidence is that the "average age" of oil samples at the hydrothermal vents in the Guaymas Basin in central California is only 4,692 years after carbon-14 testing, which is enough to show that the Earth's interior is producing a steady stream of "new oil".

Since oil is produced by the earth's mantle, it is almost endless, why is oil still so expensive, is it another century of hoaxes created by the West?

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

Now sober consumers have realized that diamonds are a typical scam of the century, but oil is different, the use of this energy is not on the same level as diamonds, oil is widely used in energy, chemicals, construction, textiles, electronics, cosmetics, food, agriculture and other fields.

The high price of oil is not only related to demand, but also to high costs.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

From the perspective of detection cost, seabed exploration requires special underwater antennas and electromagnetic sensors, in addition to technical standards, the cost is also ridiculously high, taking the cost of offshore seismic acquisition as an example, two-dimensional seismic acquisition is about $8,000 per kilometer, and three-dimensional seismic acquisition is more than $10,000 per square kilometer.

From the perspective of production costs, if the oil field is buried deep and the geological structure is complex, the production cost will also rise.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

From an environmental point of view, the exploitation of oil will bring problems such as marine pollution, groundwater pollution, soil pollution, and atmospheric deposition.

Is the oil depletion theory a Western hoax? Oil does not become from animal carcasses, but from the mantle?

Oil exploration, exploitation, transportation, processing, environmental management and other links all require expensive expenses, so even if oil really comes from the mantle, the price is still high.

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