
Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

author:Character Collection

As soon as she entered July, Zhang Lan had a very happy thing, she could finally meet her beloved eldest granddaughter and eldest grandson. Before meeting, Zhang Lan kept sharing this matter with everyone in the live broadcast room, and the joy in her heart could even be felt by netizens outside the screen.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

This is also the first reunion of three generations of the family in the true sense after Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei got married.

For this reunion, the family has been planning their trip since the end of last month, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei first set off from Beijing, flew to Taiwan, and then took the child to Okinawa, Japan with the nanny.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

Zhang Lan herself set off from Beijing alone and went straight to Okinawa, Japan to meet her son and grandson, and Zhang Lan was happily more than ten years younger when she set off.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded
Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

Zhang Lan also explained in the comment area why she went to Okinawa, Japan to see her grandson, because Big S does not allow the children to go back to Beijing, and they can only meet in Japan.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

It can also be seen from this that although Da S has now loosened his mouth and allowed Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan to see the children, they still have a certain degree of precaution, otherwise they will not let the children go back to their homes in Beijing.

But no matter what, this is a good start for Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

At least now that Big S has loosened his mouth, the most feared thing is that Big S is really hard-hearted and doesn't let the children see their father, it will be very troublesome, and as the children grow up, their feelings for their fathers are bound to get weaker and weaker.

And now, as long as Wang Xiaofei is not absent, every process of the children's growth, then the children will be able to return to their homes in Beijing sooner or later.

What's more, now that Wang Xiaofei has Ma Xiaomei, a virtuous helper, it is easier to get along with the children.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

Last year, Ma Xiaomei had already won the approval of the children, and she became a good sister with Xiao Yue'er, and it was in this way that Xiaomei was recognized by Wang Xiaofei, and then got married smoothly this year.

It can be seen that Wang Xiaofei is also really mature, when choosing the other half, she will not only look at the surface, but look at whether she is good to herself and her children, it is obvious that Ma Xiaomei is such a good girl.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

Every time Wang Xiaofei gets along with the children, Ma Xiaomei will become a photographer to record this precious moment.

Judging from the photos posted by Ma Xiaomei, the hotel they chose to live in was also very luxurious, and it also focused on the children, and there was a swimming pool for children to play in the hotel.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded
Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

For this party, the children are also very happy, even Xiao Jiu, who usually doesn't like haircuts, also went to get a haircut, just to want to be handsome to meet his grandmother, This kind of blood is thicker than water, and this kind of feeling is really touching.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

And the moment Zhang Lan saw the children, her eyes were moist. She hugged the children tightly, as if she wanted to put all her love and thoughts into this hug. Looking at the innocent smiles of her grandchildren, Zhang Lan felt that her heart was about to melt.

Zhang Lan was finally able to see her grandson and granddaughter, and the three generations of the family were reunited for the first time, and Big S was still very guarded

In the next few days, Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei's family enjoyed playing in Okinawa, they went to the beach together, played together at the amusement park, and tasted the local food together. Every moment was filled with laughter, as if this was the life they were looking forward to the most.

But happy times are always short-lived, this time Zhang Lan can only stay in Japan for three days, but as long as there is love in her heart, no matter how far away she is, she can feel the warmth of each other, and she also hopes that their family can be reunited as soon as possible.

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