
There are predictions from high-ranking people, and it is not surprising that in 2025, the following things may happen

author:Wind Pavilion

From involution to lying flat, from high housing prices to low housing prices, from having more children to late marriage and late childbearing, or even not marrying and having children, etc., some changes are in our expectations, and some are unexpected. One thing is certain, however, that the continuous development of society is a process of constant change.

Some predict that, not surprisingly, in 2025, the following things may happen!

There are predictions from high-ranking people, and it is not surprising that in 2025, the following things may happen

There may be more and more deposits in the bank, but the corresponding deposit interest rate should be lower and lower.

Judging from the published data, the per capita deposit in the first quarter of this year has been as high as 110,000, but there are so many deposits, and many people are still not very willing to spend, which is enough to show that the wealth gap between people is really large.

Now that housing prices are falling, tenants are no longer speculating, and there are many people who will lose money in stock speculation in 2023, so many people are not speculating in stocks now. Therefore, if you don't speculate in stocks or houses, then the people who take the money to deposit in the bank may change a lot.

The key is that if there are more and more deposits in the bank, people will not take out their money for consumption, which will be difficult to drive the economy. Therefore, it should be a high probability to reduce the deposit rate.

However, if you want to drive the economy to drive consumption, it is not very effective to just reduce interest rates, and it is more important to narrow the wealth gap between people, so that people also have money in their pockets, so that everyone will be more willing to spend.

There are predictions from high-ranking people, and it is not surprising that in 2025, the following things may happen

We say that if we go to war, the population will decrease rapidly, but judging from our current situation, even if we don't go to war, it will not be long before the population will be greatly reduced.

The three-child policy has long been implemented, but there are really not many families around me who are willing to have three children. Of course, it's not to blame that young people don't want to have children, but because of various reasons, it does lead to many people not wanting to have more.


  1. Housing prices are too high, not only affecting the marriage rate, but also the fertility rate. Because they can't afford to buy a house, some people can't get married, and the housing prices are so high, if they are burdened with a mortgage, they don't dare to have so many children, for fear that they can't afford to raise them.
  2. With more and more college students having more and more academic qualifications, and the value is constantly depreciating, what do poor families rely on to cross the class? As a parent, if you feel that your child is likely to suffer when she is born, then you don't want to give birth very much.
  3. Giving birth to a boy is already quite worried when the child marries a daughter-in-law in the future, if it is still a boy, but when the child gets married in the future, the parents are under a lot of pressure.
There are predictions from high-ranking people, and it is not surprising that in 2025, the following things may happen

The phenomenon of rotten behavior may be more common, not only at work, but also in life, marriage or other aspects.

I always feel that the new crown epidemic in those three years is like a dividing line, and before those three years, many people worked hard to involute. Since three years later, it seems that more and more people feel that they are lying flat and rotten.

This kind of lying flat does not only refer to work, such as marriage, there are actually quite a lot of people who lie flat and lie down. In the past, many people had to marry wives even if they emptied their families, even if they smashed the pot and sold iron, or even if they wanted to borrow money, but now some men have been rotten about marriage and are not so willing to meet so many high requirements. Even some men are a little too lazy to chase girls, let alone married, and they don't want to go on a blind date.

Of course, not only in terms of marriage, in fact, there are also people who are bad in life, and sometimes I envy the kind of people who enjoy it in time, after all, the first bitterness may not be sweet, but the first sweetness, the sweetness has indeed been tasted.

There are predictions from high-ranking people, and it is not surprising that in 2025, the following things may happen

People in the future may not like to do a lot of things when they get married.

In the past, no matter how poor you were, as long as you got married, you would basically have a big banquet, set up a dozen or twenty tables, and those with many relatives and friends would even put up twenty or thirty tables, which was really lively.

However, when people get married now, many people don't like to set up banquets very much. Because the better everyone is, the more painful they feel, and they don't want to do so many troublesome things, after all, it is very tiring to set up a banquet, the key is that if people bless it, they will be blessed in their hearts, and it will not affect whether they are blessed or not because you set up a banquet or not.

What's more, there are quite a lot of divorced people now, and some people don't want to be known when they get married, so they are afraid that if they get divorced at that time, it will be a little embarrassing. So slowly pursue simplification, how to be low-key.

There are predictions from high-ranking people, and it is not surprising that in 2025, the following things may happen

Not only are there many brick-and-mortar stores that have gone out of business, but there should also be a lot of e-commerce merchants that have gone out of business.

Some people say that e-commerce has robbed physical store customers, so slowly many physical stores have begun to go out of business, and e-commerce has indeed robbed some physical store customers to a certain extent, but now it seems that e-commerce is not so good.

Many businesses are also fighting price wars, and they are also rolling in, the prices are getting cheaper and cheaper, and the profits are naturally getting lower and lower. Although e-commerce does not have shop rent, the traffic promotion cost of e-commerce is also very expensive.

Nowadays, many people lament that money is not easy to make, so everyone's willingness to consume may not be so high, and in this case, e-commerce may become more and more difficult to do.