
Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

author:Zhen Entertainment

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Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

Text: Zhen Entertainment

Edited by Zhen Entertainment

"If you say too much, you will lose, and the wise man will be cautious."

This ancient adage seems to be a tailor-made footnote for Liang Hongda, leading us into the controversial chapter of his life.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

As a former media star, Liang Hongda has won the love of countless audiences with his unique insights and sharp words, but he has also inadvertently pushed himself to the forefront of public opinion.

Liang Hongda, this name was almost a household name a few years ago. With his wonderful performance in TV shows, he quickly accumulated a large number of fans and was known as "a generation of iron mouths". However, it was this eloquent mouth that eventually led him into endless controversy.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

"A generation of iron mouth" Lao Liang

"Success is also Xiao He, defeat is also Xiao He, in one word, the glory and status quo of Liang Hongda."

In the early years, the name Liang Hongda was almost equated with "erudite" and "iron-mouthed copper teeth". His programs, such as "Lao Liang Says the World" and "Lao Liang Story Meeting", have been a must-see choice for countless audiences after dinner. Liang Hongda, a talented man who graduated from the Department of Journalism of Heilongjiang University, has made a name for himself in the media industry with his outstanding eloquence and extensive knowledge.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

Back in the 90s of the last century, Liang Hongda was still an ordinary journalist, but he was not satisfied with the status quo, and his deep desire for knowledge and love for expression drove him to keep moving forward.

The year 2003 was a major turning point in his career. This year, he was invited to the TV station and began to host talk shows. With his unique insights and humorous commentary style, Liang Hongda quickly became popular and became a "famous mouth" in the hearts of the audience.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

During the Athens Olympic Games, Liang Hongda commented for more than 20 consecutive days, covering 36 items, and his easy-to-understand commentary style was deeply loved by the audience, and his popularity soared. Subsequently, the launch of programs such as "Lao Liang Says the World" and "Lao Liang Story Club" made his career reach its peak. These shows not only have high ratings, but also made Liang Hongda a household name.

In the show, Liang Hongda knows astronomy and geography, and his comments on the entertainment industry, social phenomena and even history and culture can always hit the nail on the head and make people think deeply. His talent and charisma have attracted countless fans and allowed him to gain a foothold in the media industry.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

However, the good times did not last long, and Liang Hongda's glory did not last long. As his fame grew, he seemed to gradually lose himself and began to speak freely, with sharp words to the point of being unacceptable. He not only made harsh evaluations of stars in the entertainment industry, but even inappropriately interpreted and slandered national heroes such as Lei Feng and Jiao Yulu.

These remarks immediately sparked public outrage, not only disappointing the audience, but also causing his image to plummet. The state media came out to criticize, and his show was forced to be taken off the shelves, and his career suffered an unprecedented blow. For a time, Liang Hongda changed from the focus of attention to the target.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

After disappearing for a while, Liang Hongda reappeared in the public eye. However, this time his identity is no longer the famous mouth that is like a river, but has become a low-key apprentice.

According to reports, he accepted an apprentice older than him at an apprenticeship ceremony, a move that once again sparked heated discussions among netizens. There is speculation that he is trying out new roles and areas, while others believe that he is preparing for a comeback.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

Although Liang Hongda is no longer as glamorous as he was back then, his talent and influence are still there. Many viewers still miss his wonderful comments and unique insights in the show. For Liang Hongda, perhaps this experience is a profound lesson and reflection, which makes him more aware of his responsibilities and responsibilities as a public figure.

Controversial events

Questioning traditional martial arts

Back in 2018, Liang Hongda raised sharp questions about traditional Chinese martial arts in a talk show. He described traditional Chinese martial arts as "extremely ugly like fighting Wang Baquan" when it comes to free fighting, which immediately caused strong dissatisfaction among martial arts enthusiasts.

They believe that Liang Hongda, as a public figure, should be cautious in his words and deeds, rather than arbitrarily belittling and denigrating traditional martial arts. The turmoil not only tarnished Liang's image, but also sparked a wide discussion about the relationship between traditional martial arts and modern martial arts.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

Inappropriate remarks about the revolutionary forefathers

If questioning traditional martial arts is just a small test, then Liang Hongda's inappropriate remarks about his revolutionary ancestors have completely pushed him into the abyss of public opinion.

According to reports, Liang Hongda made inappropriate remarks about heroes such as Lei Feng and Jiao Yulu many times in the show, and even said that Lei Feng was posing for the limelight. These remarks have seriously hurt the feelings of the people and violated the moral bottom line of society. For a while, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and Liang Hongda was pushed to the forefront.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

Slandering the martyrs sparked public outrage

As public opinion continued to ferment, the official also intervened in the matter. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the People's Liberation Army Daily, and other heavyweight units have spoken out one after another, condemning Liang Hongda's act of slandering the heroes and martyrs.

Liang Hongda's show was quickly taken off the shelves, and his career came to a standstill. This incident not only made Liang Hongda's personal image plummet, but also once again reminded public figures of the sense of responsibility and bottom-line awareness they should have when making speeches.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

Regarding this controversial event, the audience has gradually changed from the initial mentality of eating melons to a boycott of Liang Hongda. They all said that Liang Hongda's humor and sharpness were the reason why they liked him, but now he seems to have lost himself and become unabashed and open-mouthed. The audience no longer bought it, and chose to leave the stage that once brought them joy.

The controversy over Liang Hongda has brought us deep reflection. As a public figure, freedom of speech is important, but it is even more important to be responsible for your words and actions.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

While pursuing unique perspectives and attracting attention, social morality and public sentiment cannot be neglected. Liang Hongda's experience teaches us that no matter what position you are in, you must maintain a humble and cautious attitude in order to earn the respect and trust of others.

Today, Liang Hongda has gradually faded out of the public eye. But his story is still worth remembering and reflecting on. In this era of information explosion, each of us must always remind ourselves: if you say too much, you will lose, and the wise man should be cautious when he speaks.

Lao Liang, a "generation of iron mouth", has disappeared for 7 years and has embarked on a "road of no return"!

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