
I've been smoking for five years, and I would like to give you 10 words to quit

author:Wind Pavilion

There are a lot of smokers nowadays, not just men, but also some women. Once you become addicted to smoking, it's not so easy to quit. But there are people who can quit smoking successfully.

I've been quitting smoking for 5 years, 10 words for anyone who wants to quit!

I've been smoking for five years, and I would like to give you 10 words to quit

Smoking is also considered a habit, and it is replaced by another habit.

For people who have not smoked for a long time, the reason why they keep smoking is sometimes just a habit, because it is not so easy to change once a habit is formed. But it's one thing to not be able to change, we can replace that habit with another habit. In other words, if you don't smoke when you want to, you can chew gum or do something else, and slowly replace the habit of smoking with other habits.

Many things are done in stages, not in one step, if you want to quit smoking, you can continue to smoke less, smoke less to a certain extent, and then start not smoking.

Some people have a very heavy addiction to smoking, and they need one or two packs of cigarettes a day, and it is simply unrealistic to quit smoking if they suddenly quit smoking. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke first, for example, from one or two packs a day to one pack a day, and then reduce it to half a pack a day, and continue to reduce it slowly. By that time, the craving for cigarettes was not so serious. Then start to quit, so that the probability of success will be a little greater.

I've been smoking for five years, and I would like to give you 10 words to quit

Many people who quit smoking have had several failures, including me, and the most important thing is to be able to start over after failure.

Sometimes I borrowed it for 10 days and half a month and didn't smoke it, but because I was more annoyed, or because I wanted to smoke it again because of something. To be honest, it doesn't matter if you fail, many people quit smoking like this, and they fail several times. But as long as we persevere, start again after failure, and start again after failure, our addiction to smoking will become lighter and lighter, and one day we will quit.

If you really plan to quit smoking, no matter what kind of occasion it is, don't take it from the person you give it, and even if you do, don't pick it up.

Especially for men, it is inevitable that there will be times when we need to socialize or go out to drink with friends, and sometimes many people smoke, so there may be people who hand us cigarettes. If we really plan to quit smoking, then it's better not to take it, and even if it's hard to refuse, it's better not to light the next one.

I've been smoking for five years, and I would like to give you 10 words to quit

I left money for food, so that even if I became addicted to smoking, I didn't have the money to buy it if I wanted to.

In this world, no matter what you do, it's good, if you don't have money, even if you want to do it, there is a high probability that you won't do it. For example, if you quit smoking, you may want to buy it again in the process of quitting. But if we can keep only the money for food every day, then we won't have the money to buy cigarettes even if we want to, so we have to continue to endure it.

In fact, sometimes settling accounts can also help us quit smoking.

Smoking is actually a very expensive behavior, for example, now that everyone's living standards have improved, the price of cigarettes seems to be quite expensive. Look at the cigarettes smoked by many people around me, basically about 20 yuan a pack, just calculate it according to a pack of cigarettes a day, that day is 20 yuan, 365 days a year is more than 7,000 yuan, 10 years is not more than 70,000 yuan. Although you may not be able to save this money if you don't smoke, it is actually good to use this money to improve your life.

I've been smoking for five years, and I would like to give you 10 words to quit

Involve family members in supervision.

If you don't have supervision by yourself, you may not be able to persevere in some things, so it would be better if you could let your family supervise together. But you can also set some rewards and punishments, what you can get rewarded, what you can't punish, and so on.

Regardless of whether you can quit smoking or not, try not to smoke in front of your family, to be honest.

Because the smell of second-hand smoke in the family is also very harmful, whether it is for your own health or for the health of your family, it is one thing to quit yourself, but even if you can't quit, try not to smoke in front of your family.

In particular, it is best not to smoke in the bedroom, otherwise the whole bedroom will smell of smoke. Whether it's your daughter-in-law or your own children, if you smell these cigarettes all day long, it's really not good.

I've been smoking for five years, and I would like to give you 10 words to quit

There are many ways to quit smoking, and sometimes it's not that you can't quit, but that you haven't found the right way yet.

Many things are different from person to person, because everyone's situation is different, so different methods will have different effects on different people. In the same way, some people succeed in quitting smoking, while others do not. So if you've tried a lot but still can't quit, then you might as well change the way.

Try to adjust your mentality and don't let yourself be so sad.

I've found that we don't seem to want to smoke so much when we're happy, but we prefer to smoke when we're worried. Therefore, if you want to quit smoking, try to adjust your mentality, make yourself as happy as possible, and don't be sad all day long.