
Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

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Copywriting丨Xiao Er

Editor丨Xiao Er

Zhang Lan revealed that she was about to meet her grandchildren in Okinawa.

She didn't dare to announce it before, for fear that there would be a difference, but now the child will share it.

It has been more than half a year since the last meeting, and the children got together during the summer vacation, and Linlin also specialized in haircuts.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Although the child still can't go back to his hometown, he is still happy to see Zhang Lan, and Linlin is very clingy to his grandmother.

Some people think that it is unwise for Da S not to let the child return to his hometown, Wang Xiaofei has developed well, and the husband and wife plan to have three children.

Big S should let the child have more contact with the grandmother, think about the long-term of the child, don't be like the little S daughter debuted early, it is better to have a good father and grandmother to escort her.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Big S's daughter Xiao Yue'er once innocently said that she didn't want her father to have any new children, and this childish words caused ripples in the adult world, making people can't help but guess that Big S is deeply worried about the future stability of his children's status.

Coupled with Wang Xiaofei's public statement, it undoubtedly touched her sensitive nerves, prompting her to take legal measures again to try to protect the interests of herself and her children.

On the other hand, Wang Xiaofei, since his divorce from Da S, his life seems to be gradually moving towards a new chapter.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

In his career, he continued to cultivate his business territory and achieved good results; Family, he and Ma Xiaomei's relationship is getting deeper and deeper, and the two plan the future together, including the expected third child.

Wang Xiaofei's happiness and satisfaction are particularly dazzling in the dispute between him and his ex-wife, and it also makes him the central figure in this storm of public opinion.

In this family turmoil, Zhang Lan's attitude is particularly crucial.

As Wang Xiaofei's mother, she spoke highly of her new daughter-in-law Ma Xiaomei, praising her for being sensible and considerate, and taking the initiative to get close to her family without waiting for a call.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

This kind of transformation is undoubtedly a relief for Zhang Lan.

In the past, she had difficulty enjoying the happy time with her grandchildren due to various obstacles from Big S.

Now, the appearance of Ma Xiaomei not only fills this vacancy, but also makes Zhang Lan feel unprecedented family warmth.

The warm interaction between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, such as hugging and preparing meals together, all reveal the harmony and intimacy of the relationship between the two.

In the face of the strong attitude of Big S, public opinion has also begun to diverge.

On the one hand, there is an understanding of her instinct as a mother to protect her children; On the other hand, more questioned whether her actions were too short-sighted and did not consider the long-term future of her children.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Especially in terms of children's education, cultural inheritance and family relationships, Big S's insistence seems to be contrary to the concept of openness and inclusiveness advocated by modern society.

In particular, the issue of children not being able to return to their hometowns to reunite with their fathers and grandmothers has caused widespread controversy.

In contrast, the family environment built by Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei provides another possibility for the children to grow up.

In this family, the role of the father is more distinct, and Ma Xiaomei's gentleness and wisdom inject more love and care into the growth of the children.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Especially under Zhang Lan's careful care, the children can not only feel the deep emotions from their ancestors, but also learn the traditional virtues and values of the family subtly.

This kind of family atmosphere of three generations living together and enjoying each other undoubtedly provides a more solid backing for the growth of children.

Whenever the summer vacation comes, it is a precious time for Wang Xiaofei's family to reunite.

For this reunion, the children, especially Linlin, will go to get a haircut and welcome the arrival of their families with a new look.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

These seemingly insignificant details actually reveal the children's desire and cherishment of family reunion.

And Zhang Lan's love for her grandchildren is even more overflowing, even if she is tired, but when she sees the children around her knees, her heart is full of endless joy and satisfaction.

Comparing the growth experience of Xiao S's daughter with Wang Xiaofei's children, it is not difficult to find that children who grow up under the joint care of their parents and grandparents are often more confident, cheerful and responsible.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

This is not a negation of Xiao S's education method, but emphasizes the importance of the role played by each member of the family in the child's growth process.

The joint efforts of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, as well as Zhang Lan's selfless dedication, have created a growth environment full of love and support for the children, which is a precious wealth that cannot be replaced by any material conditions.

With the popularity of social media and the public's continued attention to the private lives of celebrities, the story of Da S and Wang Xiaofei has quietly become a microcosm of family changes and emotional entanglements in modern society.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

In this turmoil, it not only involves traditional family structures and values, but also touches on the delicate balance between the pursuit of personal happiness and family responsibilities of modern people.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's happy life, and the occasional warm clips on social media have become the envy of many people.

Not only do they support each other in their careers, but they also share the responsibilities of parenthood in the family.

On Ma Xiaomei's social media account, you can see her family routine shared from time to time, whether it is the parent-child time spent with her children, or the busy figure of preparing a holiday dinner with her mother-in-law Zhang Lan, all of which reveal the harmony and warmth of this family.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Although Da S is on the cusp of public opinion, she is also continuing to live in her own way.

She devotes herself to philanthropy, pays attention to women's rights and interests, and interprets the power of independent women with practical actions.

Although her relationship with Wang Xiaofei has come to an end, her love and care for her children have never changed.

She uses her influence to fight for better educational resources for children, and strives to create a space for them to grow up with love and freedom.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

In this turmoil, the most touching thing is the growth of children.

They may not fully understand the complexities and entanglements of the adult world, but their innocence and kindness have become the bond that connects the emotions of the two families.

Whenever the winter and summer vacations come, whether it is following his mother Da S to explore the world, or spending time with his father Wang Xiaofei and grandmother Zhang Lan, they can feel the love and care from different family members.

This kind of love, which transcends strife and estrangement, will become the most valuable asset on their road to growth.

Finally got my wish! Zhang Lan saw two grandchildren, three generations reunited, and Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Eventually, this turmoil may fade out of public view with the passage of time, but the series of thoughts and discussions it triggered will remain in people's hearts for a long time.

It reminds us that in the pursuit of personal happiness, we should not neglect our responsibilities and responsibilities to our families; In the face of emotional entanglements, we should maintain rationality and tolerance, and take the healthy growth of children as the highest principle.

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