
Why do gynaecological diseases recur? Experts will answer for you, women's health protection battle

author:Teacher Zhu of the Department of Gynecology

In the field of women's health, recurrent gynecological conditions often cause distress and anxiety to patients. Whether it's inflammatory diseases such as vaginitis, cervicitis, or more serious diseases such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, these issues not only affect quality of life, but can also have a profound impact on fertility and overall health. Why do these gynaecological conditions recur? How can it be effectively prevented and treated? This article will be answered in detail by experts and take you to understand the battle to protect women's health.

Why do gynaecological diseases recur? Experts will answer for you, women's health protection battle

Why are gynecological diseases prone to recurrence?

Recurrent gynecological diseases are often the result of a combination of factors. Here are a few common reasons:

1. Bacterial and fungal infections

Inflammatory diseases such as vaginitis and cervicitis are often caused by bacterial or fungal infections. These pathogens may not be completely cleared during treatment or may recur when the body is less resistant. For example, neglecting sexual partner treatment may lead to the possibility of reinfection in the partner, which is one of the reasons why vaginal infections are not easily eradicated.

2. Abnormal immune system function

The health of the immune system is essential to prevent the onset of the disease. If the immune system is impaired or insufficient, the body's resistance is weakened, and it is easy for pathogens to find space to survive, leading to recurrent attacks. Certain gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome are strongly associated with immune dysfunction.

3. Lifestyle and environmental factors

Poor lifestyle habits and environmental factors may also affect gynaecological health. For example, long-term use of antibiotics, excessive cleansing care, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, and excessive stress can all disrupt the microbiome balance of the vagina and cervix, increase the risk of infection and inflammation, and make gynaecological diseases difficult to cure.

4. Heredity and individual differences

Genetic factors play an important role in certain gynaecological diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Some women may have congenital defects in the functioning of their immune and reproductive systems due to genetic factors, making them more susceptible to gynaecological diseases and more difficult to cure.

5. Treatment and adherence to the doctor's instructions

Incorrect or incomplete treatment is a common cause of recurrent gynecological disorders. Patients may not be completely cleared of the pathogen or at increased risk of recurrence because they did not use the drug exactly as recommended by their doctor during treatment, or because they did not perform the necessary follow-up tests and tests after treatment.

Why do gynaecological diseases recur? Experts will answer for you, women's health protection battle

How can I prevent the recurrence of gynecological diseases?

While recurrent episodes of gynecological diseases are a common problem, the frequency and severity of their occurrence can be effectively reduced with a few effective preventive measures:

1. Maintain good habits

A regular routine, a balanced and nutritious diet, moderate exercise, and a good mental state are essential for maintaining the immune system and overall health. Avoiding over-cleansing, frequent use of antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs is an important part of protecting the body's microbiome.

2. Pay attention to personal hygiene and sexual health

Proper personal hygiene and healthy sexual practices can be effective in preventing vaginal and cervical infections. Measures such as using safe sexual health products, avoiding frequent changes in detergents and detergents, and choosing a sanitary napkin that is appropriate for the individual can reduce the risk of infection.

3. Regular physical examinations and screenings

Regular gynaecological examinations and screenings can help detect and treat underlying diseases early. Regular cervical cytology (Pap smear), gynecological ultrasound, endometrial biopsy, etc. can help detect potential lesions and problems.

4. Rational use of drug treatment

If you have a gynecological disease, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescription and recommendations, and do not change the dosage or stop the drug at will. At the same time, pay attention to the side effects and possible long-term effects of the drug, communicate with the doctor in time and adjust the treatment plan.

5. Respond positively and manage stress

Long-term mental stress may weaken immune system function and increase the risk of infection and inflammation. Therefore, actively coping with the stress of life and work, releasing stress through exercise, rest, socializing, etc., can help maintain the health of the body.

Why do gynaecological diseases recur? Experts will answer for you, women's health protection battle

Prevention and treatment strategies for common gynecologic diseases

Prevention and treatment strategies vary slightly for different gynaecological diseases:

1. Vaginitis and cervicitis

Vaginitis and cervicitis are often caused by bacterial, fungal, or viral infections, and prevention includes maintaining personal hygiene, avoiding excessive cleaning, and using antibiotics correctly. Treatment should be based on the specific pathogen and the appropriate antibiotic or antifungal should be selected and treatment should be complete.

2. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic disease, and prevention focuses on early detection and treatment. For patients with milder pain symptoms, symptoms can be relieved with medication and lifestyle changes. For patients with severe symptoms or those that affect fertility, surgical intervention may be required to remove ectopic endometrial tissue.

3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is prevented and treated through lifestyle modifications, including weight control, regular exercise, and a healthy diet. Your doctor may recommend oral contraceptives to regulate the cycle and reduce androgen levels. In addition, for patients who wish to have children, further fertility assistance therapy may be required.

4. Other gynecological problems

For other common gynecological problems such as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts, prevention strategies include regular physical examinations and ultrasonography for early detection and timely treatment. Treatment may be based on the specific circumstances of drug therapy, surgical intervention, or monitoring and observation.

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