
The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

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Copywriting丨Xiao Er

Editor丨Xiao Er

In the 2024 graduation season, Li Yifei, a graduate of Xi'an Jiaotong University, became popular for his unscripted speech.

This was accompanied by a lot of negative revelations.

She was accused of being an "academic daji", and her scientific research results were suspected of being unreal, and she was also accused of having a chaotic private life.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

His master's grades were poor, art students were questioned about their cross-nuclear physics majors, and their graduation outfits were sensational.

Although the negative news is not confirmed, there are many coincidences.

The media made a complaint, but the school quickly deleted the post and did not respond further.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

The impact of this incident is unprecedented, whether it is true or not, it has had a negative impact on Li Yifei and the school, and it is urgent to restore the truth.

In the interweaving of doubt and silence, we can't help but ask: what is the truth? Who should come forward to clarify all this?

As the core figure of the incident, Li Yifei has the responsibility and obligation to stand up, face the public's doubts, and give his own explanations and proofs.

Regardless of the truth, escaping is not the solution to the problem, and only by facing it bravely can we win people's respect and understanding.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

As an educational institution, Xi'an Jiaotong University should play its due role and responsibility, conduct a thorough investigation of the incident, and publish the results of the investigation openly and transparently, so as to maintain the reputation and academic purity of the university.

Formal media should also give full play to their research spirit, conduct in-depth interviews with relevant personnel, collect evidence, and give fair reports.

In the era of information explosion, the media is not only the disseminator of information, but also the guardian of the truth.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

Only by adhering to the principle of objectivity and impartiality can we win the trust and support of the public.

On the Internet, doubts about Li Yifei began to rise one after another.

Some people pointed out that his so-called "academic achievements" were not completely completed by himself, but "academic daji", relying on the favoritism of his mentors and the inclination of resources; What's more, it was revealed that he fraudulently used other people's quotas to enter the nuclear physics major, and his private life was also chaotic.

These news were like a hammer, shattering Li Yifei's original glamorous image and pushing him to the forefront of public opinion.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

For a time, praise and abuse were intertwined, and truth and rumors coexisted, making it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Li Yifei himself chose to remain silent.

This silence, in the eyes of many, is undoubtedly a tacit acquiescence to doubts, further exacerbating the fermentation of public opinion.

The regular media also failed to stand up in time, conduct in-depth research, and give fair reports, but mostly stayed at the reprinting and commenting on the speech clips, failing to effectively guide the public to think rationally.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

As time passed, the negative news about Li Yifei not only did not dissipate, but intensified.

Some seemingly coincidental negative events happened one after another, which made people deeply doubt his real situation.

The media began to attack and try to uncover the truth by digging into the details, and the school tried to calm the storm by deleting posts and not responding, but instead of solving the problem, this approach called into question the credibility of the school.

At this time, people can't help but think of some similar academic questioning incidents, such as Li Xueqin's academic controversy, the academic misconduct accusation of the son of a well-known movie star, and the Jiang Ping incident earlier.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

In these cases, the silence of the parties involved is often interpreted as an evasion of responsibility, and the revelation of the truth often requires pressure from a third party or wider public opinion.

Li Yifei's story seems to be moving along this trajectory.

The impact of the Li Yifei incident goes far beyond his personal scope and that of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

It has sparked a deep public rethinking on academic integrity, educational equity, and media responsibility.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

In this era of information overflow, how to distinguish the true from the false and how to maintain rational thinking has become an urgent problem to be solved.

This incident also reminds us once again that in the face of doubts and challenges, escaping is not the way out, and only by having the courage to face and respond positively can we find a solution to the problem.

For individuals, this is an opportunity for growth; For society, it is a pursuit and adherence to fairness, justice and truth.

On the road of pursuing the truth, we may encounter setbacks and difficulties, but as long as we stick to our beliefs and have the courage to take responsibility, we will definitely be able to light the way forward.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

Let us all hope that the Li Yifei incident can be revealed as soon as possible and the truth will be revealed to the world.

I also hope that this incident can become a mirror for us to grow in reflection and move forward in questioning.

Questioning, some media began to take more active actions to dig deeper into the truth behind the incident.

They are no longer satisfied with simple reprinting and retelling, but strive to restore the whole picture of the incident through interviews with relevant people, consulting archival materials, comparing and analyzing data, etc.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

As a result, there have been a large number of calls for a response from the university and Li Yifei on social media platforms, and these voices have converged into a force to be reckoned with, pushing the situation in a more open and transparent direction.

Regrettably, despite the increasing pressure of public opinion, Xi'an Jiaotong University has chosen to delete the post rather than respond positively.

Far from quelling the situation, this approach has further exacerbated the conflict and raised more dissatisfaction and doubts about the school's attitude.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

People began to question whether Xi'an Jiaotong University, as a well-known university, has fulfilled its due responsibility in maintaining academic integrity and protecting the rights and interests of students.

Why can't we respond more openly and transparently to public queries?

Faced with such a dilemma, we can't help but ask: in the information age, how to ensure that academic integrity is not violated?

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

When public skepticism arises, how should schools and individuals respond?

Obviously, this is not only a question about Li Yifei personally, but also an important issue related to the entire academic community and even the social integrity system.

We call on Xi'an Jiaotong University and Li Yifei himself to face up to the public's doubts, have the courage to stand up to clarify the facts, and prove their innocence and innocence with practical actions.

The Li Yifei incident intensified, the media's questions were fruitless, the parties lost their voices, and the school quickly deleted the post

We also hope that the regular media can continue to exert the spirit of research, dig deep into the truth of the incident, and provide objective and fair information to the public.

Only in this way can we jointly build a healthier, more transparent and more just academic environment and social atmosphere.

In this process, everyone's voice is crucial, because the revelation of truth is often inseparable from the joint efforts and persistence of many people.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.